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experimentrevealed's avatar

Last Login: 08/31/2009 11:15 pm

Registered: 01/25/2007

Gender: Male

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I find its time I reveal an absolute truth reguarding myself and this account.

This account has been used as a psychological experiment in a way.

No, not as in "I wrote a paper on all of you and what you said!" but as in "I'm interested in humanity as a whole. How the mind works, their sexuality, motivation, willingness to believe, their needs to hide themselves or show themselves off, anything and everything."

I've learned much than this. Many lessons which I shall keep to myself. These are simply the obvious ones that I'll pass onto those who continued to read this far down.

It may interest some of you that every story I gave reguarding the "real" me was entirely fabricated. Some fabrications were a bit outlandish, but still somewhat believable for the history I provided which matches all known actual accounts of people who have acted in the ways I portrayed. Others were a bit more believable.

Reguardless, to those who I have spoken with and told such stories to, I do apologize for wasting your time in such ways, and I thank you deeply for the knowledge you were able to bestow me with. Know that I have passed no ill judgement on any of you. I haven't met any of you in person, nor do I plan to, so judging you for your interests is pointless. I am also aware of the fact that some of you I submitted fabricated realities to are males.

To the one of you that I had believe I spent time in jail as a result of an action which was discussed, I do apologize for causing any feelings of guilt, regret, sadness, or any other ill feelings that you may have experienced. Also, I must thank you the most for granting me the highest amount of psychological data in comparison to all others. I saw how you attempted to portray the image of being cold hearted or distant, but I also am aware that in truth you are somewhat of a compassionate person who doesn't wish anything truely bad upon others. It's quite possible that you do receive pleasure from minor sufferings of others, but I doubt that such sadism extends to circumstances which I made you believe I fell into. Again, I do apologize profusely to you, for I feel I have used you the most and done a bit of injustice to. That is the reason that I have distanced myself for some time. In truth, I should have told you the goals of this account and severed ties then, but I did not wish to compromise the security of my experiment. In order to get the most of it, I had to remove all risks of anyone being aware that all interaction between this character and others has been studied to gain knowledge and wisdom reguarding the human mind.

And as a final note that I feel a few of you are already aware of on some level, behind this screen sits a straight virgin male who has done little with females by his own choice.

In conclusion to my experiment, I ask that you give feedback to me in response to how well I played my chosen part. If I was believable in the fabricated realities, if I was a believable female, even if you believed that the things I spoke of I did so with the voice of experience. Any and all feedback is highly appreciated.

I am aware that I have likely stepped on many toes as a result of this experiment. I am truely remorseful for any ill feelings I have caused others to experience. I don't ask for your forgiveness, only that you realize what I did I have done in the pursuit of knowledge.

May you all find what you seek and receive the greatest of happiness in life. Once again, I thank you for aiding me in my pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.


View Journal

Experiment Revealed

I ask that you take the time to read this. It's the full About Me section that I origionally had to post, but was required to trim it down. I warn you, due to the time of day it may seem oddly worded, as I am leaving it unedited.



View All Comments

experimentrevealed Report | 05/28/2007 1:18 am
As of right now, the experiment is over, save for any responses.

Should any who have commented me wish their comments to be removed they need only say so.
Lord Zerix Report | 05/27/2007 6:40 pm
User Image
Sixgun Sunshine Report | 05/23/2007 11:06 am
i love your profile, lol
Jacklyn-Gloom Report | 04/21/2007 1:44 am
i missed you my whore
loyalsubject Report | 04/03/2007 8:15 pm
experimentrevealed Report | 03/22/2007 12:51 am
PM me instead. As you can see, I'm kind of interested in a mother/daughter type deal. Or maybe sisters, or babysitter, or something like that. <3
vicky_2l Report | 03/16/2007 9:25 pm
pm me sometime
Tasuki_kun Report | 03/10/2007 4:34 pm
You sound like a lot of fun. PM me sometime or I'll PM you.
gloomy-jacklyn Report | 03/04/2007 11:00 pm
why are you on so little, i have barely been able to abuse you
kikaz Report | 03/01/2007 4:22 am
pm me ladies ^^


I recommend you view my profile/journal for clarification.
