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I T ' S O F F I C I A L
❝Milky leaves GaiaOnline.❞

Hai and welcome.

This is not a 'Goodbye' but a 'Farewell'
or a 'See you later'. It is sad, but yeah
is official I'm leaving GaiaOnline because
life is more demanding every day that goes by.

Still I have to THANK greatly this place for
giving me the opportunity to meet great and
marvelous people that until today are still my
'Gaia pals' and though I never had seen them or
met them personally, they sure gave me hell of
a good time around here, what I actually wanted.

I hope this place keeps up for long, so when I
turn 60 I come back and see if my avatar has
gotten as old and wrinkly as myself. LoL! XP

For now the mighty 'Wise sensei'
Estimated Milky Shot is gone to resolve
the turmoils ahead of her adult life...

You can add me on MSN:
Estimated_Milky_Shots@hotmail.com User Image


[ 아니 누구라도 예술가가 될 수도 있지만 작가는 어디서나 구할 수있는 ]
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~ S i m p l y. v2*

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