Feardun Dread

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Character Profile

      Name:Feardun Isghoroth Dread
      Height:6,3; Just under 2 meters
      Weight:200 lb; roughly 100 Kilo
      Specialties:The study and practice of the Dark, Necromantic Arts; including but not limited to, Resurrection, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Affliction Via Magic and Death Spells. He also is able to realm and time jump. He is not an offensive sort of person, he is more on learning new things rather than harming or controlling others.

      Biography and History:Born in the middle of Spring, Feardun was raised to be a good child, going to church every Sunday, and following the commandments of his religion. Unfortunately that was abruptly stopped, at the tender age of 5, his parents were murdered before his eyes, and since then he lived only to hate and hurt people, because of what people did to his parents. He loved to cause pain to others, for 5 more years he spent his time hurting and causing pain to others...until one day...

      He had strangled a man with his bare hands, murdering him, bloody, a horrific mess, but he had not calculated the fact the man was a father, he had also not calculated that the man's daughter was in the same house, a girl he knew. A girl he would fall in love with...Her tears, and her pain changed Feardun, and from then on he forced himself to learn how to resurrect the girl's father, for three years he tried, and finally he got it.

      To his dismay, she was terrified at the corpse he had resurrected, a mindless, flesh feasting shell of it's former host. The girl killed herself, and now, everyday, Feardun spends learning more about the arts, trying new ways to change the art from a power hungry practice, to that of one that could help people. It was not until he was 18 that he truly tried to bring her back, for he found that he loved the girl, that motivating him to become more valiant in finding out the secret to true Resurrection.

      He was tutored by a great Lich, once a man, he found a way to bring himself back, unfortunately he forgotten the formula in the process of bringing himself back to life, and still himself studies Necromancy, after Feardun had mastered all he could, he adopted his Master's name, Dread. Isghoroth was a name he adopted, from the god of eternities. He wanders the realms and times in search of knowledge, in hopes of one day bringing back that little girl, and her father.

      Personality:Sadistic at heart, Feardun just plain enjoys the pain of others, as well as himself, making him Sado-Masochistic. The love of his pain as well as others. But deep down there is more than that in his heart, he is truly a caring person, who can be devout to whoever and whatever comes across his path. He is not some hapless murderer, hellbent on destroying everything life has to offer, he is quite the opposite, working for the good of the living. In and beyond life.

      Appearance: Feardun is very handsome man, standing tall, and broad shouldered, he has learned the ways of martial arts, but not for force or harm, but protection and self defense. He at one time had pure white skin, and powerful green eyes, but after years of studying the arts, he had completely covered his body in a black substance to help his longevity, making him ageless beyond 23, still having that figure. There are Runes all over his body, to enhance his magical prowess, and to aide his body's endurance and Constitution. What he is is unknown, perhaps demon, or moon child, a servant of Isghoroth herself. His hair has changed due to the magic within him, as well as his eyes, now a brilliant blue, standing out against his skin. (His runes are the same blue, radiating powerful magics.) He wears silver, blue lined earrings, a black, assassin's robe, with buckles, blue pants, with buckles, blue gloves, black socks and blue sandals on his person, more of a fashion statement. Though he does at times hire himself as an assassin for the evil.

      Weapons:A Summoner's scythe, and a dimensional Death Sword, he uses both to travel realms and time, in order to learn as much as he can about the arts of Necromancy.


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sdplisskin Report | 02/06/2012 9:11 pm
first of all shmuck....this is not SOLID SNAKE from metal gear solid.....this is my send up to SNAKE PLISSKEN. a movie character from john carpenter. IF YOU HAD BEEN SMART ENOUGH to read the name of my avatar you would have known that....instead you want to troll around and show how little you know. now...as far as you confusing snake plissken with solid snake IS A MAJOR MISTAKE. yes one could argue that one created the other but im not here to argue that...im just here to let you know how idiotic you true are....and look at this...by time you have read this you will have noticed that i have not used ONE single curse world.....only a middle school troll would stoop to such a low level. in my personal oppinion you need to get a life, stop trolling around looking for people to flame out because it just make you look more idiotic than you truely are....wait what am i tying of course your idiotic. now...IF you truely have the testicular fortitute to actually do something about this i will gladly give you my REAL telephone number....which i personally doubt you will call. SO here goes...(910) 372-2051 and tell me all about it....thanks...have a nice day.
XTsukiakari AmayaX Report | 06/30/2008 11:03 am
XTsukiakari AmayaX
freakin ree ree Report | 06/30/2008 8:21 am
freakin ree ree
Lol, Well Good Luck In Getting It Then
freakin ree ree Report | 06/30/2008 8:18 am
freakin ree ree
Leading Cause Of Sillyness Ay?

Well, Considering Its 1:18am, My Day Hasn't Really Happened Yet.

Thanks ;]

I Like Yours Too.
freakin ree ree Report | 06/30/2008 8:13 am
freakin ree ree
I Bet You Do.

But Unfortunately I'm Not In The Date Raping Mood

Otherwise I Could Have Made Exceptions.
SEXYTRINI100 Report | 06/21/2007 6:35 am
welcome to Gaia and nice avatar!!! have fun here and feel free to send me a friends request. holla
oOMizuki_AshiyaOo Report | 06/21/2007 6:16 am
oOMizuki_AshiyaOo Report | 06/21/2007 6:14 am
Hey. Such an.......unique description of your avi. Feel free to PM me or add me or someting.
Hacking_Investigator_Ann Report | 06/21/2007 6:06 am
like avi. welcome to the alsome gaia
xX-Lloromannic-Xx Report | 06/21/2007 6:06 am
Wow i love your avi you cant be new here are u...?

Well anyways Welcome to Gaia~nya~


      "Love...it's just a word...a passing feeling...it doesn't work for me...I don't believe in it."


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