Fantastiamagical Floss

Fantastiamagical Floss's avatar

Last Login: 09/10/2009 6:13 am

Registered: 08/15/2008

Gender: Male

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The Mildly Diverse Journal Of an Underdog Alma Mater

um what ever there is to say like personal news or like art


Who i am...

Ihres gerecht ein Auto, das in einer Zugzerstorung zerschlagen wurde, wie mich <3

im David.i like boys.few girls. very few. none.
Im not very good at these 'About Me' things but i'll try...I have to say one of the first few things i look for in a person is music taste, if any. Music is me. Its the way I live, breathe, dress, feel, I Am Music. I occasuionally play the gutair for shiits and giggles. I currently live in the middle of ******** nowhere. I have to say, I am naturally oblivious and totally nieive. Most people don't come out withit but I don't plan to sit here and baby feed you shiit, so yeah there it is. Also I take nearly moment of life to heart, every relationship, every 'I love You', every ' I Hate You', everything. Thats why I break easy. Im like a bubble in a room made of needles. Umm What else...Ohh I am a nerd :3 I do love anime, matter a fact I Have 32 mangas 2 DVDs 1 PSP game and 27 anime mags and the numbers are growing! Loving anime got me to learn my Japanese that I know today-Kudos to Rosetta Stone lol...I like guys with piercing and I will eventually get snakebits, but I think i'll get a nose piercing first. I gotta say that I have never done anything illegal {yet}
bahahaha! Nahh its all cool~ Well thats me, Ohh and I do give out my number so, yeah...haha. sorry if my profile isn't as jazzy as you wished but suck it up
{ yes i do have spelling problems }

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Yes I Know
how girlie I look :3

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