
Hai, my name is Cheyenne. I'm 15, a Scene Kid, I <3 Dinosaurs, Rainbow's Panda's and Music <3 Especially BOTDF Day Ish My fav. Band. Dahvie is pretty much my IDOL <3 I'm generally a nice person but if you get on my bad side then u have a problem >:O I'm mostly random and when it comes to conversation's i say random s**t xD I like to meet new people and randomly walk up to strangers and say HAI :3 I HEART MUFFINS WITH CHOCO CHIPS > biggrin i have the best Bf in the world, he means everything to me and if you mess with me or if you mess with him you ******** DEAD. Oh! and he bought me dis amazing avi <3 If you wanna know anything else about me just PM me i don't bite xD THE END biggrin