
fallenandforgotton's avatar

Birthday: 04/22


Hello me,meet the real me.

im different and hated because of it. just because i dont shop at hollister and wear your rainbows. because i shop at hot topic and prefer combat boots. i dont listen to your sappy love songs. i prefer the songs about reality. not love stories. im sick of love songs actually. it isnt always "i love you. hold my hand." i laugh when you point at me. when you reserve seats because you simply dont want to sit near the "emo girl." the names you call me behind my back, i hear them. talk spreads. i have no paitence for people who wait around. if you want to talk, talk. dont think about it. the dumbest desicions are made when you think twice. im not a poser. i am amber. not a wannabe. i dont prefer labels. my only lable is "amber." it should remain this way until i close my eyes for good. my memories are vivid. dont think i will forget your words. really, i hope you choke on every last word you screamed at me. if you want the truth about anything, take my advice, there is no thruth. maybe if you fell in a hole or off a bridge, i might be happier. im dishonest, embarassing, loud, awkward, clueless, and i dont want to follow your rules. i will not fall in line. i will not become a victim of your conformities. we are supposedly the most respecful and intellegent breed there is. but the actions ive seen are hardly humane. i'll continue this later. until then, think about the way you act. the way you make people want to kill themselves. you are dismissed.

Talk to me breh

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Trupar-L-YMK Report | 07/08/2010 12:36 pm
GreenDayObsesser Report | 06/29/2010 6:02 pm
thx, i had a better changing one that was pics of the band but someone on photobucket removed it
GreenDayObsesser Report | 12/07/2009 4:41 pm
YAY, ur a Jonas hater!!!
GreenDayObsesser Report | 12/05/2009 1:54 pm
GreenDayObsesser Report | 12/05/2009 1:53 pm
im going to go to try to post a forum.
GreenDayObsesser Report | 12/05/2009 1:50 pm
.... u know to much. but i'll do it as soon as i find the community link on the gaia toolbar
by the way, did u just guess or assume what i would try to post
GreenDayObsesser Report | 12/05/2009 1:46 pm
im going to go to try to post a forum.
GreenDayObsesser Report | 12/05/2009 1:45 pm
guns n roses, hollywood undead, nirvana but i dont memerize their songs like i do with green day. actually i heard one hollywood undead song ( i forgot what it was called) and i kinda liked it. but until today i completely forgot they existed
GreenDayObsesser Report | 12/05/2009 1:39 pm
all of this commenting is making me alot of money
GreenDayObsesser Report | 12/05/2009 1:38 pm
kinda, i just read all of the bands. i recognized a few others that i liked a little

My face looks weird in this picture. :0