
Ok, I just stole this list from TNT - Lotlp, and he stole it from someone else.
Whatever, here it comes!


Name: Alfred van Kuik
Birthday: 11th may
Birthplace: Emmen, holland
Current Location: Still in Emmen, I like Emmen!
Eye Color: I think it's blue, very light.
Hair Color: Dark blonde
Height: I have no idea, but I'm pretty small
Heritage: Dutch!
Piercings: No, never! I ate those things
Tattoos: no, I'd better keep my body clean wink


Band/Singer: I hate those questions...
Song: Those 2.
Movie: Matrix? Pirates? uh, I don't know/
TV show: South Park
Color: Aqua
Food: Fries
Pizza topping: meat, I don't care what meat, just meat!
Ice-Cream Flavor: hmmm, banana
Soda: Coke! dr. Pepper
Store: Nedgame
Clothing Brand: I don't care about brands, I think that's a little pathetic
Shoe Brand: see above
Season: winter, I like the snow and stuff
Month: December, christmas, Sinterklaas(weird Dutch holiday)
Holiday/Festival: Christmas
Flower: The colored ones!
nintendo game: oh uhm, uh, I think Mario, no wait, Zelda, oooh, i can't decide!


Goal for this year: Do nothing special ^^
Best physical feature: hmmmmmmmmmmm...
First thought waking up: I'm still tired
Preferred type of plastic surgery: ooh, that's a stupid question!
Personality Number 2: well, I'm always helpful as far as I know.
Most stupid remark: aargh, this list is dumb.
Worst crime: Saying something bad about XBox (36o)
Greatest ambition: Have my own game-developer
Greatest fear: hmm, I think that'd be a world without videogames.
Darkest secret: well, if I tell you that, it's not a secret anymore, right?
Favorite subject: Gaming, games, videogames
Strangest received gift: damn, that's a hard one, I don't get presents that often, ya'know.
Worst habit: Nail biting

Do You:

Curse: yes, and I'm proud of it ^^
Shower daily: No, it's very random
Like thunderstorms: nah, not really.
Dance in the rain: No, but that's cause I hate dancing, I love rain.
Sing: No, I'm really, really bad!
Play an instrument: Had some keyboard lessons...
Get along with your parents: Yes, pretty good(most of the time)
Wish on stars: nah, not really.
Believe in fate: nope.
Believe in love at first sight: well, yeah, I think so.

Have You Ever:

Been in Love: everyone has, right?
Skipped school: hmm, yeah.
Made prank calls: No, why the hell should I do that?
Sent someone a love letter: no, I'm not that stupid.
Cried yourself to sleep: hmm, yeah, as a child. someone 'stole' my stuffed animal(don't ask me about an explanation) razz

Other Questions:

What annoys you most in a person: hmm, I don't like it if ppl think they're better then me, in everything. Even if they are(they never are)
Are you right or left handed? I love my right hand ^^
What is your bedtime? 23:30 most of the time.
Name three things you can't live without: My XBox 360, My XBox, My PS2, my wii. friends? no, ******** them!
What is the color of your room? too much to mention.
Do you have any siblings? well, WTF are siblings? No, really, I'm serious!
Do you have any pets? Yes, One cat, 2 mice.
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Maybe, Maybe...
What is you middle name? van, lol biggrin
What are you nicknames? Fant, Fantje92, The Xbox Lover
Do you have a crush on anyone? hmm, not really. there are some hot girls though
Are you afraid of the dark? nope, I kinda like it.
How do you want to die? crushed by a gaming console.
What is the largest amout of money spent in one day? Hmm, My 360 = 430 euros, 70 10, €510!
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? 'The one I love', I don't know, I'll decide that when I need to wink


Viewing 6 of 6 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/01/2009 12:58 pm


Thankyou ^^

Report | 04/29/2009 11:52 pm


aargh, why do things always double post on me? ><
meh, you know i only meant it once. . unless. . you could reply twice :O

Report | 04/29/2009 11:51 pm


wahey, and gaia is now done as well biggrin
man, i really am having to send a lot of messages, so i'm running out of things to say.

Well, use your gaia, ok? XD

and, hope you made loadsa money from your sale thing

Report | 04/29/2009 11:51 pm


wahey, and gaia is now done as well biggrin
man, i really am having to send a lot of messages, so i'm running out of things to say.

Well, use your gaia, ok? XD

and, hope you made loadsa money from your sale thing
TNT - Lotlp

Report | 08/26/2007 12:17 pm

TNT - Lotlp

You drank zurg right?

Drink red bino.
TNT - Lotlp

Report | 08/12/2007 6:04 am

TNT - Lotlp

Lol, same glasses.

Quite SLIK ^^

Report | 08/09/2007 7:36 am


thnks for teh buy
TNT - Lotlp

Report | 08/09/2007 7:02 am

TNT - Lotlp

Awesome sunglasses ^^

Report | 08/07/2007 2:26 am


the book its its gone yes User Image

Report | 07/29/2007 2:05 pm


hi there.

who are you? User Image


for all you dutch gamers out there, check my forum:
(no, I couldn't think of a better sig)