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[Close your eyes,make pretend]
['Cause I can't take it away]

My name is Rai.
Call me RaiRai.
I'm fourteen.
I live deranged from you.

[Be blessed the door didn't close yet]
[Cutting you off from all the voices.]

I love my friends.
I love the people who will always be with me.
I love listening to music.
*Music is my life*
I love singing to myself in the rain.
I love to draw and write.
I love to sleep in a little ball.
I love to smile,when I mean it.
*I want a smile that isn't invisible*
I love you. <3
[It's not my duty to believe all your fake stories]
[...The lies told the rest.]

I like...
Playing with hair.

[An expression that means nothing.]

I'm a uke.
A lover.
Loveable,Kissable,Huggable,and I'm tickleish.
I giggle too much.
I spend hours getting my clothes on and playing with make-up.
I don't study at all,but I manage to get honor roll everytime.
I read too much.
[I miss you more than you'll ever know]
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Foamy's Nutdom and Asylum whewt! xD


Excel wantttttttssss youuuuuu xD </3




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i'll walk in the street
but i'm still i n v i s i b l e
each step brings me closer to the e n d
Watch me f a d e away