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Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 09/21/2008 4:37 pm


(srry bout Edrear but I reread the story and I think that you and Edaniel make such a cute couple^-^)

The girls walk through a forest until they see shadows running around.

Sasuki: Hey Ray look there are some little kids over there.

Ray: Let's go see where there going but remember be careful.

Both girls walk up to the children and get their attension.

Ray:Hello there. Where are you going?

Girl: To Maggie Murdoch's. You can come with us if you like.

Sasuki: *whispers to Ray*: I think we should go with them.

Ray: *whispers back*: Yes Sasuki, we are.

Girl: Maggie Murdoch lived in the woods before they flooded last summer. Mother says we mustn't go see her because she's a witch.

Sasuki: Shouldn't you listen to your mother?

Girl: But we know better! Maggie Murdoch is a faerie woman and she knows most everything. She fixed a cut on my leg once.

Little Girl: MAGGIE!

Ray to Sasuki: Hang back a bit, lets see what's really going on.

Sasuki: She seems harmless sept for the stupid lookin hat.

Ray: think again look there are dead children in the water below.

Sasuki: So tha Maggie is the one killing everybody.

Ray: Yup, hey where did they go?

Sasuki: Lets go check the house!

The girls run to the house but don't find any of the children. The house is filled with strange odds and ends.

Sasuki: Hey Ray, if that Maggie really is a witch maybe her spells only work on kids.

Ray: That's it, come on we're ganna need the Mausoleum's help on this one.

The girls head back to the spot they had arrived at.


Ray: Well that's one way to put it.

Sasuki: I wonder if they heard me?

Ray: OH I think they did look we're Children! Come on we need to get back there and quick!
Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 09/21/2008 2:41 pm


(I'll dance with him because one: Random funny moment for me to make Edrear jelious and 2: Cause I wanna type you chasen the rat lol ^-^)

Sasuki: *shoves Ray onto dance floor* You go dance with him I'm still a little Iffy from the last vault.

Ray: *rolls eyes but looks down at outfit* I wasn't wearing this a second ago. (Mk I don't really like the dress that Dinah wore at this part but I do like the dress the the lady in the painting wears. Lolz so I'm wearing that).

Boy: Ro . . . Rosette? My little Rosette? Is that you?

Ray: *In head* 'Crap I think he means me.'

Boy: Come dance with me, precious. It's be so long since we danced . . .

Ray: 'Dudes a crack head'

Sasuki: Dammit there are too many keys. * notices rat with key* Hey you get back here don't make me sick Edaniel on you. *Runs after rat*.

Ray: 'I wonder why he couldn't marry Rosette? Why did he throw away his life for her? And i wonder what happened to Rosette? *Feels knife on back* Oh, that's what happened . . . HURRY IT UP SASUKI!!!!!!!!!!!

Boy: *puts knife to Ray's cheeck* Mother says we can't marry, Rosette. But I've got a plan. *leans in for kiss*

Sasuki: Get back here you stupid rat . . . Eh I'm soooo ganna kill you. GIVE ME THAT KEY!!!!!!!!!

Ray: Sasuki, I need that key NOW!!!!

Sasuki: BATER UP!! *hits rat toward Ray*

Ray: Got it, now dude stop tryin to put the moves on me I already love someone else thank you!

Rosette: I forgive you.


Sasuki: Ohhhhh . . . you're in love with somebody . . . and I know who!!!!!

Ray: Ah, Sasuki please don't tell him.

Sasuki: Chill we cool we cool but I bet he would get pretty steamed if he saw you dancin with that guy.

Ray: *blush* you think so?

Sasuki: *Yawns* Lets go I'm bushed from my rat chase.

Ray: I'm sure you gave even some of the best cats a run for their money.

Sasuki: Heck yea!!!!!!
Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 09/21/2008 1:26 pm


Part 2

Ray:Hmmmmm . . . Well it said that it was waiting somewhere cold and dark for its nonexsisting groom . . . A closet!!

Sasuki: A closet?????

Ray: THink about is dark and cold, and waiting for its groom . . . so its in a bedroom.

Sasuki: This dream is kinda pervy.

Ray: I agree although wouldn't it be funny to see that looks on the guys faces if they were here.

Sasuki: Priceless, and for everything else ther's mastercard.

Ray: Nice, now my guess would be that the bedroom is somewhere high up with a balcony and a beautiful view.

Sasuki: How do you know.

Ray: Let's just say this isn't the first time I've had to deal with a spirit like this.

Sasuki: Oh . . .

The girls run up to the top of the stairs to find a long hallway with a lot of doors.

Sasuki: How do we know which one's the one?

Ray: What else did the Riddle say . . . "The face in stone that haunts my dreams . . . Is in my home and doth schemes".

Sasuki: What the heck does 'doth' mean?

Ray: A really old term for is.

Sasuki: Oh . . . OH hey look over there. THat Statue looks like its ganna kill somebody.

Ray: Sasuki that's it! The spirit is behind that door.

The girls run in and open the closet and to their own horror find a young boy.

Sasuki: Oh My God, he's gay.

Ray: You just want to be loved don't you?

Boy: Yes . . .

Sasuki: Well your never ganna get some if you just sit here forever.

Ray and Sasuki help the boy out of the closet (lols get it ^-^ I'm such a dork) and he grows wings and soars away. The girls return to the Mausoleum with horror written all over their faces.

Ray: Out of all 160 vaults that I've done that one has got to be one of the weirder ones.

Sasuki: YOU'VE DONE 160 VAULTS!!!!!!!!!1

Ray: Yes, thats why I think Edrear was over reacting.

Sasuki:*Yawns* Well I'm headin home and off to bed.

Ray: Yea me too.
Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 09/21/2008 1:11 pm


(Thanx and I was just looking at some of the riddles and just made it up ^-^ I can make the ones up and you can use ones from the book so that way we have a veriaty. ^-^ Lolz)

^The Next night^

~With the guys~

Edaniel: *sighs* I'm board! It's no fun when we can't talk to them. . . wonder how they're holden up?????

Edrear: So far so good . . . *stares off into space*

Edaniel: Ray and Sasuki won't end up like she did you know . . . I mean they are both smart girls.

Edrear:Yes, but so was she.

Edaniel:*sighs* I think you liiiiike one of them and I don't mean just as someone to play table tennis with.

Edrear:Wha . . .

Bali Lali: Hello boys . . . Bali Lali has resiveed word from Ray's old contract.

Edaniel and Edrear: WHAT!!!!

Bali Lali hands over the letter.

Edrear: *grabs it and skims over it* No . . . this . . . . *goes quiet*

Edaniel:*skims as well* Well this is . . . what are we ganna do?

Edrear:*stays quiet*

Edaniel: I wish I knew how to cry.

{With the Girls}

Sasuki:*Yawns* I'm getting tierd, lack of sleep isn't good for me. *Tosses gold ring*

Ray: I always had to bring some kind of energy drink with me when I did this with L. . .

Sasuki: I don't mean to bring up old memories.

Ray: Don't worry about it, I don't want to forget her.

The girls walk in to find a large round table in the center of the entrance.

Sasuki: What the?????

Ray: What's that???? *Picks up plack* "The face in stone, that haunts my dreams. Is in my home and doth sceams. I hide in fear in the dark cold room. waiting for my nonexsisting groom. In shadow of night, in dark and light. I hide in the corner of a tear".

Sasuki: . . . I think my brain just broke.

Ray: This one will be difficult.

Sasuki: What makes you say that *rolls eyes*

Ray: No I mean we have to find the spirit and avoid the 'thing' that it's hidding from.

Sasuki: We can do it.

Ray: Well come on it's over here.

Sasuki: Where? All I see is an old fountian.

Ray: 'I hide in the corner of a tear' the door is in the corner of the fountian.

Sasuki: Oh . . .

Ray: Come on . . .

The Girls enter the door way and are taken to a starnge castle. As they walk in all is quiet.

Male voice: YOU WILL DO AS I SAY!

Female voice: NO please stop this your grace . . . *strange noise*

Ray and Sasuki: Ewww . . . . (Lol I had to put that)

Sasuki: so where are we ganna find this spirit.

Ray: Hmmmm . . . ..

To Be continued in part 2

(I'm writting part 2 now I just wanted to show you that I was on ^-^)
Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 09/21/2008 10:17 am


(Should we make up our own Riddles or use some of the ones in the Manga??? Or we could do both, but the first one I'm makin up ^-^)

Ray: THis looks like a good one.

Sasuki: What's it say?

Ray: "Under the moon, in the dark of night. We rode along the bank, far from sight. As the moon flashed down, the rode we lost. The fall to the sea, a deadly cost. Under the willows, you will find me there,next to my love the roses fair".

Sasuki: What the heck does that mean???

Ray: Well lets go find it first, My guess is under the old weeping willows by the dead rose bushes.

Sasuki: Alright then lets do this, our first vault.

Ray: Sasuki just please be careful and consintrate.

Sasuki: Right got it. *Gives thumbs up*

Ray: *Rolls eyes* Look its over there, and hey the door is under the rose bush!

Sasuki: Come on what are we waiting for?

Both girls enter the door and end up in an old Irish village. Ray has on a pale red dress with corset top and Sasuki is in a pale blue dress with corset top. The girls begin to walk down the path until they see a stable.

Ray: Hey remember what the riddle said. "We rode down the bank, far from sight." Maybe they ment horses.

Sasuki: It's worth a shot.

The girls walk in to see a young couple getting on horseback about to head out for the night.

Ray: Excuse me but we need some help.

Woman: Yes, whats the matter?

Sasuki: We were wondering if there are any old trails out here.

Male: Oh yea, loads out by the riverbed, didn't Krissy and that OBrian fella go out there?

Ray: THank you thats all we needed.

Sasuki: OH wait could we barrow two horses?

Man: Sure just make sure they get back.

Ray and Sasuki: We will.

Both girls begin to ride down the path as the moon is in view. A loud scream is heard not to far away.

Ray: Come on we have to hurry before we're to late!

The girls speed off and reach a ditch at the end of the bank.

Young girl: Oh please you have to help me! Its Conner, he feel over the edge with his horse and he cant climb up!

Sasuki: I got it. I new those rock climbing lessons would come in handy someday.

Ray: Be careful.

As Sasuki climbs down something hits Ray.

Ray: Um . . . miss do you love this boy?

Young girl: Yes, more then anything in the world.

Ray: Well you know, if you stay here you'll never see him again.The light from the moon grew brighter as the girl grew wings.

Young girl: Conner, I love you so much.

The girls were flashed back into the Mausoleum.

Sasuki: What the heck was that about.

Ray: The boy had died from the fall, the spirit was the girl how couldn't let go of that spot.

Sasuki: Oh . . . wow you really have done this before.

Ray: More then you know. *sigh* Nine more vaults befoer Edaniel.

Sasuki: Oh joy.
Bizenghast_Soul_Reaper's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 8:40 pm


(Girls walk in and down into the Masoleum).

Ray: I just thought of something.

Sasuki: What???

Ray: Well if we get our contracts today then that means the we start at the first vault . . . the guys won't be with us right away and the first one is Edaniel lolz.

Sasuki: I forgot about that wait that means that we're ganna meet Bali Lali aren't we?

Ray: Fraid so . . .

{With the guys}

Edaniel: Did Bali Lali really need to be so mean when she said we couldn't be with the girls right away.

Edrear: . . .

Edaniel: Oh don't worry so much, Ray has already done this about two times so she has a lot of experiance donin this and Sasuki is a though Chick They'll be FINE!!

Edrear: I hope your right, now how about we continue on your trainning.

(Srry I'm back so late. T.T we got 1st though ^-^ lolz anyway do you see where I'm goin with this anyway hope to talk to you soon ^-^)
Elegant Angel of Death's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 3:55 pm

Elegant Angel of Death

oh-ho-ho, you know it!
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 3:21 pm

Yeger Zero

XP Yeah
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 3:11 pm

Yeger Zero

*sighs* suicide isnt the answer, and it never will be
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 3:07 pm

Yeger Zero

Of course im sure *makes her move kunai away from her throat*
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 2:56 pm

Yeger Zero

No Sasuke. Dont kill yourself!
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 2:04 pm

Yeger Zero

Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 1:39 pm

Yeger Zero

sorry, i kinda just typed my thoughts there instead of just thinking of them XP
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 1:27 pm

Yeger Zero

well a fallen angel is what the devil is.

once an angel then punished XP

so, your saying she is like a fallen angel?
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 1:13 pm

Yeger Zero

fine, then what can i call her?

an angel?
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 12:59 pm

Yeger Zero

ok. tell her i called her midget then
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 12:55 pm

Yeger Zero

im not wittle...
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 12:39 pm

Yeger Zero

oh, really?
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 12:33 pm

Yeger Zero

Eh, i am pretty like-able XP
Yeger Zero's avatar

Report | 09/20/2008 12:28 pm

Yeger Zero

Well i am the only male werepyre that i know of. But I atleast know 3 werepyre chicks.
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