
foxwing0's avatar

Last Login: 05/13/2008 7:57 pm

Registered: 02/05/2007

Gender: Male


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ursodead Report | 04/19/2008 3:15 am
thank you for buying to my store
AlbinoBlackLabrador Report | 01/16/2008 4:49 pm
try this out! Send this to at least 10 people and then press F5! You'll get 10,000 gold
bittzybug Report | 01/14/2008 8:46 pm

w0k3 uP iN a HoSpItAl BeD. sCaReD b3cAuSe I c0uLdN't MoVe, I aSk3d Th3 d0cToR "wHaT's GoInG oN?" h3 sAiD "y0u DoN't ReMeMb3r? It AlL hApPeNeD aT sCh0oL." h3 t0lD m3 "y0uR fRi3nD hAd A pRoBl3m WiTh SoMe Pe0pLe At ScHo0l AnD wAs AlMoSt Sh0t - YoU jUmPeD iN fRoNt 0f Th3m AnD t0oK tHe BuLl3t YoUrSeLf. LuCkY y0u DiDn'T dIe. YoU'r3 g0iNg To Be 0k, Th0uGh, So DoN't WoRrY." n0w I tHiNk To MySeLf 'I'm HaPpY i To0k ThAt BuLl3t FoR y0u, BeCaUs3 iT w0uLd'Ve HuRt 3v3n MoRe To Se3 y0u LyInG iN tHiS h0sPiTal BeD." sEnD tHiS t0 3 gUyS aNd 5 GiRlS y0u WoUlD tAk3 a BuLl3t FoR!
nydragon2 Report | 08/31/2007 8:18 pm
I love you, I know they are listening, are they have speaker phone on? tell your brother jeffrey to call me
HarunaPurrPurr Report | 07/19/2007 12:39 pm
hi, ghost doctor. hey. yeah, bye.
