
I'm Kyle.
I'm 17 years old.
I sort-of just graduated high school...In that...I've been homeschooled...and I technically have enough credits to graduate...but I'm not in a system to get a diploma from so I'm just forgetting about it and next semester I'll be living in the dorms at the local community college with my sister! Don't know what I'll do there, but I'm looking forward to the classes.
I'm not online much, but I do my best to be online as much as I can be. Summer makes that difficult, but in the dorms, internet will be easy.
...anyway, if you want a new friend, PM me! I'm way to friendly for my own good and will talk to you no matter who you are.


Viewing 12 of 33 friends


Kyle's stuff


I'm gonna put my RP characters here...and then I'm gonna just post random stuff sometimes.


Viewing 10 of 15 comments.


Report | 06/12/2010 10:14 pm


I-I am so sorry for missing your birthday :'(
i hope it was fun...

Report | 05/22/2010 10:16 am


happy birthday..^^

Report | 05/21/2010 9:46 am


Happy B-day!
Polite Romance

Report | 10/28/2009 3:28 am

Polite Romance

We are going on an internet date. You are not going to refuse me.

But still I await your response.
xAngelic Rainx

Report | 08/21/2009 11:22 am

xAngelic Rainx

Oh my god, completely ignore that PM of the RP. I was typing your name in the slot for it to be sent to you since I sent it to this one from my old account and the PM is a completely different RP above the response to our rp.

Report | 06/24/2009 9:20 pm


Okay, I think it's be cool if you could catch up, I think we need some more literacy added to the circle. Alex didn't miss much. Basically we walked to the river and the characters introduced themselves.

Report | 06/24/2009 9:14 pm


In The ORC roleplay, you play Alex, right? Do you have any clue what the plot is? Oh by the way, my charachter is Ian. I've been writing, and I have noclue what I'm supposed to be working towards, or is it just supposed to be open ended?

Report | 05/28/2009 1:22 pm


me forgot to comment you D:
I was buried with math work since my dad..wanted me to improve D: sowwie sowwie
but anyways HHHHHHHIIIIII : D

Report | 05/14/2009 7:32 pm


Heey kyle!
haven't talked to you in a while, whats up?!?!
Beautiful Wings of Death

Report | 04/27/2009 11:06 am

Beautiful Wings of Death

Miss you and hope to talk to you soon!!!
It's been a while!
How have you been?


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