
Howdy! Alright, that's silly. No one actually says "Howdy" in Texas. At least, not that I've ever seen.

My name is Esther King and I'm a werecougar. I've been called a werelion and a werepanther, which would be closer to the truth, but I'm a cougar. There are many sorts of beast-folk in the world, the largest group are the wolves. They're probably also the craziest during the full moon, too, unfortunately. Cats like me go crazy, but nothing is remotely close to how crazy the poor wolves get.

I love romance novels. The cheesier the better. heart I love making beaded jewelry also. heart I also work with computers. Apple is fine, but PCs are what I prefer to work with.

Also, I love my man. Jack is the greatest this cat ever could wish for. heart heart heart