
My name is Fiona. This is the name that most people call me by.
Um, I'm pretty fabulous.
I have a cynical sense of humor, thus many people don't like me, but I don't really care.
I have a low tolerance for stupidity.
I don't really like fat people.
[I know that sounds horrible, but I don't get along with any fat person I know]
I hate fatty foods, as you might deduce from the fact that I don't like fat people.
I think donuts are the most disgusting thing in the world, along with cinnamon rolls.
I am opposed to biggots and homophobes.
No one should be judged simply by the color of their skin or their sexual orientation.
I try not to hate biggots and homophobes because that would make just as bad, wouldn't it?
Instead of hating them I think we should help them understand, although it can be a frustrating process.
I am Pro-Choice.
A woman should be allowed to get an abortion if she wants.
It's not murder.
Murder means killing someone, taking their life, you can not murder something that is not yet born, not yet living.
Hmm... any other political issues to cover, ya know, while I'm at it???
Oh yeah,
The war.
I'm against the war in Iraq.
It was based on misinformation as a ploy to get at Iraq's oil.
There were no WMD, and we have no right to go into another country, overthrow their government and replace it with their own.
It's even against the U.N's policy of Self Determination.
I hate people who type lik dis evn wen they hve a full key bord nfrnt of dem.
There's really just no excuse for that. It's forgivable in a text message, but definitely not when you have a full keyboard.
I'm very protective of my friends.
And my enemies know a wrath like no other.
Let's see, am I forgetting anything?
I went to a Jewish school for eight years of my life,
but I'm an atheist.
I just don't find the probability of there being an omnipotent-benevolent being that created us all very high.
If you believe differently than me I don't care as long as you don't take your beliefs and shove them down my throat.
I love music.
My ipod goes everywhere with me.
I don't listen exclusively to any one genre of music.
But some of my favorite artists are;
Guns N' Roses, Metallica, Skid Row, Queen, Beck, Prince, Yelle, Kyo, CSS, Creed, Def Leppard, MSI, Iron Maiden and Ozzy.
I play flute in my school's band.
Band is pretty bomb.
I wonder who's still reading this?
I love hanging out with my friends.
I like coffee.
It is my sweet elixir of the morning.
I also like tea. I drink it often in the evening.
I like my tea black, and strong.
I love chocolate.
But I only like dark chocolate.
I hate milk chocolate.
And... I'm done.
Hate me,
Love me,
I don't care.
I am what I am.


Viewing 12 of 69 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/20/2009 9:46 pm


Hey, add my new account:
The Surprise Inside
<3 Harle

Report | 02/28/2009 10:13 pm


hey it been a while i didn't talk to you

so i will talk to you later ok?


Report | 10/25/2008 11:08 pm



wow....u finally came back on, XD

its good to hear from ya again ^_^

i do have an MSN live messenger account, but i'll give it to ya in a PM, k?

Report | 09/12/2008 2:08 am


HEY! its been a looong time....how've you been? pretty busy, i bet..

but then again, ur always on top of things

well, hope to talk to you again soon....
Constanze Mozart

Report | 07/09/2008 8:14 pm

Constanze Mozart

LOL. I love your about me. "I don't like fatty food." XD

Report | 07/05/2008 1:40 pm



Report | 07/02/2008 1:40 pm


I am doing quite excellently, now that the computer seems to be behaving itself. ^^; Blast those accidental hiatuses...

Report | 06/16/2008 7:37 pm


Yes, 'tis. =/ I kind of forgot about the fact after I listened to it enough, though. x'D

Report | 06/16/2008 10:13 am



you so lucky

what are you gona do next?

Report | 06/01/2008 10:24 am


to many exams you see

so what you been up to?


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