
Hiya! My names is ungiven so just call meh Aaron xDD I live in the Usa. I'm 14. Im male. Im Bi not gay. Im Italian. I'm a leader and if i dont like something or dont think its right I will speak my mind. Im not afraid of anything when im with Caitlyn, Emuu, Phylisa, or Matt. For some reason thier presance comforts meh. I love random, funneh people. Ill talk to anyone thats willing to talk to meh. I think its fun to mess with newbs XD I fall in love really easy and fall for the wrong people usually =3 My best friends forever are Caitlyn, Phylisa, Leah, Gabby, Noah, Jason, Nathan, King, and Emuu. I love you guys =3 I love the Twilight Serious. Im currently Taken by the most amazing person in the world. I know alot of people say that but im completely serious. He may be jealous sometimes but i dont care anymore. i accept him how he is. His user is xXx The_Lost_Meaning xXx. ^^ Fear his awsomness but back off because hes all mine =3 I love reading. I love Riding my Dirt bike. I love GreenDay, Panic! at the Disco, Hollywood Undead, Slipknot, The Fray, Three Days Grace, HelloGoodbye, and Simple Plan. I love xXx The_Lost_Meaning xXx I love black but I wouldn't consider myself "emo" I hate Homophobics, Horses, Stupid people, Alot of people, Spiders, Darkness, The color pink, and shopping. I'm usually in rally or hills. xD My new bestie is Valentine. Hes Friggen Awsome so dont Fug with him... or matt or Emuu.. Or Cat. Or Caitlyn. Lets See.. Im an Uncle and have the cuttest little neice who was born on July 5th 2009 and weighed 7pounds 9ounces. She was 20.5 inches. I love my sisters. Nina and Jolie. and my brother Damien ^^ I hate my one grandma, rosie but love my grandma bonnie. im very picky about the people i like this is why i only have about 20 friends. I hate populars and haters xDD that is all... you may go =3
This is me.. my hairs a bit longer now.. i knu im ugly but dont judge ^^
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Sammi <3's Matt
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