
If you're on here, that means you must be interested in me. Hello strangers!

For now, I do not have much to say so bear with me, okay?

I'm new here as you may have guessed but don't mistake me for being young. I'm older than some and younger than others. Go ahead and guess to what that means but I don't feel up to telling that or my name either. You can call me what you want just not "ever". You people need to be more original...

I'm an American citizen - always have been and hopefully always will be.

I'm a nice person but I will tell you if I don't like you or if you're being a b***h. Maybe I'll even ignore you. Basically, all I'm saying is to not get on my bad side, okay? I'm a nice understanding person; or, at least, I think I am.

I'm a literate roleplayer for anyone who is interested. Don't coming running to me asking to roleplay if you don't have an idea, cannot write at least one good paragraph, have grammar skill matching that of an American high schooler or higher (which, yes, I am an American. I'm not saying you have toe be an American... I just don't want someone who is just learning our English language or struggling to do so. Sorry.), and I do not do yaoi, yuri, only het. Thanks.

Well, for now, I think that's it. Anything else? I'll put that in later...




Viewing 6 of 6 comments.

xX Starless Sky Xx

Report | 04/17/2011 2:13 pm

xX Starless Sky Xx

Um Okay.
xX Starless Sky Xx

Report | 04/17/2011 1:42 pm

xX Starless Sky Xx

They don't need to fit YOUR personality. That's the fun of roleplaying. A skilled roleplayer can play any character and any personality.
xX Starless Sky Xx

Report | 04/17/2011 1:36 pm

xX Starless Sky Xx

Okay. (:
xX Starless Sky Xx

Report | 04/17/2011 1:23 pm

xX Starless Sky Xx

It says Reserved right under the the character thing.
Also, the person who reserved it hadn't found the picture they wanted to use. As stated in the Application form, you don't need the picture right away
Other reserved characters might have a picture up though. You just gotta look for the purple/bolded RESERVED.
xX Starless Sky Xx

Report | 04/17/2011 12:27 pm

xX Starless Sky Xx

xX Starless Sky Xx

Report | 04/17/2011 12:22 pm

xX Starless Sky Xx

The Roleplay? The ooc is all up, so anyone can join now.