
fallingmemorries's avatar

Birthday: 06/23



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Word of me

What i have to say goes down.


Well Hi! The names Neng Xiong.

Here's a little about me.
I'm very weird in many ways, I'm also known for my niceness and kindness to others; i try to make others happy, but most of the time i just don't know. So i end up always smiling, hoping that one small smile can make somebody happy.
One thing i really like to get is a blood rush, or the excitement of doing things! For example, dancing(breaking, and popping), Fighting (not brawling! Sparing!), and sometimes things that just goes fast! =D

My current thoughts: December 1, 2009.
Lets share this chocolate together... with youuieee.

Shout outs:
Hey to all the pros! I'm a noob at this! Don't be hate-in!


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Phaetniexs Report | 08/06/2009 7:59 am
Morgan's last name is Price. Nice try, though :] haha