
Firebot779's avatar

Last Login: 08/15/2016 3:17 pm

Registered: 08/15/2007

Gender: Male

Random a** stalkers (I think)


Some info on me

Hello as you can well read, I'm firebot779 well thats my username I wont tell you real name you have to figure that out for yourself. Anyway I'm mostly on the computer often due to being home schooled and I do have some what of a poor grammar skill set due to not reading to many books... I'm not a reader so sue me
anyhow I'm mostly a video game and military kinda guy, I am single but its hard to find someone of my match, oh yeah in real life i'm not the greatest looking guy but I'm more of meh but yeah thats it I guess I'll now put my likes and dislikes, One thing I forgot I am also 17 turning 18

Likes: Gun, Old and classical weapons,Good video games, Metal,Rock,some dubstep (as long as it has a sweet guitar in the background),Airsoft,Cars,Tanks,Russian past

Dislikes: Girls who act preppy or major bitches for no reason,Guys who have no respect for the female kind and are plain out jackasses,Liars,Cheaters,People who force reilgon on others,women with to much low self esteem,Trolls (who go to far, good joke here and there is fine but I hate people who take it too far and end up hurting someone),People who are into into the new trend hip ex "Yolo and swag etc." (personly I think those people should be shunned upon for there stupidty), Massively stupid people who are ******** mindset on one thing and cant be reasoned with.

Thats if you want to know more, I guess just ask?



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Durash Report | 01/28/2011 12:58 pm
GBZephyrus Report | 01/27/2011 3:50 pm
Xx-Forgotten Mist-xX Report | 01/17/2011 5:30 pm
Xx-Forgotten Mist-xX
whee hiiiiiii
Xx-Forgotten Mist-xX Report | 12/29/2010 3:17 pm
Xx-Forgotten Mist-xX
np 3nodding
Xx-Forgotten Mist-xX Report | 12/29/2010 9:31 am
Xx-Forgotten Mist-xX
nice dream avi whee
Michelle _Idian princess Report | 12/28/2010 9:03 pm
Michelle _Idian princess
yeppp so what you up too!?!
Michelle _Idian princess Report | 12/27/2010 8:31 pm
Michelle _Idian princess
yeahh i here yahh i have been too!
Michelle _Idian princess Report | 12/27/2010 7:54 pm
Michelle _Idian princess
haha well i bet haha .but how have you been?!
Michelle _Idian princess Report | 12/27/2010 7:39 pm
Michelle _Idian princess
Oh wow ..
well seems like a big fight then if you dont think yall go out again!
well im sorry for what happened!
hope things get better!
Michelle _Idian princess Report | 12/26/2010 4:41 pm
Michelle _Idian princess
a fight about what?! if i may ask.
and im sorry yall wil make up i know


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Me: "So he felt insulted, and left just like that."

Sam: "Really? So, you let him leave?"

Me: "No. He was a Corpus Engineer."


hi all