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^Hades standing on the skulls of the possessed ^

Exorcism, the act of removing a second spirit from the body of another human being. In most cases a demon is thrown into the body of another being by Hades god of the underworld. Between the beginning of time after the Greek empire and the now the rate of demons has drastically increased. Within 200 years of the fall of troy the possessions had skyrocketed to a point were we could no longer simply kill those possessed, and so we turned to a new method. The black cross was created by five knights and the god king Archelies, these five knights searched for humans who could hold the power of exorcism within there souls. Sadly most beings do not have the will power to survive the power and so very few were chosen, now the small army of exorcists walk the earth hunting for there pray.

Mugan is a high exorcist his research greatly effecting the world of exorcism and his name spread like a gods mysteriously disappeared from the ‘black cross’ after he supposedly fought with Hades himself. Most think he died in that battle but few still have hope that he is somewhere reading himself for the final confrontation. He has earned the name The Black exorcist and the Blood knight due to his legendary battle style and his perfect exorcism record. Now he has returned his research almost at an end he will battle his way to Hades and beyond claming victor over the demons and give freedom to the souls of countless beings.


Three boxes known as 'the Boxes of Orden' have been said in legend to hold the greatest most dangerous game known to man kind. Each box holds a different future, One will kill you upon opening, another will release the keeper of the dead from his chains sweeping an eternal blanket of darkness over the world. And finally the remaining box will make you the ruler of the world with infinite unrivaled power. The choice may seem oviouse but one can never know which box is which making the game very very dangerous, That is were the book of 'Counted Shadows' comes in. The book holds instructions on how to open the right box although the book has been lost for thousands of years and has been thought to be destroyed.

On a stormy night witnesses claim to have seen Bane enter his cathedral holding under his arm three small black boxes that seemed to suck in all the light around them in there terribly black surfaces and the shape of a book swinging from a chain at his belt. That very night words were ushered over the wind as if spoken by the storm itself and for those who listened carefully this is what the words spoke.
"Do you wish to play the game?" asked the unknown voice nether male nor female.
"yes..." said Bane coldly
"What is the name of the player?"
"Bane Rhal.."
"welcome to the game Bane Rhal you have one year to open the correct box"
We fear to admit that it is more then likely that Bane The b*****d has all he needs to rule the world, its bad enough that saying his full name is taboo in most places in the world but now that he has the boxes we dont know quite what to do. We ask that you remain calm and stay inside your houses we have sent our best to locate and attempt to destroy this demon...


Ruler of Egypt for over 200 years he eradicated from the pages of history for what he had done still haunts the minds of men to this very day. When Egypt was at its mightiest they killed and conquered much land, or at least that is what is thought to this day and age. Actually Egypt once held power over the entire world after a dark figure emerged in the political spectrum. ZarZar was thought to be a mystical healer of the dead even brining back those that had been thought of as turned to dust, This ‘healer’ or ‘godly necromancer’ slowly worked his way to the grand position as the right hand man of the Pharaoh. One night the Pharaoh’s son died after a terrible disease and he went to ZarZar pleading for the return of the young mans life. ZarZar told him to think of nothing and then his son would be returned to him, The Pharaoh never thought of anything ever again… It was believed that because a pharaoh was born into the holy position he himself was a god and his flesh and blood just as godly as any of there own gods. ZarZar believed that only the body was godly and after abducting the body of both the son and the pharaoh he himself became twice the god as either of them. After stealing the pharaohs body he stepped out and ordered the army to assemble and told his commanders that it was time to spread there superior culture throughout the planet. All of them cheered him but one, this one was an old magician who knew what ZarZar had done, but instead of risking his own life he watched as the world was coveted in the shadow of ZarZar’s rule secretly training his young disciple to combat ZarZar openly. After a 50 year war ZarZar had the world under his thumb not suspecting the traitor lurking in the dark, By now the people had suspected that ZarZar was truly a god due to his lack of aging and ‘wisdom’ that he spread across the land. On the night that ZarZar had defeated the Christian uprising the young disciple finally finished his training and confronted ZarZar. There Duel lasted 10 days and 10 nights, and then ZarZar fell after a triumphant desprate move from the now most powerful sorcerer to walk the planet hurled his powers at him tearing his soul from his body and locking it in a stone. When ZarZar’s body was found the sorcerer now known as the sorcerer of the White Mountain disappeared. ZarZar was mummified in the Egyptian fashion his body hidden in the center of the planet and the most powerful undead guards were set to guard the body. One-Hundred-Thousand years later the powerful Bane stepped within ZarZar’s halls, killing the guards and setting the soul stone apone ZarZar’s mummified body brining him back to life to once again build his epic empire over the world.

Ruler of Egypt for over 200 years he eradicated from the pages of history for what he had done still haunts the minds of men to this very day. When Egypt was at its mightiest they killed and conquered much land, or at least that is what is thought to this day and age. Actually Egypt once held power over the entire world after a dark figure emerged in the political spectrum. ZarZar was thought to be a mystical healer of the dead even brining back those that had been thought of as turned to dust, This ‘healer’ or ‘godly necromancer’ slowly worked his way to the grand position as the right hand man of the Pharaoh. One night the Pharaoh’s son died after a terrible disease and he went to ZarZar pleading for the return of the young mans life. ZarZar told him to think of nothing and then his son would be returned to him, The Pharaoh never thought of anything ever again… It was believed that because a pharaoh was born into the holy position he himself was a god and his flesh and blood just as godly as any of there own gods. ZarZar believed that only the body was godly and after abducting the body of both the son and the pharaoh he himself became twice the god as either of them. After stealing the pharaohs body he stepped out and ordered the army to assemble and told his commanders that it was time to spread there superior culture throughout the planet. All of them cheered him but one, this one was an old magician who knew what ZarZar had done, but instead of risking his own life he watched as the world was coveted in the shadow of ZarZar’s rule secretly training his young disciple to combat ZarZar openly. After a 50 year war ZarZar had the world under his thumb not suspecting the traitor lurking in the dark, By now the people had suspected that ZarZar was truly a god due to his lack of aging and ‘wisdom’ that he spread across the land. On the night that ZarZar had defeated the Christian uprising the young disciple finally finished his training and confronted ZarZar. There Duel lasted 10 days and 10 nights, and then ZarZar fell after a triumphant desprate move from the now most powerful sorcerer to walk the planet hurled his powers at him tearing his soul from his body and locking it in a stone. When ZarZar’s body was found the sorcerer now known as the sorcerer of the White Mountain disappeared. ZarZar was mummified in the Egyptian fashion his body hidden in the center of the planet and the most powerful undead guards were set to guard the body. One-Hundred-Thousand years later the powerful Bane stepped within ZarZar’s halls, killing the guards and setting the soul stone apone ZarZar’s mummified body brining him back to life to once again build his epic empire over the world.


Viewing 12 of 31 friends


Ragtag Book Of Random Ramblings and Unfinished stories

found in the Barrow of Banes old Church is an old book its pages yellow with age and the words faded, but if looked at by a good eye it is recognizable as banes Journal of events that have taken place in the last few generations of his family.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

X-Summer Storm-X

Report | 01/27/2008 5:12 am

X-Summer Storm-X


Report | 12/12/2007 5:57 pm


Raises an eyebrow.

Father I suppose now is the best time to tell yeh that Demonic has fallen for me, as for me..............I haven't though he is still working on it. Anywho Im gonna use the emergency exit and show the police where it is. Goes towards the exit door, leading a SWAT team officer with me.
Exorcist Mugan

Report | 12/11/2007 6:56 pm

Exorcist Mugan

"AHH!!" is taking beating from moon, "MAGICA!" he yells all the doors shutting and locking magicly "I AINT GOING BACK TO THAT DAMN YAO PRISON! ITS TO DAMN CREEPY THERE!"
Moon Alice Syltheon

Report | 12/09/2007 10:26 pm

Moon Alice Syltheon

Good God, Love! I leave you be for less than a week and you already got a ******** SWAT Team on your a**! *Punishes*

Report | 12/09/2007 3:32 pm


Already has a cell phone out and is calling the cops, laughing at the same time as her father crushes the phone.

Hello? Is this the police? Yes, my father just demolished our house phone because he knows he is neglecting me, and he is currently threatening to kill all of yall.

Lets the police hear you cussing in the background before nodding her head.

Yes, yes, our address is Exorsist Profile Lane Drive. Uh huh, yall will be here in five minutes? Alright, I better hang up now before he demolishes this phone.

Hanging up on the cops they both would hear knocking on the front doorstep after five minutes of her hanging up. Running to the door she would open it and a SWAT team would rush in and surround you.
Exorcist Mugan

Report | 12/08/2007 10:19 am

Exorcist Mugan

"GAHH!" drop kicks the phone demolishing it "NO MORE POLICE I WILL ******** KILL EVERY ONE OF THOSE ********" stomps on the ruined remains of the phone his greaves crushing it to dust

Report | 12/06/2007 3:21 pm


Ends up whipping her father with his own whip.


Runs towards the telephone screaming the word over and over and over again.
Exorcist Mugan

Report | 12/04/2007 5:23 pm

Exorcist Mugan

half asleap his eyes open to a familiar sight "who the hell..." bane stopped reconizing the god "oh so you have returned...master Lucky" he said standing egnoring the two girls and bowing slightly at the tall figure of the lucky sand god. countless belts and baggy pants was all he wore over his sun stained skin. his hair was the color of sand and his twin eyes were incredibly brown

"yes bane, its been a while i see you have looked after the place" moving past bane he sat down in the seat bane had just left (just incase you guys are wondering Lucky was the roleplay i had before i even had the Xxvampire hunterxX file))
Moon Alice Syltheon

Report | 11/24/2007 12:30 pm

Moon Alice Syltheon

((Just to clarify, I call just about everyone that >< Tis how I show affection ^^))

Sits obediently, eyeing the whip with a grin.

Report | 11/24/2007 11:52 am


Walks inside wearing a black wide brimmed hat with tight black pants, black boots, and an armored plate that shows off part of my stomach and back along with part of my arms. The young woman also wore black gloves that have the fingers cut off of them, and a cape that had red embroidery on the inside of it. Raising an eyebrow at the commotion the young woman would grab the whip out of her fathers hand and shake her head.

You really need to learn how to treat your servants, or pets better father. The same goes for your son's. But anywho we can get to that matter later on. How have you been?


Dream Avatar down to 57K already ^__^
Currently saving for
-Sandleather Glamrock Belt - 5007 gold
-Black GetaGRIP Pants - 4000 gold
- scar of the hero - 48K