
FallonFitzy522's avatar

Last Login: 02/07/2010 1:38 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/11



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I am pretty complicated.

Life is a long hard journey that we are all forced to take.....and some will end that journey earlier than others.

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.

Thank you for the scars, the guilt, and the pain, and every tear i've ever cried.

My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you, my eyes cry for you, my empty arms reach out for you.

Let me cry, you'll never have to worry about it.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if you've said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

I love walking in the rain, No one can tell I'm crying.

You're sick of feeling down, You're not the only one. I'll take you by the hand and I'll show you a world that you can understand. This life is filled with Hurt when Happiness doesn't work. Trust me and take my hand, When the lights go out you will understand.

You will break me with your love that is more dangerous than a gun.

You cut me so deep that I didn't even BLEED.

If you could step into my head, could you tell me you still know me?

You have to take the good with the bad, smile when you're sad, love what you have and remember what you had...Always forgive but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret, people change, things go wrong, just remember, life goes on...

Don't ask me how I am... If you don't want me to lie.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

Everyone sees who I appear to be, but only a few know the real me. You only see what I choose to show, there's so much behinds this smile... You don't even know.

Welcome to a world where being yourself is never enough.

If I was a tear... I want to be born in your eyes, Live on your cheeks and die on your lips....

We are only given Today and never promised Tomorrow...

The worst feeling isn't being lonely. It's being forgotten but someone you could never forget.

She's got the eyes of innocence, The face of an angel, a personality of a dreamer, and a smile, that hides more pain that you can ever imagine.

Love me, Hate me, take me, break me, you never stopped trying to save me.

And there Beyond the Heavens Beyond the Skies, Our Angel cries. Within the darkness of our hate filled lies.

I've built walls, a fortress deep and mighty, That none may penetrate. I have no need in friendship, friendship causes pain. It's laughter and it's loving i disdain. I am a rock, I am an island. Don't talk of love, well I've heard the word before. It's sleeping in my memory. I wont disturb the slumber of feelings that've died, If I never loved I never would've cried. I am a rock, I am an island. And a rock feels no pain, and an island never cries.

Sometimes when I'm alone I cry, Cause I'm on my own. The tears I cry are bitter and warm. They flow with life and take no form I cry because my heart is torn. I find it difficult to carry on. If I had a ear to confiding, I would cry among my treasured friend, but who do you know that stops that long, to help another carry on. The world moves fast and it would rather pass by. Then to stop and see what makes one cry, so painful and sad. And sometimes I cry, and no one care about why.

Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss, If you are my friend, Answer me this: Are we friends or are we not. You told me once, but I forgot. So tell me now, and tell me true. so I can say, "I'm here for you." Of all the friends i've ever met, you're the one I won't forget. And if i die before you do, I'll go to Heaven(hell) and wait for you, I'll give the angels back their wings and risk the loss of everything. There isn't a thing i wouldn't do, to have a best friend just like you.

If you don't tell me what I've done, how can I put it right? You can try and just brush me off, but I'm not giving up without a fight

My tears have all dried up, I've got nothing left to cry. Now the only thing I want to do, Is curl up in the dark and die...

Descression is advised, lonelyness seeks the eyes, empty hearts own demise.

She says she doesn't care, but her eyes tell a different story.

Behind my smile is a hurting heart. Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart. Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am...isn't me.

Just once I want someone to look at me right away and think I was beautiful. Not after they get to know me, or after they see inside my soul, just me. I want to walk in a room and light up, not blend.

A golden heart stopped beating, working hands went to rest. He broke many hearts to prove to us, he only takes the best.

When I do something great, no one ever seems to remember, but when I do something wrong, no one can ever seem to forget.

Walking down the hall with her head held high, every hair is in its place, sees a friend and she waves hi, wearing a smile on her perfect face. Friendly, smart, and beautiful, everyone adores this girl. Seemingly content, her head's in a whirl. Inside she's unhappy, and doesn't know why. She lays in her bed at night and cries. She doesn't know what causes the tears; how could this princess have insecurities or fears? She has it all. A pretty smile, many friends, a great guy, the newest trends, her family has money, she gets good grades, has her own car, and her makeup never fades. Always looking happy, every single day, but inside she's feeling a different way. This is wonder girl, she's everyone's dream, but things aren't always what they seem.

Have you ever felt so alone and nothing makes sense? Well that's how I feel right now...I feel like I'm facing everything myself, with nothing but tears and a fake smile...

Sometimes I wish I could just be a little kid again. So when life gets tough you can just play pretend. I wanna go back to when Santa did exist. When your daddy was the only boy you ever kissed. When Disney World was the best place to be. When the only movies you could see were rated G. When your biggest problem was learning to write your name and people didn't change...and your friends were the same. And every time you were sad or you had a bad day. You could just run to mommy and it would all be okay. I wanna go back to no hurt...and no pain...just laughter. When everyone always lives happily ever after.

When I cry at night, the only thing I can think to myself is...how can I seem so---perfectly fine in the morning. Why do I smile like nothing is wrong? And how does not one single person notice that I'm not okay?

I don't know what I want in life. I don't know what I want right now. All I know is that I'm hurting so much inside that it's eating me, and one day, there won't be any more of me left. Everything that ever cause a tear to trickle down my cheeks, I run away and hide from it. But now, everything is unwinding and finding its way back towards me. And I don't know what to do. I just know that the pain I felt so long ago, it's hurting ten times more.

Teardrops slowly fall from my eyes as I look to the sky, and I question how come life keeps passing me right on by. I just wonder why I can't escape, is this my fate? To always be unhappy and how much longer must I wait...

I wanna get lost from my life sometimes, sit on the side and watch the world go by, I wanna get lost and I don't know why.

Have you ever lived my life, have you ever spent one minute in my shoes? If you haven't, then tell me why you judge me like you do.

Every morning I get up and put on a fake smile...but what if one morning I didn't? Would anyone notice?

I'm not saying I have nothing. I'm not saying I'm gone completely. It's just sometimes it's all a bit too much to handle. Sometimes I feel like it's too much. I'm not going to do anything stupid because I know it will get better, it has to right? Otherwise there wouldn't be anyone who would live past their teenage years. But for now, just for now, it hurts.

You know sometimes, like when someone dies, and you're sad, and it's ok to be sad? But then there are times when you're supposed to be happy but you're sad anyway...and those times are even worse than the times when you're supposed to be sad.

I just don't feel like I know myself very well right now, so how can I be sure about anything? Most of the time I feel so awkward, you know, like I don't belong in my own skin, I get frustrated at everything, I could just scream and there's no reason for it, I just hate myself.

Be mindful what you toss away, be careful what you push away, and think hard before walking away.

I dim my lights & lock my door, as I spread your pictures on the floor. I blow the dust off of our past. I let it all come flooding back, cause it's not easy being strong. & when I forget your gone, I surrender...& have myself a night to remember...

I wanna believe that you're this perfect guy and everything you seem to be is true. But when I look at you, really look at you, I can tell that I'm just barely scratching the surface. You're that book, with the pretty cover, the one that I just can't wait to to get into. But you should never judge a book by it's cover, because now that I've read far enough into you that I just can't put you down, there will be a twist... and everything will change... and by the last page... I'll be heartbroken.

Sometimes you have to hold your head up high, blink away the tears, and say good-bye.

I guess to some extent you get used to being alone. You get used to not expecting phone calls and having nothing to do at night. You don't expect to turn around to open arms any longer. The small sounds of him have been replaced by silence. Your thoughts echo through your head, with no one to share them with. All in all, being alone isn't terrible, it just hurts like hell.

And all the lonely nights and all the crushing scenes and all the pointless fights. Someone tell me what it means. Someone tell me why hearts break. I'm giving up on happy endings.

Someone asked me the other day if my glass was half empty or half full. I was going to say it's empty, but that's not completely true. My life isn't void and I have my happy moments; but they usually just seem to disappear, or get worse. So, my glass is cracked. Yes, cracked. It gets filled up with happiness and hope, but it always ends up escaping my grasp. It always ends up empting out. It will never be full because it's always leaking. And one day, it will get thrown away, because no one wants a broken glass.

I'm so confused...I mean, I want to let go...I want to let go of all this pain, but I'm afraid I'll go insane...he may come back, I have some hope, but with everything else, how can I cope. I want to let go...I'm going to let go, but if I wait and see, will he come back to me?

I learned to laugh, I learned to cry. Will I ever learn to say good-bye?

I think the only reason everyone holds on to memories so tightly is because memories are the only things that don't change when everything and everyone else does.

I really think there's a reason that I like him so much. Like something is telling me not to let him go. Everytime I follow my heart...it leads me to him. I mean...what other explanation is there? Why is it that he is all I can think about? Why is it that no matter how upset I am...I see him and I can't help but smile? Why is it that when he smiles at me...I get that feeling in my stomach? And even when he'd broken my heart, and hurt me as much as anyone could ever hurt me...when he lied to me...and I hated him...why then did I still feel those same feelings??? Answer me that, and then I'll tell you why I let him hurt me so much.

They say time will make this all go away, but it's time that has taken my tomorrow's and turned them into yesterday's.

There's this girl in the mirror, I wonder who she is. Sometimes I think I know her and sometimes I wish I did. There is a story in her eyes, lullabies, and goodbye. When she's looking back at me I can tell...she's hurting inside.

It's getting colder now and the darkness consumes me. Depression is slowly creeping up. Maybe one day you'll actually care about me.

Never underestimate the pain of a person because the truth is everyone is struggling. It's just some people hide it better than others.

She smiles with all that she has left, yet tears are left un-dried. And though she's got so much to say, she bottles it up inside. If you look past her broken eyes to a shadow no one sees, a disguise so you won't recognize, the girl is really me...

Sometimes the pain's too strong to bare...and life gets so hard you just don't care. You feel so alone you just sit and cry...every second you wish you could die. Then you start thinking who would care...if one day they woke up-and you weren't there.

She can't hide no matter how hard she tries, her secret disguised behind the lies. And at night she cries away her pride, with eyes shut tight staring at her inside. All her friends know why she can't sleep at night, all her family asking is she alright. All she wants to do is get rid of this hell, well all she's got to do is stop kiddin herself. She can only fool herself for so long...

You'll just never know...soo many emotions I choose not to show..

< Know what it's like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can't. How you hurt yourself on the outside, to try to kill the pain on the inside.

I see the blood all over your hands. Does it make you feel more like a man? Was it all just a part of your plan? The pistol's shaking in my hands...and all i hear is the sound...

I've been weak and I've been strong. I've been thru the fire and I've been thru the storm. Try to do right and I know I do wrong. Just be happy for me when my life is gone. Cause with no more hurt and no more tears, there will be no more pain and no more fears. No more people in my face that are not sincere. So smile for me when I'm no longer here.

Just because her eyes don't tear doesn't mean her heart doesn't cry. And just because she comes off strong, doesn't mean there's nothing wrong.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I don't know what I wanna see. My world use to be worth living for, and now it's hard enough just to be me.

I'm not afraid of the gun in my hand, I'm not afraid of dying, I'm just afraid of the pain it will bring, and to see my best friends crying.

I'm going to smile...and make you think I'm happy...I'm going to laugh...so you don't see me cry...and even if it kills...I'm going to smile.

I'm screwing up every little good thing I ever try to do. I was born to lose.

I could go on with my day and act like everything is okay. But as my life goes on it hurts more in every way.

I take all this pain...I put it in rhymes...Then you get the chance for the very first time. You get to feel the pain...there's stuff inside me...like all this hate...I don't know if I can handle...I don't know if I can carry this weight...I just wanna let go...I just wanna be free...it's time for all this hate...to finally leave me...

You don't understand me and you never will. So don't start that crap 'bout knowin' how I feel.

My life is full of empty promises and broken dreams. I'm hoping things will look up, and right when they do, there's always something to mess it up, and we're back at square one.

Do you know what it's like to be me? Go through something not everyone can see? Do you know what it's like to walk in my shoes? Please stop judging me simply cause I'm not you...

Things are going crazy and I'm not sure who to blame. Everything is changing and I don't feel the same. I'm slipping through the cracks of floors I thought were strong. I'm trying to find a place where I feel like I belong.

I think I'd do better on my own, no friends, no fights, just me...alone

I friggin hate this life. Sometimes I think it would be easier just to get a knife. I don't know what to do, I'm cryin every night. It would just be easier if I was outta sight.

I'm tired of trying. I'm tired of crying. I know I've been smiling, but inside I'm dying.

Give me a reason to keep believing that everything isn't misleading and kiss the clouds on the rainy days and smile for you when skies are grey. Cause I'm a tear drop away from crying and a few breaths away from dying.

Maybe if I wasn't so good at pretending to be happy, I might learn to actually be happy.

I just want a day to go by...when I'm not pretending to be happy.

I know what it's like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can't. How you hurt yourself on the outside to kill the things on the inside.

Why do I try not to cry, sometimes I think I could die. But when it comes out, I just want to shout, and scream and cry it all out.

People think she's so strong...because she [pretends] nothing is wrong.

Behind this innocent smile of mine, lay words that go unsaid. Words of longing, love, anger, and hate, all repeating inside my head.

Tears have come and tears have gone. My emotional torment still lives on. The scars right here upon my wrist, are what have helped me get through this.

Have you ever just wanted to die...kill yourself and forget how you tried?

Don't be fooled by her smile, inside she's breaking...

I just wanna end it all. Should I trip or should I fall. Will someone be there to catch me when I'm falling to the ground, or will I be there forever lying there with no sound.

Do you ever just get that feeling where you don't want to talk to anybody. You don't want to smile and you don't want to fake being happy but at the same time you don't know exactly what is wrong either?

A strong girl keeps her stuff in line-and with tears running she still manages to spit the simple words "I'm fine."

Not all scars show, not all wounds heal, Sometimes you can't always see, The pain someone feels.

Red is the ultimate cure for sadness.

This is me....Like it or not. This is jut a fraction of my whole life.


View All Comments

roofhawk Report | 12/03/2008 7:49 pm
figured i'd stop in and say "hi". There, I said it. |-)
BrittaniBrat Report | 11/21/2008 8:06 pm
I know you would get one! How are you doing after today
MissMurder014 Report | 10/29/2008 5:44 pm
how did u get the dead human next 2 u?
MissMurder014 Report | 10/29/2008 5:13 pm
I like ur outfit better w/ the jacket.
MissMurder014 Report | 10/28/2008 7:42 pm
you got one of ur quotes wrong on ur "about me" section. its: Love me. Hate me. Take me. Break me. You never stopped to try to save me.

MissMurder014 Report | 10/28/2008 7:21 pm
Dude, thats like my favorite song! The video is awsome! I can't believe that you don't like it! lol. There is a different music video for the song but this one was my favorite. lol I still cant believe that you dont like that vid.
MissMurder014 Report | 10/26/2008 7:28 pm
lol i no. I dont no wat the heck she was thinking wen she did that. How the heck do u change ur eyes tho? (((**her face on gaia doesnt even compare 2 her face in real life**))) lol
MissMurder014 Report | 10/23/2008 7:12 pm
hey, i replied 2 the comments u left on my poems.
MissMurder014 Report | 10/22/2008 3:47 pm
cuz i do got a prob? lol
MissMurder014 Report | 10/22/2008 3:40 pm
hey im leaving u comment cuz u said lol.........nice MEDIA............love that vid.

Friends are just there forever!

No one should walk alone, come with me.

I love walking in the rain, No one can tell I'm crying.

Pain isn't so bad, When Pain is the only thing you have after Happiness has fallen.

Just let me cry, you never have to worry about because it's not your fault.

Mii bestie! <33 her 2 death