
My name is Michael,
I'm unique and a bit crazy.
Well, I take being crazy back.
I enjoy laughter, danger, and candy.
I don't smoke or do drugs.
Im not pervie and I'm not into sex.
Yes, I am straight. No, I'm not gay.
I like to write, I like to draw, I love to be different.
I hate people who judge others by a cover. I love my avi, I don't care what you faggots' think, I LOVE IT.
If I'm asked out, I say no,
Because this girl is the only girl who knows my life.
I listen to electronic and experimental grindcore music.
My sister sucks. I shoot her a lot with my bb pistol..
Anyway.. I get in trouble a lot.
I have a band, we're call ourselves:
*CaTasTroPHiC bOrEDeM*
[I'm lead up Guitar/ vocals]
My Favorite color is black. Second is green. M favorite band is Devil Wears Prada.
I love Hot Topic..
Because their pants are awesome.
And the people who work there are too.
We might have some things in common,
So talk to me.

Candy Mountain Song:
Oh when youre down and youre looking for some cheering up
Then just head right on up to the candy mountain cave
When you get inside you find yourself a cheery land
Such a happy and joy filled and perky merry land
Theyve got lollipops and gummidrops and candy things
Oh so many things that will brighten up your day
Its impossible to wear a frown in candy town
Its the mecca of love the candy cave
Theyve got jellybeans and coconut with little hats
Candy rats, chocolate bats, its a wonderland of sweets
Buy the candy train to town and hear the candy band
Candy bells, its a treat, as they march across the land
Cherry ribbon stream across the sky and to the ground
Turn around, it astounds, its a dancing candy treat
In the candy cave imagination runs so free
So now Charlie please will you go into the cave?

Charlie you look quite down,
With your big fat eyes,
And your big fat frown.
The world doesn’t have to be so grey.
Charlie when your life’s a mess,
When you’re feeling blue,
Always in distress,
I know what can wash that sad away.
All you have to do is,
Put a banana in your ear.
Charlie: A Banana in my ear?
Put a ripe banana right into your favorite ear.
It’s true
Charlie: Says who?
So true,
Once it’s in your blues will disappear.
The bad in the world is hard to hear,
When in your ear a banana cheers.
So go and put a banana in your ear.
Put a banana in your ear.
Charlie: I’d rather keep my ear clear.
You will never be happy if you live your life in fear.
It’s true.
Charlie: Says you.
So true
When it’s in the skies are bright and clear.
Of every day of every year.
The sun shines bright in this big blue sphere.
So go and put a banana in your earrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
*Banana King blows up*


my insanly weird life

Shimaro-san's journal

this is my life and it sucks



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Heart Pandemic

Report | 08/03/2010 1:40 pm

Heart Pandemic

cool avi
Heart Pandemic

Report | 07/15/2009 1:28 pm

Heart Pandemic

did youz get a-hacked???
&& i dont want youz to go away to boarding schooolzz,
i iz gonna misses you.
am i allowed too kidnapp youz?

Report | 06/21/2009 4:00 pm


hey mike, i know u like ur avi and all but dude waht the hell?

Report | 06/16/2009 2:12 pm



can you draw avi art? lol


Report | 05/31/2009 12:43 pm


ohh em Gee!!

awesome playlist! <3
Heart Pandemic

Report | 05/24/2009 12:21 pm

Heart Pandemic

I know!
But my mom is scard of what they lewk like.
Im like "mom they are really nice, they just dress different!"
but she's so retarded.

Oh well.
Heart Pandemic

Report | 05/24/2009 12:15 pm

Heart Pandemic

lucky. D:
Mi madre wont let me go there anymore.
shes scared of the people that work there...
Heart Pandemic

Report | 05/24/2009 12:12 pm

Heart Pandemic

Heyy Micheal.
I havnt'''t talked to you in a while.

What'''s up??
xA t o m i c

Report | 05/19/2009 3:00 pm

xA t o m i c

xA t o m i c

Report | 05/19/2009 3:00 pm

xA t o m i c