
My name is Francis Berco, but my friends call me Franc. I'm 17 years old. Right now, I'm about 6'7 with longish brown hair and naturally tan skin. My family's Canadian, but I was born in America. I've always been a bit on the tall side, but my Gran always said it was because I ate her magic brownies or something.. I use to work as a Tour guide for the US/Canadian National Park. It was alot of work, making sure that people knew that only they could prevent forest fires and such, but it put food on the table for Gran and me. My parents died when I was small, so my Grandmother raised me from a lad. I'll always be grateful to that woman for putting up with me for over ten years.

She died one day, old age and all that, I'm almost glad she died when she did because since she was dead, she didn't have to see me after my.. change.

It was a normal day in the woods, only a few weeks after she had passed. I was still in mourning and still a little distracted, but to say I was a little unprepared was an understatement for the record books. Out of the woods it came, barreling like a bat -- or should I say bear, out of hell. I doubt it even noticed I was there. I tell you what, this Grizzly bear had a head the size of my pelvis. It raised one massive claw to me, not to attack, but to bat me out of the way. I SLAMMED into a near by tree, promptly losing consciousness shortly thereafter. When I woke up, I was in my cabin. Apparently a fellow ranger had found me lying on the ground, and had enough sense to sling me into bed. Whatever. I was happy to be alive.

A few days later, I noticed I was getting stronger. Not strong as in slamming doors and shattering glass, strong as in pulling doors completely off their hinges. Soon enough, someone noticed, and I was ordered to check in with Sick Bay. They drew some blood work, and sure enough. I was infected. Not with rabies or anything like that. I had been infected by the Tera-Virus.

What is the Tera-Virus you ask?

It's a virus. It's been spreading for the past fifty years or so. It's blood transferred, usually. It reacts with the proteins in certain peoples DNA, essentially changing them forever. Usually for the worst. Ya see, if you even SURVIVE the damn thing, you're mutated for life. Mutated into the animal that you've been infected by. In my case, the mighty Kodiak Grizzly Bear.

I s'pose I'm one of the lucky ones. I don't have a tail growing out my a** and I don't have a weird birds beak on my face or anything. I just woke up one day sometime after the attack, and I had grown a foot in height! I bumped my head on my damn rack, even.

The Mutatees, technically referred to as 'Sub-Humans' are shunned and usually feared by humans.

After I was infected, I was asked to 'relocate' myself to a more 'rural area' so that I wasn't a risk to 'other people'. After much thought, I relocated my butt to Rhode Island. Nobody lived there anymore, anyway.

In that sparsely populated state, I was discovered by a construction company on the verge of bankruptcy. When the boss man saw how I could bench press Toyotas and not break a sweat, he approached me. When he learned that I was essentially 'dirt cheap', I was made a foreman. The hours were long, the work was hard, I usually worked alone, and the pay wasn't very good. It went like that for a couple of months.

Until I met them.

Isis. My darling rebellious goat girl. Blue. The quirky psycho drug addict. Gabbie. ...Gabbie the guerilla fish woman.. Seth. The unfortunate angel.

A bunch of militia (the military bastards who want to convert all Sub-Humans into perfect soldiers) helicopters had just blown up their only transportation. They were on their way to a safe house, and I was intrigued enough to offer my services. I haven't been able to leave since.

We've been through fights of all flavors. We've seen terrible battles and we've killed people to stay alive. I don't regret anything, it's always been my policy. Everyone's got to die someday, so why spend all your life worrying about it? I wouldn't trade a minute with them for a lifetime as a 'normal' human, anyway.

All in the life of a bear-boy, eh?


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Andre the Tiger

Report | 10/12/2006 6:54 pm

Andre the Tiger

FINE. Since noone wants to comment on me, I'll comment on MYSELF. >O GOSH.