
Name: Alice
Age: 16
B'day: 10/9 or 9/10 (September 10)
Nash: filo
status: single (if yu want me to be ur gaia gf/bf/wife/husdand I don't care)
fave colour: Midnight blue, Sakura pink n black

(Shorten ver then reading the bottom half)

Add meh if yu want to
(make sure yu add a little message knowing who yu r)

Tumblr: http://cream-creamy-creamier.tumblr.com

Konichiwa desu:

I am Alice Naitagiri nice to meet yu, I live in Australia and I am filo (The pride scream ) I can speak in english sweatdrop , tagalog and Japanese blaugh ... I like to play my games and ipod which I carry everywhere I go... my birthday is 9/10 heart I am a Virgo... I love to eat Mango Daisuki desu (I love it), In my spare time I like to go on gaia,fb,msn,draw pictures, watch anime.

If I am at gaia I in Zomg most of the time or yu can find somewhere else most of the time in zomg yu can find me in the Bass'ken Lake or Gold Beach or in old Aqueduct... smile

Also if yu want we can be friends and all and play zomg with yu... if I add yu, it means that we have played zomg together or somewhere else or yu have a good avii ( rofl )

That is it from me hope to see yu soon
heart ~ja ne desu~ heart