
A mule. Hur hur <3


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Report | 01/25/2018 8:01 pm


Haha, yup, the drinking culture is very well established in this country! Usually very easy to go out and have fun blaugh How were your holidays? I got Zelda BotW for the Switch for Xmas so have been playing it non-stop and only just finished xD

Report | 12/19/2017 6:56 am


I can imagine this time of year can get intense with those deadlines x_x What'cha teaching?

Haha, Australia is awesome, but like most places in the world, it's definitely not perfect. It got up to 37 degrees Celsius today and leaving the house was hard... Having said that, we'll probably settle here eventually, but nothing's guaranteed. We'll see ^^ I met someone over here a couple of years ago and we've been together for a year now <3

Report | 12/17/2017 7:17 pm


Hey! I'm so sorry to hear about Eris, missing her must hurt... I hope the teaching's going well?

I'm still in Aus and will be studying here for the next couple of years, then my partner and I are going to live in the UK for a while. I've been homesick all this time so it'll be nice to spend a few years back home ^^

Report | 10/19/2014 10:26 am


Taylor Untouched

Report | 04/23/2010 7:47 am

Taylor Untouched

Why didn't you ever comment me back? crying
No I don't mind. (:
Taylor Untouched

Report | 03/20/2010 4:03 am

Taylor Untouched

The poor are everywhere here in the Philippines. The government officials tell us that they give “something” to those who are suffering right now, but actually, they don’t. They just pocket the money of the citizens to get rich and treat their families a lot of expensive treatments. It’s just not fair. My parents work hard for us to live, and it’s not nice to know “certain people” pocket some of the taxes my parents pay. Some people work hard, and sometimes never stop working just to get their families or themselves to survive. The government isn’t really helping. They just throw in big fat stupid projects that really go for their own benefit, not for the people, and then all of those don’t get finished. They say that there’s not enough fund. They don’t admit that it’s their own fault.

The time of corruption was “over” when former president Ferdinand Marcos was ousted, but the spirit of greed was still there within the people. I admit that I cheat in class. Everyone does. I don’t know, but I can’t help it. Even the students with honor do it. Nobody wants to fail. I guess that’s what remained in us. Cheating. People who cheat get that bad characteristic, and become corrupt politicians in the future. I know that fact, but I just can’t do anything about it. Well, I don’t try to. It’s hard, since everyone around me is doing it. I don’t know when to stop. It’s really true this is a sinful world. It’s because of us cheaters that our world is suffering. I guess I have no right to complain about our officials. I’m just the same as them.

Catholicism doesn’t seem to apply in here. Most of us “believe” in God, though we do a lot of sins. We do a lot of things against Him. Our former president Cory Aquino was a true believer of God, and we love her. We tried to follow her footsteps, though that doesn’t seem to change us. Nothing changed us, really. Every leader that follows tries to improve our lives, but without our full cooperation, all that is useless. All their time and effort do nothing. And that’s because of us lazy and self – centered asses. I admit I’m one of those asses, even if I’m just a child.

There’s nothing good happening without individual transformation. I heard a famous quote saying that “everyone wants to change the world, but they don’t think about changing themselves”. At least that’s how I remember it. I think it’s true. Seeing the situation of our country, it’s true. Last time, I said that I wanted to be the president. Thinking again about it, I don’t think I’m the right person for that position. Like I said a while ago, I’m a lazy and self – centered a**. I’m more of a bad person that just that. I just have to change myself, but that thing is very hard to do. Everyone around me isn’t doing it. It’s hard to do, since that’s a lot of people I’m talking about. A lot. You’re not one of us, though.

The gender kind of racism is rampant here. There’s a lot of people who discriminate other people just because they’re happy being homosexual. People make jokes about homosexual people and oftentimes get them embarrassed. One example is my friend, Kim. I hear a lot of people teasing him for being gay. I don’t have the guts to defend him, though. They’re just too many. I’m only one. Numbers hypnotize me. I guess I’m not a true friend to anyone.

I was alone before, and a total loner at that. Now that I’ve gained some friends, I’ve been abusing this gift to me from God. He gave me good friends, especially my best friends Sophia and Zinna, but I’ve been attracting attention from them a lot. I’ve been so weird, talking to them even when they’re talking with someone else. I’ve been butting in their conversations with other people, and I’ve never been telling the truth to them. All I did was lie just to make myself look good. All I did was attract attention just to make them notice me. If I didn’
Taylor Untouched

Report | 12/28/2009 7:35 am

Taylor Untouched

Hi, sorry for the super late response. sad crying

I don't like being with a lot of people, especially if I'm the center of the attention. Creeps me out. *shivers* That's part of being a president, so I'll just have to live with it. If I become the president. c:

You are so different from me, in terms of religious beliefs. Almost all of the other people in our country are Christians. We believe in one God, who gives us life. Almost all of our celebrations are focused on Him. Every event starts and ends with a prayer, no matter what. We are obliged to attend mass every sunday, though we're not forced to do so. Everyone knows that God is the center of our lives, but I cannot see the effect of that belief in our country. God said in the bible (I forgot what book, what chapter and what verse) that he'd help those who help themselves. Poor people depend on Him on everything. They just beg on the streets. They just go to the lottery and gamble on the money that they got from begging. There was one time when someone (a poor person) won the jackpot prize in the lottery. He went to a 5-star hotel with his family and lived there for 2 weeks. After all that time, the money was gone. All gone. Not very smart. He could have bought his family a house (they don't have a house) and sent his children to school.

And yeah, God loves each of us no matter who we are. We are all equal in His eyes.

That's a very dumb thing to do for a smart kid. My parents tell me that being book-smart and street-smart are different. Book-smart is just being smart intellectually, and street-smart is being smart in real life. Both are good, but it's better to be both. I think you're both. I'm just book-smart.
Thanks! I seem mature for my age? Wow. I didn't know that.

Mousse. Okay, I'll remember that. c:

I'm not a tomboy. Actually, I like girly stuff. I like them, but I don't like wearing them. Maybe when I get older, like you, I'll start wearing high heels and stuff.
Thanks for telling me that. People have started snobbing me. I don't know the reason why ... I'll just be me, anyway. 3nodding
Taylor Untouched

Report | 12/20/2009 5:26 am

Taylor Untouched

Heyy thanks. But I don't know what to do when I become a president. D:

Your hair is like my friend's. It's nice. Hers is wavy that's almost straight and straight that's almost wavy. Soo it seems like yours. Mine is plain straight. Andd thanks for telling me that. I didn't know hairfoam works like that. (i didn't know what hairfoam was, andd i don't know what it is. D: ) I only know about the curling iron, 'cause my mom uses it most of the time. She used it on me once, when we were going to a debut. I don't like having to wear make-up, jewelry, gown, and the worst part-high heels when we go to a debut. I know we have to since it's formal, but still ... I don't want. crying I'm not a lesbian. It's just that I grew up wearing sneakers and stuff. I'm not used to make-up, and I don't like wearing make-up because my left eye becomes a lot smaller. I don't like it. crying Do you?

I admit i liked Yamato before. Now not anymore. I forgot the reason why. Kakashi is hott. He's the cutest guy I've ever seen, aside from my crush in class. *squeals*

Yeah, she's pretty dumb to do that. Can you imagine she's the only one in the history of the school to get straight 99's? O_O But still, she's pretty dumb in deciding things in real life. And her bf thinks she's so sexy. (ew) I don't know how that feels since I don't have a boyfriend. I'd just have to wait for a looooooong time before the right time comes. I don't want to have a bf in high school, so I can be smarter than that girl. >: D I'm only getting 97's. crying

I'm Roman Catholic. But I'm not Roman. I believe in God and Jesus and everything in it. I can't believe you're atheist. gonk Does it run in your family? cuz being Roman Catholic runs in my family. I respect your beliefs and everything but how can you live without a god?? gonk I don't know ... You're still nice even when you don't have a god.

Taylor Untouched

Report | 12/19/2009 10:53 pm

Taylor Untouched

I also somewhat think of them as sexy. (and, I don't like Yamato. I love Kakashi. crying No offense.)

It's good for you that you became pretty. And ... wait a minute I became pretty too!! yay we're the same. :3 <-see I'm copying you. (looking at you like you're the person i see on the other side of the mirror. Joke!)
I just started eating healthy these days. I used to eat unhealthy, but as time passed I decided to eat healthy because it's good for my health. And for everyone's health. =D
I had a haircut. Now my hair's shorter than I want it to be. I wanted to have it reaching the top of my butt. My mom said I have to let it get cut since my hair is not that beautiful anymore. (think cat got struck by lightning then got a haircut and went to the shower)

It's also good for you that you had your bf. I don't have my bf and i'm not planning to have one, not until I reach the age of maturity. There was this girl in high school who had a bf when she was in the 6th grade. She became pregnant and was kicked out of school. She became a disgrace to her family. I guess she got too close to her bf to the point that they had a baby. (the bf is a pervert) Soo I wanna be single like my 40-year-old Social Studies teacher. She says teaching is her life. I somewhat agree with that because she has only two classes. But I suddenly changed my mind and don't want to be single anymore. I don't want to be sick and failing and there's no one to take care of me or to give me happiness. (there's God. smile )

I suddenly felt young and pretty when you said that. :3 <-see i'm copying you again. I wish I had hair like Taylor Swift's. *sighs*. It's so pretty. Mine is straight. My hair has some advantages than curly and wavy hair in some ways that I don't know. Do you know? If you know, please let me know so i will get rid of the itch of wanting to know. I won't regret the good times I am spending. Do you miss your old life as a teenager? I'm sure you do. Soo I will spend it to the fullest but not to the extent of being stupid. (like my classmate who's being teased by everyone for being weird. I feel kinda sorry for him.)

Thanks for telling me "to bump into the right person who will love you for who you are, otherwise they're not worth your time, tears and effort :3" I agree with it. :3 <- this is the third time that I copied you. smile
I'm still younger than 14. No offense. smile
I'll be the president someday.

Taylor Untouched

Report | 11/28/2009 6:07 am

Taylor Untouched

I guess so ... I'm beginning to think he's better than Kakashi. = D
I'll try to not stalk him again. He thinks I'm shy and nice but I don't think I am. (I put shampoo on the neighbor's cat, nihihi i'm so evil. = D )
Yeah, and he often overacts that the teacher gets annoyed with him. = D

Nah I don't think you're ugly. (seriously.)
I'm not popular. (i'm ugly.) = D
Me is me: nerdy too, anime and manga addict too (only in Naruto), not-that-technology lover, not-that-extreme-sports lover, fashion lover, games lover, ...
Thanks for telling me that. I'll keep it in mind. =3 <- i'm copying you.
