
This is a roleplaying profile of mine. If you want to know who's really behind the keyboard, please look at xElementalxWarriorx. Thats my main Gaia account. I made this one mainly to play my female charactors. One that seems to have picked up alot of meat as a charactor. So everything listed here will be ofcorse... aplicable to Rina and what ever other charactor i decied to post on this one here. Thanks.

Here are my Roleplay Charactors. ^.^

Username: Fallen to the Dark
Name: Rina Everflow
Age: 19 (not looks, Her actual age.)
Race: Vampire (Freshly turned)
Sex: Female
Sexuallity: She's still a virgin and never experemented. So she dosent know what she likes. Weither it's just guys or if a girl can tickel he fancy.
Blessed Dagger: She had before she was turned to help fight off vampires. Little help it actualy did...
9mm Pistol: A pistol with 3 clips total (includeing the one in the gun). 12 shots per clip.
Vampuric Claws: She has very vishous claws. Most claws are just sharp for slashing, hers have a serated edge.
Armor: None more then the toughend skin of a vampire.
Powers: Advanced Vampuric Speed: Almost all vampires have this ability, however for some reason, Rina's ability puts her a cut above the rest over normal vampires. To most vampires, she is twice as fast... This fresh vampire seems to just have a natural tendency for speed. Ofcorse, this comes at a price. The other common vampire ability, Vampire Strength, comes at a loss. Where she is still much stronger then a normal human, compared to another vampire she is a weakling. Were one vampire could rip a human in half, Rina could only manage a small dog of some sort. (just as a rough gage...)
Wings: Rina can manafest large vampuric bat wings used to fly. However she dosent know she has this ability yet, much like most of her abilitys, and can't call upon it at will since it has never happend before yet. Once she's put in a situation were they are forced to come out, she will gain limited acess to them untill she learns to control and manipulate them freely. The edges of her wings are very hard, and carry spikes and barbs that can be used as weapons made of bone.
Increased Sences: This is another basic vampuric power. Most vampires have it. Her sences are on a supernatural level. Letting her see with perfict clareity in pitch black, Hear a persons heart beat, or smell blood or other faint smells normal out of human ranges with ease.
Healing Blood: Her major Vampuric power. She can heal others by useing her own blood. When she focuses, her blood becomes a hot, crimson, goo that can heal almost any wound.
Personality: She used to be a very bubbly and happy person. However... after her turning she has become sad, depressed, and scared as she battles the beast inside her for control. She even becomes scuacideal at some points... putting her own gun to her head, but the curesd body still came back.
(Before she was turned)
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(After she was turned)
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Biography: Rina lived in a good sized town that was in the shadow of a castel of vampires. No one was said to return from there once they went up there... and she bleaved it. She wasent a fighter... infact she was a nurse that was 3/4th of the way to becomeing a doctor. She was a brilent girl if not cliumby sometimes. One day however, a local girl, named Lily, went up to the castel and manged to make it out alive. Not just alive.... but he came back with a badly wounded man. He was taken to the hospital with his grevous wounds and loss of blood. Not a vampire but something much much different. He seemed to heal remarkably fast... what should have taken moths to heal only took two days... and afterwords the man, Samuel Alexander Caseday Hart, started to do magick in his room. Prepareing to fight the vampires again. Nothing was known about this man, but he knew his s**t it seamed. Rina had never seen magick before, so when she saw what he could do she was captvated. The man was checked out and was only out for a few days before a giant piller of flame whent up in town and sam came rushing back in to the ER... with burns on the outside.. and yes... inside. Sam had somehow sustaned internal burns. She got herself to be his nurse cause she wanted to know more about the man and soon befriended Lily... and some strange hunter interested in Sams abilitys named Barron. Saddly... these new friends would lead her to what she has become. Xavior... the vampire that attacked Sam both at the castel, and in town, came to the hospital, snuck in, and stole alot of blood packs and then tryed to make an escape. Barron ran after to try and kill him, fliping out into a monstrous rage were he cought on fire and grew larger... (think of a black, flameing, hulk with huge iron gauntlets). The hospital went into emergency lock down and she was told to go home since she wasent nessessary personel. On her way home... she happen to stumble upon the fight between the two, Barron and Xavior. She saw the extent of xaviors wound in the battle with Sam... the vampires skin chared and cracked in a horable vissage. This site sent her into a catatonic state of fear that left her nothing but a quivering, hyperventelateing, mass on the ground. Xavior was tossed in her drection... and all she could do was curl into a ball. He looked to her and lashed out, drinking from her to regain strength from the fight. Even though he dident get that much... she was cured from that point. She contracted the vampires curse... and was taken home at the end of the battle by Lily and Barron, Xavior manageing to get away. The next few nights were hell as her body ajusted. She realized what she had become and freaked out... fighting with the beast inside her and the need to feed. This changeing the way she looked... the once happly, well colored woman, with beutiful long red hair... became paler, her eyes became more sad and turned from blue to red, and her hair took the color of the beast inside her... black... with the tips staned red like blood. Haveing to deal with all of this, she ran... ran far far away... running from the truth that she can never hide from... the fact that she's now a vampire. What a poor... poor... soul...

Username: Fallen to the Dark
Name: Erica "Essence" Slade
Age: 16
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Sexuallity: Bi
Butterfly Knife: She has a butterfly knife she got from one of her friends. It's not really that sharp... but with enough force it could cut someone. If it was to be use for a weapon, stabing someone with it would be more effective. The handle is purple and black.
Armor: None.
Powers: Zayuka: Zayuka is a guarden spirit that has followed around Erica ever since she was a child. Only visable to herself, young children, and people with incredable senceing abilitys. Zayuka takes the form of a Kitsune girl about Erica's age... mabey a year or two older, and weres very styleized, modern clothes. Zayuka has the power to move things around and even fight for Erica in combat. Takeing the form of a giant, multy tailed, fox demon the size of a mini-van. She can make herself visable to others... but dosent like to do so because it takes alot of energy. She's Erica's guarden... no one else really needs to see her accept her.
Personality: She's your standerd teen aged girl. Kind mostly, but kinda spacy as she love music and trying weird things. Though sometimes she gets a little melodramatic...
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(I found this picture on Gaia and i fell inlove with it. However i can not remember who the artist is. If your the artist, or know the artist, please inform me so i can give your proper credet and drect other people who like the picture to any gallerys you mite have.)
Biography: Erica grew up in a small town in the US to a happy family with no real sereous problems. When she was 9 her parents split up but they still stayed friends, it wasent a vishous break up... they still stayed in the same town mostly for her sake so she could see both of them. It was just a relationship that didn't work out. Erica grew up as any other normal teenaged girl would grow up... happy and playful... a little on the rebelous side but still well. But ofcorse Erica was not a normal teenaged girl. Ya see... when she was very very young, she had a friend that no one else could see but her. Her parents at first thought it was cute since she had an imagnary friend. Her name was Zayuka, and Zayuka helped Erica out and played with her when others wouldent. As she got older, Zayuka did aswell and she started to notice that Zayuka wasent going away... that she was staying with her and that she could actualy move things around with other people in the room. As Erica got stronger, more mature, and smarter... So did Zayuka. Her Parents sent her to special centers after a wile thinking that she had something wrong with her, and put her on pills to make her go away. However with Zayuka gone... she felt like a peice of her was missing... something had been taken away. She only lasted a weak on the meds. She still takes her meds... but never swallows... and when she dose she makes herself throw them up to keep Zayuka with her. She's her best friend. Still seeing a psychistrist however, she lives out her life normaly as a teenager. Playing in a band, hence the nick name essence. It's her stage name that just stayed. Aware that there are other special people out there like her... but she's never really met one with abilitys as strong as hers.


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Viewing 6 of 6 comments.


Report | 06/29/2007 9:29 pm


hi hi ...just thought i'd drop in and bug you .....havent talked to u in a long while..

How's everythin' goin'?

<3 Clancy

Report | 04/22/2007 9:27 am


Yo. Whassup? Where'd ya go?

Report | 03/17/2007 9:40 am


nice profile!

Report | 03/12/2007 8:32 am


This girl know how to role play lol damn girl you should be a writer

Report | 03/10/2007 6:25 pm


hello wats up?
flip-f l o p_3121

Report | 03/08/2007 4:11 pm

flip-f l o p_3121

I like the picture of her once she was turned ^.^