
Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler
Thats right...I LOVE TYLER!!! And Dont you forget it! I also love Surion CUZ SHEZ BETTA THAN UUUZZ!!! hahaha...really.

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Viewing 12 of 13 friends


Inside Of Me



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Final Fantasy Cloud

Report | 10/28/2008 8:24 pm

Final Fantasy Cloud

Love you so much Sarah Lynn Hall, would you be mine forever? I want to talk to you soon plzzz!!
Final Fantasy Cloud

Report | 10/03/2008 7:18 pm

Final Fantasy Cloud

Hey Baby. You seem down lately, is everything alright?? Remember I always love you no matter what.
Final Fantasy Cloud

Report | 09/25/2008 2:54 pm

Final Fantasy Cloud

Awww Cutie! I love your gaia profile hah, it's adorable! Just like you when I hug you. I love you call me and we'll chat. Love ya.
Teh Bloody Princess

Report | 09/22/2008 2:27 pm

Teh Bloody Princess

Wow...Tyler that was graphic... Anyway, Sarah!!i need advice!!!
Final Fantasy Cloud

Report | 07/31/2008 10:39 pm

Final Fantasy Cloud

Hey Sarah. It's been too long since I've talked to you on Gaia. How the hell are you?!?! I miss you so much, I wish I could cut my heart out of my chest and give it to you!! I guess my soul will have to do...
Final Fantasy Cloud

Report | 07/15/2008 4:07 pm

Final Fantasy Cloud

Wow, that music video on your multimedia is really awesome and powerful! Your profile it cute too! I am so glad you're home safe, I was so worried and always missing youuu! I had a great time with you yesterday! I wish I could be with you everyday. Well, call me! I love you!
Final Fantasy Cloud

Report | 06/22/2008 8:29 pm

Final Fantasy Cloud

Hello Beautiful. It has only been eight hours and it already feels like a lifetime without you. I miss you so much my heart wants to crumble. I cant wait for you to get back. I love you <3
Final Fantasy Cloud

Report | 05/29/2008 7:54 pm

Final Fantasy Cloud

RAWR!! AHH! It's the comment of doooooooommmmm! I love you, silly! I can't wait to see you again! I love it when you act like a dinosaur!
Final Fantasy Cloud

Report | 04/28/2008 7:35 pm

Final Fantasy Cloud

Hey baby, Your profile is super cute! I see what you mean about the Multimedia. I miss you! I love you! I cant wait until we can picnic out in the sun, and have fun. "Kiss"
Final Fantasy Cloud

Report | 04/02/2008 4:12 pm

Final Fantasy Cloud

Ahh! You're on fire! I will extinguish you with my love!


"if in this world there was only you and only me, we would forever be."
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