F r o o t L o o p L o v e

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Birthday: 05/19

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All About Alli <3

Hello, My name is Alli. I'm not exactally your perfect girl. Deal with it. I love to RP so send me a PM if you would like to. :] I love living in this crazy, beautiful, messed-up life of mine. I eat when i'm bored. I don't enjoy people juding others. I hate animal abuse and will hunt you down if you abuse them. I am not a vegitarian even though I seem like a tree hugger, I can't survive without meat. :] I read.. A LOT. Because I love to read about others love/lust because I know it will only exsist in writing for me. >[ I would love to get to know a lot fo you so PM me BBY. =O

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mayzsayswhat Report | 09/24/2008 5:53 pm
M00bish is an awesomelicious word [;
xen0m0rph Report | 09/24/2008 2:35 pm
Sasona Report | 09/24/2008 1:24 pm
Thx ^^ I like your page to biggrin
mayzsayswhat Report | 09/19/2008 6:24 pm
That's totally gay.
LMAO moobish xD
II_RAWR_101_II Report | 09/19/2008 4:51 pm
o lol i like her songs XD
mayzsayswhat Report | 09/18/2008 6:06 pm
Haha, yeah (;

Thats suckyyyyy.
II_RAWR_101_II Report | 09/18/2008 5:51 pm
yeah shes cool
II_RAWR_101_II Report | 09/18/2008 4:02 pm
well yeah lol
so u like cascada
II_RAWR_101_II Report | 09/18/2008 3:57 pm
omg u dont know me but i like ur about me u seem awsome lol =]
Ken_x_Yachiru Report | 09/18/2008 1:15 pm
I'm still obsessed. The story in the manga has really picked up.