
I've just finished off the Host. By Stephenie Meyer. It.....is....AMAZING!!!! GAHHH! *dies*...*dies some more* I LURRVVVE it! I've ranted about it in so many other places I almost don't feel like listing the fact that it's so different from Twilight yet the wiriting style feels like home.

Age: 1 24-34 86-400....Divided by the square root of pi (or pie if you prefer that!) and there you go!

Obsession(ATM): Watching the Twilight movie.....I need it to be December 12th already dammit!!!!!!*rips out hair* Also read the last book in the series.....

Song stuck in my head(ATM): Anything AAR..

Current music spilling from my stereo:Nothing

Favorite book: There are many well written books out there. Like A Series of Unfortunate Events, LEMONY YOU ROCK MY POLKA DOT SOCKS! And The Twilight series and the Host by the same author and the Harry P books. (They're all series cause they're so damn good they had to be longer...except The Host cause it's amazing by itself). Can you imagine all that awesomeness in only one book! Unthought of!So I don't really have you fav book at the moment.

Current book(s) I'm reading(that probably kicks some major a**): Shizuko's daughter. Sad. But good.

Favorite manga/anime at the moment:
I'm fantasizing about Kaname and this character I made up from a story I'm planning (But will never write down because I'm horrible to myself).So I'd say Vampire Knight. By my all time fav. is Full Metal Alchemist. It has a kickass plot and the drawing is awesome. I love ED! But I digress.

-Knitting (Finished some birthday presents and won't have to do anymore for a while YAY!)
-Day dreaming(preferably during a boring or unliked class...*cough cough* bio and math*cough*
-Drawing(can this be classified as a hobby? More like a thing I do badly every once in a while...yea)
-being bad at math
-getting a frikin A in ENGLISH!!!! HELL YES! I love myself sometimes.
-thinking(About the world and stuff....and why winterball costs damn near $100.)
-Roleplaying....otherwise known as Rp.
I've been on a long hiatus but I'm willing to rp with a literate person..*bats eyelashes* Pwease? I'm tired of searching for someone but I'm extremely picky and timid, which not a good combo at all.

Any other stuff you should know:
Umm I suppose I should say my social security number too right? But I heard it was bad to hand it out....but nahh!!!!
Jk. lol. I know not funny but I try atleast. I create MANY MANY MANY(ooohhhh I broke out the capitals!) awkward silences with friends which are quickly followed by laughter and a teacher asking us to SHUT UP!
I've written too much about myself..UGHHHH! I'm so wordy.
Also people call me penguin so if you'd like to call me by that name and not my rather wordy username you're welcome to.


Viewing 12 of 29 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/12/2021 12:55 pm



Report | 03/27/2009 7:53 pm


i will hate, as long as i live i will fight the power of the cow tht is santa!~

Report | 03/27/2009 6:04 pm


santa cow? really? santa cow? r u on crack? seriously? santa cow? christmas was like 4 months ago. c'mon seriously?

Report | 03/25/2009 4:30 pm


muahahahahha yello krista!!!!!!!!! muahahahhahahaha bow down to the awesomeness tht is my avatar. muahahahahah devil imps own a**!

Report | 11/15/2008 8:24 am


wassup Penguin-chan! XD
Helm of Demonica

Report | 11/07/2008 3:48 pm

Helm of Demonica

I eats your hair! -Chomps on head-

Report | 09/27/2008 11:10 am


tnx for buying at my shop User Image
Helm of Demonica

Report | 09/19/2008 1:31 pm

Helm of Demonica

Cool. I never knew you were into tennis. And yes, they both are very much so... lawl!
Helm of Demonica

Report | 09/16/2008 1:29 pm

Helm of Demonica

Thanks! User Image
Helm of Demonica

Report | 08/04/2008 3:49 pm

Helm of Demonica

Why are you dressed like a hussy?


User Image