
What would a perfect life be like? Without any problems to sort out or obstacles? What if you could live every day exactly as you wanted to? Do you think you'd NEVER get bored? Why would you commit suicide to achieve a perfect life and rid yourself of your hardships when your hardships are what keep you from a pointless life? Every struggle has a meaning. Giving up is just cowardish.

Another thing, while your sitting at lunch have you ever found a snack where one of the bite size pieces was stuck to another bite size piece so that it was no longer bite size? Or maybe you got a box of cookies and one was frosted on the wrong side? And you think to yourself, well isn't that neat? Then you show it to all your friends and everyone kinda laughs and then everyone fights about who gets to enjoy that irregularity? Why aren't people like that? When we see someone who is different we just walk by as fast and as far away as possible or stop to ridicule them? We need to treasure every single person and irregularity as though they were that cookie! Just remember that when you pass by someone who is different from you whether they're homeless, mentally handicapped, a different race, have a mechanical leg and one eye, or whatever! It doesn't really matter! Treat them the same, just don't eat them, lol! I was watching an episode of the Twilight Zone (scary, I know) for school, and all the doctors in the hospital were fretting over a woman whose face was so ugly that it was wrapped up. She was extremely depressed with herself because she could not be accepted despite her irregularity. It goes on to the point when they unwrap her face, and she is gorgeous, but she looks in the mirror and screams. Finally, they show all of the faces of the doctors and nurses and others there, and they are very ugly! She is then sent away forever to live far away in a small civilization with her own kind. It just goes to show you. Why does everyone have to meet up to be just like you? God made them how he wanted them, so it is wrong for you to say differently or make them believe they aren't just as they should be! Not a sermon, just a thought (haha)!

Okay, and I know my profile seems kinda emo, but I want you guys to know that that's not me at all! I just thought that it was pretty...


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Report | 06/14/2008 11:42 am


oh s**t.....um

I feel like a total b***h now.

I'M SOOOOOOO SORRY!!!!! Brandon and I have talked, and I didn't mean to hurt you so much! I got the feeling that you hated me, so I sort of hated you back. But that doesn't mean that my last comment is totally not true. You do seem to make others out to seem really bad for no reason. But I'm totally sorry, this whole thing was a bunch of miscommunication. we really just need to discuss this as a group.

Again, SORRY!!!

Report | 06/14/2008 10:26 am


you are a two-faced, backstabbing attention whore who thinks that she can say s**t about anyone and everyone just to make herself seem better.

Why do you go around talking about Laura and Ross like you hate them, and then treat them like they are the best person in the world?

You did the same with Whitney, and Sarah, and ME!!! only with me, you treated me like s**t to my face. Are you really so jealous of other people and their lives that you have to make them seem so horrible in order to make yourself seem good. I could so bust your a** about so many things to your parents, I could get you grounded for life, literally! you better be glad that I'm not like you. I don't cause people undying emotional pain like you and brandon do. I'm not gonna make you cry yourself to sleep like you guys made me do, I'm not that cruel. Maybe you should think about what you did to me though.

Oh, and the reason I may have been abusive is because I'm not horribly nice to people who hate me. I don't put on an act like you do. goodbye b***h!
Psychotastik Tunafish

Report | 04/15/2008 6:01 pm

Psychotastik Tunafish


Report | 11/17/2007 7:04 pm



so wuts up?
Refresh Page

Report | 09/30/2007 5:54 pm

Refresh Page

When you go...

*insert convo here*
...Would you even turn to say?
Refresh Page

Report | 09/23/2007 2:01 pm

Refresh Page

When you go...
Oh jeebus, that would SUCK
...Would you even turn to say?
Refresh Page

Report | 09/22/2007 7:19 pm

Refresh Page

When you go...
I know, seriously.
...Would you even turn to say?
Refresh Page

Report | 09/22/2007 4:02 pm

Refresh Page

When you go...
Nope, still there. User Image
...Would you even turn to say?

Report | 09/21/2007 8:09 pm


Honey? I don't even know who you are thank you very much.

Report | 08/30/2007 12:30 pm


I love your story User Image

cya soon honey User Image


heart My Horse is My Life! heart