Read Along?

Hey there. I'm currently questing for a dream avatar! Yes. A DREAM AVATAR. I will definitely make you a sign for every donation that you make. This can be unlimited. :3 Cool, huh? I really can't wait to start making signs, by the way. They can be so entertaining sometimes. x)

Here is a link to my dream avatar: LINK
Gawk towards its amazing-ness. It loves you, too. <3


Now, for my personal information, I am seventeen. I love to role play and whatnot. I have a writing shop on another account, neon handcuffs, that was recently hacked. (I'm busting my a** trying to get it back, you can see, I don't have the power to boss the mods around.) I love this site, so I better love the people who own it. I play the alto saxophone. I love it so flipping much! It really opened up my eyes as to revealing who I really am as a person. I learned that I can be..somewhat..competitive and daring. (Stress on the somewhat.) I don't like being blamed for something that I didn't do. I also don't like it when something important isn't getting done because slackers don't care. But, I also know that I am not in control over what people choose to do. I love teaching people new things. Hence the reason I would like to become a band director, music theory instructor, or English teacher. I love writing, duh. It just helps me concentrate and keep my brain exercised. I'm sorry boys and girls, but I am definitely taken. I've been going out with the love of my life for around a year, now. I love how I feel whenever we kiss, because it's almost like my heart just stopped and his own beat is supporting mine. I just love him so much. I cry sometimes, when I think about how lucky I am to have him. He bought me a mood ring from Six Flags one day, and he put it on my ring finger. >.