[ ` Complications are ******** ridiculous - ' ]

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I'm Thomas.
And I..
Am ridiculously awesome.
Have many nick names.
Remember pointless things.
Am a gamer (..not really kicking the habit)
Never have smoked, and never will.
Too frequently miss the Big Picture.
Have wicked poofy/awesome/sex hair.
Am quite reliant on spewing pointless s**t.
Am pretty rad.
Am interested in retro things.
Have absolutely no idea what i'm doing.

Enjoy the thought of a perfect future in adulthood.
Am quite possibly going to live in a Loft in Canada.
Am in college, focusing on computer nerd-abilities

am miserable most of the time.

Read, Write, Act, and Sing.
Have a cellphone, with infinite text and about as many minutes.
Happens to find Sex something I could live without.
Agrees with these few quotes;
"Feelings are Boring, Kissing is Awesome!"
"Failure is just Success Rounded Down."
"Question. What kind of bear is best?"
"That's a ridiculous question, False. Black Bear."
( Two of these are obvious, the others, not so much. Regardless, if you know them, add me, you marvelous person. )
Would love to know how to play the Piano and Violin.
Am still pretty amazing.
Likes to talk.
Has a knack for solving mysteries.
Is an Artist, and a Musician in training.
Am nineteen years young.
Only accept gifts on my birthday.
Am inconsistently consistent.
Cherish friendship.