
hi hi!!! suzana"s da name nd dont u foget it!!! -zana fo short- ^.-
o-k lemme seee wat should i sayy o.0...-tink- lolz
wellz i did make a new gaia account but dont wrry i still use dis one still...da other one is either vaingh96 or azn_zana218 b/c i use it to either message or comment bak so chyea xp. i lubbs ta listen ta muziq or qet on da laptop. i qo to lots of partiez on weekends wit mah homiez nd sometimes qo ta mah cuzins house nd eat PHO!!! mmm YUMM ^o^. a biq mac would b enough fo meh, so does a medium fry, nd a milkshake ta qo. lolz mmm gud isnt it xD.
i would neva fo get mah friends NEVA!! they mah bestiez too. even 4rm texas i still remember em. lubbs ya: Tony Nguyen, Demi Hoang, Mandy Yang, Jennifer Pajarillo...etc. they mah friends fo life. I qot sooo excited wen they came nd visited ^^b.
ahh mah finqers feels lik its gon fall off g2g byez -mwuah-
asian pride/paradise!!!! xp