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Blueroc's avatar

Report | 10/11/2008 10:04 am


Thanks for stopping by my shop - enjoy your cricket! User Image
Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 10/11/2008 7:18 am


Edrear: MISS RAY!!!!

Another Keeper clone attacks him.

Edrear: (Thinkink) I have to get to Ray! but how can I do that with all of these clones . . .

(With Ray)

Ray: NOW LOOK HERE YA BIG HOBO! *Looks at plant that is now uncontious and cut into little tiny pieces* DON'T MESS WITH ME! Now how am I need to get to that house so I can get to Keeper.

Starts to run un direction of the castle.

Comeon Keeper it's just you and me.

Sasuki: Not quiet!

Enzu sad THinking) Damnit she didn't die!

Sasuki: Hi Ray!

Ray: Sasuki stay focused!

Sasuki: Right, right!

Edaniel: Hey where's My brother!

Ray: *stays quiet for a few seconds then starts to laugh* Getttin beaten up by a bunch of girls!

All: Laugh!

Ray: Ok Keeper it's time for you to move on!

All LOT of Keeper clones show up.


All: Got it!

Ray: *shuts the door on the head* Come on keeper lets go. You can move on now.


Ray:*Busts out laughing then getsout first aid-kit* You all look so funny . . . I'm sorry but you all got beaten up by a bunch of little girls you boys have to be embarresed. I mean Sasuki is fine...*laughs*

Edrear: Are you alright Miss Ray?

Ray: *starts to put peroxide on his cuts* Ya I beat up a plant!

Edrear: *smiles*

Sasuki: So you did scream! Enzu you really didn't hear her?

Enzu: No sorry.

Ray: *Glares at Enzu* You can't lie to me Enzu! I know you heard me and you thought that if I died on my own you wouldn't need to!

Edrear: *Grabs a hold of his hilt on his sword*

Edaniel: *Grabs onto Sasuki so Edrear doesn't attack her.*

Enzu: Aw you make me sound so evil.

Ray: That's because you are! *walks out of masoleum* Bye!

Sasuki: Hey wait up Ray! *Runs after her*

Edrear: Enzu I will say this one time only! If you lay one hand on Ray I'll kill you.

Enzu: Hmm 'Ray' what happened to 'Miss Ray'???? Can you really foll yourself into thinking you love her! We can't have any deep feelings!

Edrear: Don't say that when you have those same feelings! As does Edaniel! Those two aren't like normal humans.

Enzu: Well no duh Sasuki is a demon! And you have to remember that Rayu has done this three time now! Oh and I bet she never told you guys what will happen to her when she dies by Moa!

Edrear: What?

Enzu: Hm She'll enter a vault and you'll have to face her one day! Could you do that? send her away forever?? Ray isn't like Sasuki, she won't live forever!!!

Edrear: Then Moa will never kill her!

Enzu: YOu can dream Edrear. YOu can dream...
Ibble Ibble's avatar

Report | 10/11/2008 4:03 am

Ibble Ibble

Aww, thanks ^-^
Ibble Ibble's avatar

Report | 10/09/2008 7:35 pm

Ibble Ibble

Not really, just two dresses, a Halloween suit and a nurse =D
Ibble Ibble's avatar

Report | 10/09/2008 7:06 pm

Ibble Ibble

Ecua and Bang say "you needta change it moar! D=<"

So I do~
Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 10/08/2008 5:52 pm


(With Ray, Edrear, and Edaniel)

Ray: *Watching Sasuki and Enzu walk away* Edaniel, follow them but be quiet about it got it!

Edaniel: Yes ma'am!

Ray: Good, Edrear lets start looking.

Edrear: Miss. Ray if I may you seem a bit touchy tonight, could what we found out about Sasuki be bother . . .

Ray: Not you too, look Sasuki is my friend! Moa is a Demon as well but that doesn't mean that I hate Sasuki or anything it just makes me even more afraid for her. Um . . . Edrear, when did they show up?

Edrear: Wha? . . . RUN MISS. RAY!

Ray: No way!!!!! I'm not leaving you here!

Edrear: I'm not going to argue with you now get out of here!

Ray: Edrear!

Edrear: Get going! *He said as he began to fight off the random keeper clones.

As Ray walks around the large forest she sees another kepper clone. As she watches it gets eaten before her eyes.

Ray: Oh great I soooooo needed that today . . .what the . . . AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Widow Bites's avatar

Report | 10/07/2008 6:33 pm

Widow Bites

thanks for buying~
Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 10/06/2008 8:02 pm


As Ray began the lonely walk over to Sasuki's house to get her the fall air was cool and brisk.She sighed as she felt like someone was watching her. She remebered the events that happened the previos night and a tear once again fell from her eyes when she walked up to ring the bell of Sasuji's house. When Sasuki opened the door Ray must have had a sad look on her face because Sasuki became consierned.

Sasuki: Ray whats wrong and your kinda eairly don't you think????

Ray: I needed to talk to you about some things.

Sasuki: Oh . . . are you sure you don't want to talk to Edrear about it??

Ray: NO I'm sure he would only get mad at me and lock me up somewhere.

After that statement Sasuki began to become frightened for Ray.

Sasuki: Come in it's cold out here.

Ray: *nods*

Sasuki: So, what do you have to talk about.

Ray: Well, there are two things actually. . . on is about our new guildsman Enzu and anouther is about Lisa . . .

Sasuki: Go on it's ok.

RAy: Well here what do you think about Enzu?

Sasuki: Well he's good looking and funny, very charming . . .

Ray: What about Edaniel?

Sasuki: . . .

Ray: YOu're ganna need to think about who you want hun.

Sasuki: I no, what do you think about him.

RAy: He knows Moa, I know he does. He was brought here by the Church to have me killed by orders of Moa.

Sasuki: How can you tell we just met him last night.

Ray: I now but that's the other thing I wanted to tell you. . . We better get going before we end up late.

Sasuki: Well Tell me on the way.

RAy: Can't I need to do it sometime when no stray ears can hear.

Sasuki: That deep huh?

Ray: Indeed.

The girls make their way to the Mausolium in silance and go in just as quiet to see Edaniel and Enzu.

Ray: Where's Edrear?

Enzu: He can't make it tonight, so I'll be helpping out a LOT tonight.

Sasuki: HI Enzu hay Edaniel!

Edaniel: Hey Babe whats. . . .

Sasuki: So Enzu what do you bring to our group?

Enzu: Fighting skill mostly and a ruthless attitude.

Ray: Dozn~ajdo~aheof~heofla!

Enzu: How cute *rolls eyes* Anyway ignoring the crazy girl lets head to the vault.

Ray: Lets!

As they all walk in Ray stays behind a bit to look around.

Ray: *Whispers* Edrear where are you? I need you know more then ever tonight.

AS they all walk into the vault they notice they are in a clearing.

Sasuki: What the hell???

Edaniel: Enzu why did you make us come in outside of the town we need to get to the town before the moon shines on that doll remember!!!

Sasuki: It was just a simple mistake.

Edaniel: *takin back* Wha . . . *looks down really sadly* yea . . .

Ray: Hwo about we split into two groups and surch faster?

Enzu: Perfect . . . RAy and I will go together and Sasuki and the cat can go in the other group.

Edaniel: I have a name you know!!!!

Enzu: Hmm I seem to be going deef in one ear.

Ray: Kets just go!

As they split into groups Ray notices Enzu smirking as they get further and further away from the others.

Enzu: *shoves Ray aganst a tree* I know you understand why I'm here and I'll tell you flat out that I will be the one to kill you!

Ray: So Moa did send you. ENZUGAHTR!!!

Enzu: Eh don't say my full name I HATE it it so stupid. Anyway I know you remember me from the Accar Church and I know you understand my dark secret.

Ray: I know, you are the one that had Killed Lisa, I hadn't told the others though just as I promised so WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE SINCE I KEPT MY DAMN WORD!

Enzu: Simple I'm here to KI . . .

Out from the trees Edrear comes out with a shocked look on his face.

Edrear: Miss. Ray . . . um . . . I'm sorry if I'm inturupting something . . .

RAy: No you not, now I want to find this little girl, get rid of the dall and get the HEll away from you Enzu!

Enzu: Fine by me.

As Enzu begins once again walking toward the town Edrear walks up to Ray.

Edrear: Miss. Ray what's going on?

Ray: Just the past constantly coming back to haunt me . . . Anyway let's just finish the vault.

*One Hour Later*

IshLiebeDich's avatar

Report | 10/06/2008 2:04 pm


Thanks for buying at my store <3
agito wanijima akito's avatar

Report | 10/05/2008 7:37 pm

agito wanijima akito

Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 10/04/2008 5:34 am


As Ray was changing for bed that night she saw something out of the corner of her eye. As she turned she gasped at what she saw. In her mirior stood Lisa looking at her with a look of pure agony.

Ray: LISA! Lisa why are you here you should have gone straight to heven? You, you're in a vault aren't you . . . *gasp* you're not the unbearable are you?

Lisa: *Points to music box on dresser*.

Ray: *Walks over to dresser* Yes it's the you . . . *turns to look back at her but she isn't there* (thinking) Why would she point to this. I mean it was the first Birthday present she had ever given me but it ment something more.


Lisa: Come on Ray open it up.

Ray: okay, but it better not have cost you much.

Lisa: Cross my heart!

As RAy opens the box she noticed an old fashioned music box most likely from the 16th century.

Ray: LIsa it's gorgeous. THANK YOU! *opens it to hear music* It plays Witch's Melody. From our favorite movie!

Lisa: I added that part, you can keep anything in there you want but you have to read what's in it first.

RAy: huh? *Opens lid to find a note left by Lisa* Dear Ray, Happy Birthday and I love being you friend. Whenever you think or listen to this box remember our first day as friends together. We'll be together forever weither you like it or not. . .

(End Flashback)

A lone tear falls from Ray's eye as she finishes the note. 'I wish I wish for that spaciel person who will think of me everyday, and when I got them I knew for a fact that they were her to stay.' The line from Lisa and Ray's favorite poam rang out in Ray's mind as she fell asleep listening to Witch's Melody.

(I'll Update the whole kid with the doll thing when I get home . . . well maybe tomorrow because Im ganna get home around Midnight ^-^ Talk to you tomorrow!)
Ibble Ibble's avatar

Report | 10/02/2008 5:01 pm

Ibble Ibble

Ibble Ibble's avatar

Report | 10/02/2008 4:57 pm

Ibble Ibble

Aww, thanks

And sorry I missed your birthday u.u
Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 09/30/2008 7:29 pm


^ The Next Night ^

Ray: *Yawns*

Sasuki: What's got you so tierd??? I thought you were use to the lack of sleep?

Ray: I am my body isn't use to all the stress I have to deal with now though. I just got a letter from My mom and she wants me to visit her next week. Also I have practice and piano lessons and drawing class and I have to do the laundry and . . .

Sasuki: Ok ok I get it you very busy, don't you think you should take a breack from that stuff since we do this everynight? * Tosses in gold earring*

Ray: I can't it keeps my mind busy so I don't have time to think about anything.

Sasuki: *Looks down silently*

Edaniel: Hey you two your late!!!!

Sasuki: *Looks down and blushes in embarresment and anger*

Edrear: Brother relax, hello Miss Ray, Miss Sasuki, Miss Ray you look as if your going to faint?

Sasuki: THats cause she is.

Edaniel and Edrear: *Looks confused at Ray*

Ray: *Yawns* It's no big deal. . . Lets go to the vault already.

THe group walks in and sees large floating Islands connected by stairs and wire.

Sasuki: COOL!

Ray: *nodds*

Edaniel: THis place isn't cool babe, It's wicked dangerous for reasons I've forgotten, but stay on your toes!!!

The group walks into the main room and sees a girl walk over to them.

IXI: Hello there, who are you?

Ray: Oh . . . I'm Ray and that's Sasuki, along with Edaniel and Edrear, we're from the Sunken Mausoleum.

IXI: My name is IXI. Welcome to my dream world!

Sasuki: THis is a dream, but you don't seem mean at all . . . I mean

IXI: No your right most spirits are bad but I haven't really done anything wrong . . . I just want to be left alone you see I . . .I lost my family long ago when I was very small and sine then I've had a hard time of it. This castle is the only thing that keeps me distracted from my memories.

Ray: It's okay IXI, I know just how you feel I lost someone important to me aswell and have been having a hard time copping with it.

IXI: Oh Ray do you? I just know we're going to become great friends come on!!

IXI begins to show the group around as as she does Edrear notices something.

Edrear: THat's odd . . . Look at all the stuff here it has two sides.

Sasuki: YOur right, everything has more then one use and everyone has on two faces. Weird?

IXI: Of corse everything in my world has two faces! Change is the very foundation of my world. OH and while your hear you may look around anywhere you ant to!

Sasuki: I want to look at the floating houses!

Ray: I'll go too!

Edainel: Wait babe, RAy, GUYS REMEMBER WICKED DANGER! You guys suck today!!!! Don't come crying to me when your dead! LISTEN TO ME!!!!!

Ray walks into a room and finds a very comfurtable looking couch and desides to sleep..........
Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 09/29/2008 8:04 pm


Ray: Well whats ne . . .

But before she could finish a giant head came out of the water and was about to eat Ray. OUt of nowhere Edrear shows up and kills the thing by stabbing it in the head.

Edrear: Miss Ray could you please try and not get yourself killed?

Ray: EDREAR! *runs up and huggs him* I missed you ^-^

Edrear: *blushes* I missed you aswell.

Edaniel: Can we go home yet?

Sasuki: Shut up half pint!

Edaniel: *Whimpers and go sulcks in corner*

Ray: Sasuki, will you please let him explain?


Edrear: Miss Sasuki, please I think once you hear my brothers story you'll understand and forgive him.

Ray: Yea Sasuki, just give him a chance.

(Srry it's so short I couldn't think of anything at the minute I just got home ^-^ I'll most likly get back in the groove with your next update ^-^)
Misstress_Sinthia's avatar

Report | 09/29/2008 5:28 pm


thanks for your purchase. good luck with the floaties and come back again
l SMOkEy  l's avatar

Report | 09/29/2008 4:21 pm

l SMOkEy l


need_A_freind's avatar

Report | 09/29/2008 3:59 pm


no problem...

kool avi 2...
need_A_freind's avatar

Report | 09/29/2008 3:43 pm


thnx 4 the buy...

kool profile
Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 09/28/2008 9:02 pm


^ On there way back to Ray ^

Edaniel: Sasuki, please just let me explain.

Sasuki: Save your breath you sick little perverted back stabing peice of . . .

PLague: She's dieing isn't she?

Sasuki: NO, we got a cure this apple will save her.

Plague: PLease let me give it to her.

Sasuki hands over the apple. PLague walks in and up to Ray as he stabs the apple and pours the liquid into her mouth.

Plague: Rosemary? Oh, Rosemary God please don't die again.

Sasuki looks like she is possesed and walks outside.

Ray: mha *looks around frightened and about ready to cry*

PLague: Rosemary. Oh, Rosemary you're well again! It's a miracle! *flys away*


Ray: *can't seem to breath right*

Edaniel: Ray what's wrong? Come you need to talk to me or Edrear will kill me!

Ray: Ed . . . rear????

Edaniel: Snap out of it woman!!!!! *smacks Ray across face*

Ray: Edaniel, I saw her . . . I saw Lisa . . . *on verge of tears* where's Sasuki?

Edaniel: She's coming *sighs sadly*

Ray: Wha????

Sasuki appears in a cool looking skull and bones dress with a blank look on her face. She floats outside as Ray and Edaniel sit and watch.

Edaniel: *Sigh* She hates me.

Ray: *trying to breath right* Why?

Edaniel: YOu missed it and I don't feel like reliving it, Damnit I just need to explain what happened to her!!!!

Ray: *Stands up shakily* I . . . Should go . . . home . . .

Edaniel: RAy what is wrong with you.

Ray: It's what LIsa told me, and I think it . . . has something to do with Moa and killing me.

Edaniel: You aren't sapposed to know that yet!!!!! *Gasp* DAMNIT!! *covers mouth*

Ray: I'm going home and I'll take Sasuki back to. *calms down*

Edaniel: I'm dead . . .

Ray leaves and both her and Sasuki walk home.

^With the boys^

Edaniel: How do you think Lisa got a hold of Ray I mean she's in one of our vaults in a dream.

Edrear: Maybe since Ray was on the verge of Dea . . . *shacks head* Maybe she was connected somehow from Ray's state.

Edaniel: Maybe . . . So you're coming out tomorrow after the vault???

Edrear: Yes, keep them both safe for one more vault, then you can consintrate on Sasuki while I take Ray off your hands.

Edaniel: Sasuki hates me . . . I really wish I could cry . . .
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