
Faulheit's avatar

Birthday: 09/11


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Dear Person Reading This,

My name is Robert, but you can call me Robert.

I don't spend nearly as much time on this website as I used to since the RP scene has basically turned into something I want no part of. However if you do find a really good RP that needs people don't hesitate to send it my way. I am always willing to give things a look.

I spend most of my time over on tumblr as baneofboredom. I also like to spend time with my friends and work on cosplays and such.

On gaia these days I mostly sort of play the market place very poorly and figure out new ways to dress my avatar without actually buying anything.

If there is anything else you'd like to know feel free to send me a PM!




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dolphins are my life Report | 11/04/2011 7:30 am
dolphins are my life
Thanks. I changed it cause I got bored with the one I had and so many new hairstyles had come out. I will have to change it though when I get my sash cause they are the same color and it looks funny.
Kudasai_Ai_Watashi mo Report | 09/11/2011 7:43 pm
Kudasai_Ai_Watashi mo
Awwwwwww TT.TT ok well Happy Lie Birthday lol
TruthSeekerBeta Report | 09/11/2011 7:34 pm
LOL Ah - sorry then! XD
TruthSeekerBeta Report | 09/11/2011 7:06 pm
Happy Birthday, Mate!!!!!
Kudasai_Ai_Watashi mo Report | 09/11/2011 7:02 pm
Kudasai_Ai_Watashi mo
Happy Birthday!
Luckki Fate XIII Report | 07/14/2011 6:53 am
Luckki Fate XIII
Didja realize i like many of the things you do and i dislike many of the things you do??? (except twiligt [Spelling mistake on purpose i don't like typing it] i do NOT dislike it...more than dislike. abhor. hate. etc etc.)
Chocolate Alchemist Report | 06/27/2011 4:49 am
Chocolate Alchemist
Thank you for buying my item...~ *Bows*
Rogue_Silence13 Report | 05/15/2011 8:11 am
I really like your avi! What item is the hair from?
Kumania Report | 10/09/2010 11:44 am
YAY! Avi made by me is still there!! :3
Emerald.Pudding.Pop Report | 09/01/2010 1:24 pm
cool avi