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Kaito Koizumi's avatar

Report | 08/28/2010 11:43 am

Kaito Koizumi


I BE SUPER SORRY!!!!! I've been super busy in school that I barely notice my profile!!!!! I seriously need to take a break sweatdrop Last week I went to Vegas for a 15 so I couldn't use my computer!!! gonk Yeah I broke that rule big time and made it a two week rule!!!!!!!!!! I am sorry and no it's not ok that I answered this late. What has been going through your mind!!!! lol Yeah exactly I hate that! Yesterday one of my good friends told me that she begged her ex boyfriend to take her back!! I was like WTF??? BEGGG??? I would never beg for something like that. So it turns out that he takes her back and then he treats her like s**t! I was like ok and then she told me that she kinda cheated on him with this other boy!! lol and now he's like a jerk but she has apologized like literally a BILLION time and he is still but hurt. She got with this guy because they were in a big fight and they didn't talk for like 2 weeks and this other guy comforted her. Then they made up and she left him for the real boyfriend!! and I am just like WTF???????? So her current BF is treating her like s**t and she doesn't know what to do!! I would just dump that jerk!!! What do you think?

lol yeah they do but it's all fixed now!!! sweatdrop
Magira_Blind-Mag's avatar

Report | 08/18/2010 12:28 pm


LOL. Yeah I was commenting all the avatars I liked so I could get the achievement, but it didn't work. sweatdrop I know how that is though, but I love changing my avatar so it's like habit.
Magira_Blind-Mag's avatar

Report | 08/18/2010 2:43 am


Love you avi.
Jerichothe1's avatar

Report | 08/17/2010 8:47 pm


copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich
Kaito Koizumi's avatar

Report | 08/17/2010 5:18 pm

Kaito Koizumi

lol sorry I took long sweatdrop Yeah he was really persistant! whee And he was being so stupid that afternoon by pretending that nothing happened!!! scream Yeah I would never be mean to you like how I am to these dumb people!! xp Definately, there is a big ol' gap between like and love! hehehehs Awww!! Thanks, lol sweatdrop I think I am great the way I am too and I don't have to change for anything or anyone! xd Yeah, I don't have my phone either and people are like "I called you and you didn't pick up" lol I am like, " I don't have meh phone sorry sweatdrop "

OMGosh school is such a pain in the first two days!! stressed they put me in photography when I told them to put me in drawing and then I am like ALRGIHT!! lol do the opposite of what I say ahahahahs But I get to hang out with my friends and junk so it's pretty fun!! hahahahahs LOL the first day way mehh!! xd it's just like any other day although my AP US History teacher scares us into leaving her class but I am not going anywhere!! lol
Magira_Blind-Mag's avatar

Report | 08/13/2010 8:08 pm


I missed you too. Well that's good. We really need to hang out again before school starts. My computer's saying I have a virus and my stupid virus protection isn't fixing it and dad even went through the system restore and it's still messed up. Grr! I would've replied sooner but I couldn't stressed I'm glad you got your phone. And we're talking again yea! xd
Magira_Blind-Mag's avatar

Report | 08/13/2010 7:16 pm


ARGGG! stupid gaia didn't even show me that I had a message from you. Pissed me off. I've missed you so much! I'm sorry your phone isn't working. I've been texting you everyday in hopes that it was fixed but I never got a reply. cry I haven't done anything all week. You know you can always just drop by for lunch. You don't have to warn me.
kookoro-tokki's avatar

Report | 08/11/2010 2:53 pm


Kaito Koizumi's avatar

Report | 08/11/2010 1:10 pm

Kaito Koizumi

Yeah lol it's way better than the past 2 and a half weeks! xp lol last night my brother and I were talking about how "mean" I was to EVERYONE until like 4am lol that's like 7am your time! I think confused Anyways, he was saying how I was "mean" to everyone and I was like WTH? EVERYONE!! lol I am not mean to any of my friends! lol I've never been mean to you or anyone online that was nice to me!!! lol and then he changed it to that I was mean to my family and I was like ok! lol whatever! rolleyes and then I was like well even if you tell me that I am the meanest person in the whole world it's not going to change anything and I am still going to be mean! lol I have 8 cousins in total out of those 8 I am mean to only 2! lol that's not the whole family..... and then when I point out that he was mean to 4 out of 8 he got all mad and defensive!! lol He has to learn that with me you can't win an arugument like that! It's funny though, no one has ever one an argument with me when I know I am right! Even if I am 50% correct I still win! lol bbut if I know I am wrong I admit it, it's not going to kill me lol! OOO New Mexico how fun!!! lol

I know right I have 4 books to read by next week so I am reading my butt off! lol sweatdrop Although the book that I am reading now is really interesting and I am enjoying it! lol Yeah that's true twisted

Hhahahahs that's funny I would have done the same and if I got really pissed no one would ever say it ever again!! lol evil

lol hooray!! hhehehs That's good I am going to school this coming monday and I am kinda nervous! xp sweatdrop
Pucelle's avatar

Report | 08/09/2010 7:15 pm


thx for the price heart o heart
Malta_Elvoret's avatar

Report | 08/09/2010 7:14 pm


Thanks for the sell. Anytime you're selling Red, Blue, or Green ink drop me a line.
Magira_Blind-Mag's avatar

Report | 08/09/2010 6:16 pm


okay I'm sorry I missed you're call last night and by the time I got it it was too late. And I thought you left your phone at home so I didn't text you, and now it's messed up... I'm glad you enjoyed it. xd I'm okay. Pissed off cause my schedules still ******** up so I have to go in tomorrow and get it cleared up. twisted Haven't done much. What'd you think about Tureblood. Freakin Bill and sookie piss me off. She was so close to geting with wolfman and they'd be a better couple. Grr.
Magira_Blind-Mag's avatar

Report | 08/09/2010 6:02 pm


Hey what's up? How was your vacation?
Kaito Koizumi's avatar

Report | 08/05/2010 6:46 pm

Kaito Koizumi

LOL ahahahs I know it has been a hectic week. I went to my school yesterday and I got my schedule, books and locker lol I only got 2 books but my brother got 5 books, and they weren't light!! lol ahahahs It was funny! lol He was struggling to walk back to the car and he almost tripped! xd It was a sight to see!! lol OMG! That's cool! I hope you have fun on your trip to whatever you're going?? sweatdrop

lol it's like the week after! Well it's still rigth around the corner but I am kinda glad I am going back, I miss my friends and I miss keeping myself busy with HW!! lol Although sometimes I hate it. This whole summer has really fun but a bit boring at times sweatdrop Is that weird??

True, it's not your money anyways! lol

Yeah I know karma is a b***h but I don't dwell much on the past like some people do. Besides, I am really glad that they did that because now I know how they are really like and it won't hurt much if not at all doing the same to them! sweatdrop lol that sounded a bit evil! Well anyways, now I know that I am not living in their charade! Yeah they left yesterday so everything is slowly going bakc to normal.

There should be but there's no law against it so it's like whatever! Either way, at least you are with the people you love, right??

Yeah I know some girls can be faker than cheep plastic! They really are and I can't believe they think that they are popular and actually have dominion over people!! It's really annoying and a BIG turn off in my opinion! Yeah of course, personality really matters to me as well and I believe that there should be more people that have great personalities! ahahs

Hahahahs, you'd be richer than Bill Gates!! ahahahs it's funny though, because now that I pay attention to how many times people say 'dude' it's way more annoying! whee

Oh it's ok, I am fine thanks for asking!! sweatdrop Seeing that you are out of town I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't get back to me until next week! lol How are you? Anything going on lately?
millerlite7's avatar

Report | 08/05/2010 5:00 pm


hay kyrista biggrin
Kaito Koizumi's avatar

Report | 07/31/2010 10:08 pm

Kaito Koizumi

Yeah it's ok! lol I start school the 16th of August so I won't be on that much anymore T~T!!!! Although I will still get on!! hehehehs lol

Yeah that's what I've been noticing lately!! lol people just fall for everything! WTF????????? 50 BUCKS???? That is totally not fair, I am not going to be a broke dad on my special day!! just because the chuch says so!!! That's super stupid and I would never do it! Yeah I know I would be like I am good with you just saying happy father's day! lol Yeah I would say the same thing to them lol xd Hahhahahs then you can put it on youtube! xp

It's a little better like a smidge but I still want them out! I really do HATE THEM, they are just all naive and don't think so! They cause soooooooooooooooooooooo many problems for my mom and when we needed them most they ALL turned their backs at my parents, my brother and me!! Although my hate for them isn't wasted on just me hating them and then me doing little things to make their lives miserable! I move on with my life and one day they will realize their mistakes....... hopefully. sweatdrop Thanks!

hahahahs lol yeah like my brother!! REALLY?? I mean I know that their are some people that don't have what I have but from all my friends that I've had and all the people that I've met there are quite a bit but I don't consider it rare! maybe that's just me.... confused

Hhahahs yeah eyes and hair are definately a plus!! lol Yeah OMG!! I hate hypocrits too!!! they really piss me off!!!!!!! Yeah guys tend to do that a lot and it's pretty annoying!! lol Hahahahahs that's funny I've never heard that one before. Physical feats have to be definately eyes like I said before, hair, and an ok body, you can't be anorexic but you can't be like obese either! lol What drives me insane is when . . . lets say I say something and I don't mean it in a bad way and then she twists it into me saying she's something COMPLETELY opposite from what I meant to say just rives me crazy, what I do like is sensitivity that a girl has. I don't want a girl to be emotionless!! lol Yep, me too!!

OMG yes, I hate that word too!! it's stupid and it makes you sound immature!!! gonk Another word I hate is tubular, it has the same effect as dude to me!! lol There are other but that is hte only one I can come up with!
millerlite7's avatar

Report | 07/31/2010 11:23 am


hey whats up??
Kaito Koizumi's avatar

Report | 07/27/2010 2:13 pm

Kaito Koizumi

It's ok lol It has been a really hectic week and I don;t like it! How's that going?? Where are you sleeping!! hahahs yeah I will get to you too in 2 days! lol I am here too and also ready to write essays!! 3nodding xd

LOL hahahahs that's hilarious adn I think that those people just don't like seeing the truth!!! That's really funny though, I never go to church with my friends because we are from different religions and I really don't like church!! heh sweatdrop Oh I know that's super stupid it's like even if you got to church like once a monthyou will be able to see the baby in like the 2nd trimester!! lol and then you just pop out with a month old baby and they think that he's yours!! lol THAT'S RICH! rofl Yeah that's for sure!! lol I would probably want to meet a dragon!!! You??

It's two of my aunts, one of my aunt's husdband their daughter and son and the other aunts daughter!! and then it's my mom, dad, bro and me!! It's like 10 million people!!! I hate it sooo mcuh and I wich it could just end!lol I just want to go to sleep until next monday!! lol that's when they leave me the heck alone!! the son is 4months so you know that's horrible! one of htem is 11 and the other is 12/13 I forget!! lol hehs sweatdrop OH JEEBUS I just hate them all!! Making my like more miserable than it already is! scream gonk Omgosh!! did you get offended?? Are you going to ger back with him or no?? Well atleast your week is over I still have 6 more days left including today!! lol

It's ok I understand!! I don't like when htey hover over me either and then htey ask what are you writing or what's that?? lol Well I am glad that you are enjoying a babeh!! lol Yeah gone to mexico for a year. . . . well not really regret anymore because I met two of the BESTEST FRIENDS that I will ever meet!! lol so no not really anything anymore and hopefully not for a while!!Yeah when I went to mexico a lot of people were surprised that me and my brother had the same birth parents and that they weren't divorced!! It's sooo sad because they all found it like a taboo or something and I thought that it was just normal for some people at least!! They have to be NOT stupid! I don't care if you're smarter than me or a little dumber but you can't be stupid retard that just care about looks and popularity!! I really can't stand stupid people, but if you're stupid funny then I might give you a chance!! ahahahs

I asks youz the same questions! lol && then some. What are two physical features that you look at in a guy?? Name 3-5 things that you just can stand about men?? Do you hate people who don't know how to take a joke??
Magira_Blind-Mag's avatar

Report | 07/24/2010 6:27 pm


Um... Well you can't really post yet in ghost. I'll let you know when the time passes and they're at the orphanage. Things have changed for the children... Do you remember your character Mamoru? Post with him doing anything and I'll get you back into it alright.
Magira_Blind-Mag's avatar

Report | 07/24/2010 6:15 pm


LOL. Nice. So how's you doin?
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