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The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 03/29/2009 2:47 pm

The Midnight Phantom

Hehe! Yano you love me really and don't actually despise me at all
Pffft try it missus. I'd go all Matrix on your a** and do a Neo and jump into you ( o yes i've been watching the matrix this week biggrin )
I wouldn't ask for Emmy though. I would ring and ask for Mrs Isupov (correct?) then talk to her
Ommmm bad emmy bad. Signing up for things on the internet, i bet it was a free sex line lmao >.<
Wit woo! I still wanna see a picture of this leotard that you wear lol xd If i ever visit your so wearing it for a minute so i can see
Yeah exactly, and just go for months and months and then come back home and live a normal life like i'd never been away. We could travel together :O therefore you wouldn't have to travel alone
No not really, he does it ever week though. It's only £2 for 2 lines
Yeah it turned out good lol! its just pastry with butter in every layer, and then when you cook it, it expands and looks ace. Look it up on google
Pfffft shout at her for coughing on you! Tell her your English friend is gonna kick her lil American But!
See it's not all bad biggrin You want me to marry your mum and then i can give you all my money? Although she seems pretty strict, not really my type lol
Yep but am not to good at yoga though. Not too flexible lol! I do cardio on some days and then weights too! I did swimming in the summer but its too dam cold to do it now sad
Well i shant been concerned no more if your gonna mock me Emily! Grrr!
The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 03/27/2009 3:42 pm

The Midnight Phantom

No it hasn't really effected me. Since it's started i actually have more money than ever lmao
Awww you big moody bum. I'd well kick your a** for being moody if i was with ya
Okay i've added your number to my mobile, i could well ring your home phone now and speak to your mum now and make her trust me
Yeah my dad is cool with the entire thing. I'd love you to come and live in England with me. Although you would probably freeze to death. Because tody it was fairly warm but it was really windy so it made it freezing.
I know i'd love to travel the world. If my dad wins the lottery on saturday i'd well travel the world as soon as i could. Visit all the remote places in the world and live with just a rucksack and a tent for ages. Awesomeness!
Yeah baking is pretty cool, i don't like rolling stuff out though. I can never get it right. I made puff pastry from scratch the other day and it took so long!
Aww why you sick? Alot of people on my course seem to be getting really sick though recently

So you have quite alot of problems then? It's pretty bad over cutting her hours down but if she got with this new guy wouldn't you have more money? And then surely a better quality of living. it is well shocking you have to come straight home after school though, i never come straight home after college. I either go town or to the gym and turn up about 3 hours later at home
Don't worry about getting it off your chest. I'd do the exact same if i had a problem
Yeah its £20 a month for the gym and i get to use everything there like all the machines, pools, sauna and all the classes like Yoga and Box Fit are free
Aww are you okay though? No cuts or bruises?
Erm i duno, probably something i could sing along to or a wouldn't have been bopping!
The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 03/18/2009 4:10 pm

The Midnight Phantom

Omg! Are you actually that tight for money at home? I couldn't imagen living like that to be honest. I'm almost spoilt
Yeah i guess it would kinda suck to pass out lol. I've been a day without eating once just to see if i could do it, twas horrible. I have never been so hungry in my life ever lol
But she might get upset that you didn't tell her before you spoke to me and then she might not approve either. Do you even have my number? I duno if i gave it you or not. I would probably just be going to sleep by then because i get to stay up late on wednesdays because am not in college until 1pm on thursdays!
Yes i told my dad. Why not? He's pretty laid back about me talking to people in america and what not because he knows am not silly (or rich) enough to run away to there
I shall do! Am not that good myself though yet
I can't play tennis, i have no hand eye co-ordination haha. Do you wanna talk about the problems at home or not? It's upto you. I spend most my time at the gym though, it's like my favourite place at the moment but my muscles are starting to hurt just a little now
Gawd! I would of laughed my head off seeing you hit yourself in the face with your racket. Although when i was walking home i was bopping along to my ipod and eating my apple and nearly fell over a flat surface lol
Sleepy Hollow is a sweet film, i don't think he's hot though because that'd be just down right wrong (if that makes any sense what so ever)
I didn't know that was a quote actually but that film rulllesssss!
And i did a note for the first time tonight because you and Brenda tagged me, and it took me forever to work out how to do it so you better had read it lady. Lol!
The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 03/09/2009 2:42 pm

The Midnight Phantom

Well if that keeps you happy then so be it biggrin
Hell no! I'd end up losing all my savings in about a week or something
:O Tut tut, you should starve instead of living off your poor mother, working all those hours for you to go out spending
I think you should tell her, i doubt she can be that bad. She can even talk to me if she wants too, it doesn't bother me. My dad knows that the reason i wanna go to california is to meet up with someone i know there
What could i teach you though? Am not very wisdomess (sp?).
I duno, what do you do there? Cinema? Bowling? Etc etc
Yeah am pretty clumsy too, i remember knocking some girl flying when we played basketball. I just didn't see her sad
Ahhhh! It's just boring, and totally pointless. Although i didn't have the sounds i was just reading the subtitles in the gym whilst i was running
Yup tis her. Don't you think she's pretty? Yeah all my friends love Depp i do think he is soo cool though, specially in Sweeney Todd!
Nick ♥
The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 03/07/2009 1:37 pm

The Midnight Phantom

See i don't believe in stuff like that. I agree that commiting sins wont lead you to heaven (if there is ones) but doing slight stuff like swearing or telling white lies is nothing.
A swear box is where everytime you swear you put like $1 in it, and if you do it with your entire family you all get one each and who ever swears the least at the end of the month gets all the money
Sheesh. So how much money do you have a month to live on? I have like £40 a month for food and bus fair. Then all my wages and money i get off college goes into a savings account for my car
Naaa she would need to know who i was, doesn't she know about me? sad
I know i missed you too, you make me laugh just by being weird! Awww i'll go with you, when is it? Ooo Cool. You can cook me a slap up meal when we meet then, and i can see if its upto scratch.
Naaa i would last, i would just have to wear tank tops and shorts all the time incase i melted. I've never been in a 100f i don't think. But you can't move this summer, put it off until next summer or something
Hmmm maybe not, you can teach me the moonwalk though i would love to learn that, alot of my friends can do it
What don't i like? Sorry am confused haha
Am watching the Lake House now with Sandra Bullock in, she is so amazingly hot for 45. I'd well date her haha
The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 02/23/2009 4:44 am

The Midnight Phantom

Why are you trying to refrain from using foul thoughts or words? I would be rubbish near you because my language is terrible. I need a swear box then that'd stop me
You can have my number if you want (07813526993 am sure you need the area code though and i duno what it is) but i wouldn't ring me because it costs an absolute bomb to do it. It cost me £23 for 10 minutes on the phone from bulgaria. Why don't you have a mobile?
Hmm...i'd have to meet your mum without you knowing (somehow) and then explain that am a really good boy who isn't going to have his way with her daughter. How does that sound? And you should so come for $300 thats well good surprised
I know i haven't been on for like 18days now surprised Shocking isn't it, no need to worry about me though i promise. Omg you should well go to prom, it's so funny and everyone looks really nice
Well maybe the grass is always greener? Is it hot in SD? And won't you miss school and what not? But i do assure you, England is the most boring place to live. Or maybe it's just warrington lol
Naaa a snow plow still wouldn't move me. And yes i am stubborn, i would slow dance and thats it, unless i get some dancing lessons in before i come over
Okay i have no idea what feelings are honest and virtious since i haven't been online for a while confused
That sucks, i have a job and have money so i could probably afford to be sacked and live for a while *touch wood that i don't have to*
Omg! I watched Meerkat Manor in the gym the other day, its sooo bad i can't believe you like it lol
See everyone loves me, i've spoken to her quite alot. I feel like i've abadoned you, sorry sad
Nick ♥
The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 02/04/2009 12:45 pm

The Midnight Phantom

Clean up your tongue? Do you swear alot or something?
Ah well, you'll just have to give me your address and i shall turn up on your door step then she obviously can't turn me away biggrin
Yeah you should deffo come to warrington if you can. I think you should come to live instead of just visit am sure you could find a good job over here biggrin
Yeah we're well posh. it was only like £25 each though because there was abut 8 of us or something stupid. Prom was so awesome though, i'll have to upload the rest of the pictures onto facebook so you can see them all biggrin Naaa i didn't i did dance to some of them but the ones where they have certain dance moves which everyones doing
Why in love with Britain though? its not as good as you think it is yano. Everywhere is built up areas now and theres no countryside of anything where i live. And its soo rough, america has to be soo much better.
Hmmm...i duno, Any hug would do me. Omg i was gonna quote you from before but i totally forgot the quote in my head :O Omg am gutted now
Yes because like you are going to move me. Somehow i dont see that happening. And since am gonna be super muscular by the time you see me (well i hope) you have no chance lol
Cool. So how is the class going then? (since this comment has takne a while to get to you since i haven't had chance, sorry.)
I duno, am not getting into things like this. I try not to show my feelings especially since your so far away, its just gets complicated.
Yeah i got one 30minute break and yes standing the entire time. See but thats what you have to do if you want a car biggrin
Yup they're all really buffed up still. Although i would love to be like them though. I still have my action men in the attic, i spent loads on them.
Nope i haven't heard of any of them. i think American humour is so much better though, am watching scrubs now and its like the funniest thing EVER. Except friends of course xd
Facebook is blocked? Omg thats rubbish, its one of the things that isn't blocked at college lol.
Your friend is cool too. I've spoken to her more than you this week haha!
Nick ♥
The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 01/26/2009 2:42 pm

The Midnight Phantom

Dude i can speak french aswell as i just proved so suck on that >.<
Ah Cool. You better not move to SD this year or that just ruins my plans now doesn't it? And yes don't worry am not the stalker guy, i would of deffo warned you if i was going Fresno so i could get directions to your house biggrin
Well were trying to come in October, but i can't really miss college for a week. So we looking at near the end of August when am out of college. And yeah sure, it'd be fun to see if they like me
Riiiight okay. i remember now, see i just need a few words to jog my memory biggrin Nope never been, that picture was just before my prom when we all met up and was about to get in the Limo
No i do try to add, but sometimes my mind goes blank when i've finished replying to stuff you've wrote. Or i totally forget to press send and by the time i check back its time for bed so i quickly press send then go to sleep biggrin Yeah maybe we do, but doesnt it just ruin it because off the entire distance thing?
Wow, am not hiring you like some street corner whore lol! >.< Yeah i remember you mentioning her too i think. (See my memory isn't all bad)
Yeah i'll go if am there at the right time but i doubt i will be. And i'll stand at the back and allow you and your friends to dance. Although the slow dance doesn't bother me because you can't really get it wrong
No offence to your parents since i dont know them, but i hate pushy parents like that. Its all well and good to inspire your kids but not to force them to do things they dont want to
Hmmmm i duno, are we close friends? i thought "we've got something here" accord to you? haha
Because i had to work and it was well stupidly busy. and i worked 7 hours straight. grrrr
Yeah of course i know its fake. But its still awesome!!! Some of the things they do must hurt sooo much. I have like 150 wrestleres all in a box because i don't play with them no more but me and my cousin well wanted to play with them today but couldn't be bothered going ma mums to get them lol
Erm....nope i have no idea confused It was on the TV so i didn't really look for the rating.
Your gonna be dissappointed if you come to England then. It isn't so gorgeous at all, especially since i live in a city so its all houses and built up areas.
Nick ♥

(O and yes you got the right person on facebook. I commented on some of your pictues too xd )
The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 01/24/2009 4:39 pm

The Midnight Phantom

Hell no. I don't share at all, whats mine is mine and thats it biggrin So if you don't wanna share either than learn a new language xd
Welll a little. I did want to go to america anyway, but we were gonna go North Carolina (sp?) because my auntie lives in the Rocky Mountains so we were gonna stay with her. But am going to California for you so shhh
Whats Mormon? (o gawd we've had this conversation havent we?) Naaa i haven't been on a date either, Imagen going on a formal date? Omg i'd be so nervous it'd be unreal. Double Dating? Why not, yeah i have facebook. Type in Nick Pownall and i should turn up sooner or later, my picture is of me in my suit and a girl on either side of me (pimp i know haha)
Yano i feel the same over the comment thing, i actually look forward to replying to you. Even if it does take a life time so times lol.
Very Nice, i shall have to book myself in for one of those hugs one day then. There is a girl in my old school (she stills goes there veen though ive left) and she gives really strong hugs its so nice
Naaa i don't attempt to dance because i know i can't. I don't mind looking the fool aslong as i feel confident being the fool, if that makes any sense lol Ice skating is also a big no-no haha.
Ahhh ok. I understand now, no wonder your lessons are harder then since your taking really advanced classes. Ours were just normal classes so am guessing you could cope with it really easy.
Yeah i guess it does mean more, depending on what context. I use love to some of my friends and some people i care about in a lose term rather than a bonding term.
Am sorry sad I can't contribute much thought tonight because am shattered.
Although i am watching Wrestling tomorrow. The Royal Rumble, me and my cousin ordered it. It's gonna be awesome.
I duno, its a really old film though. The girl out of the Bourne films is in it. i think she's called Nikki in those films
Cosmetic? Well i guess it is but thats sooo stupid. You should of well been born in England so you could of got it free then and you're teeth pulled out for free biggrin See England Rules haha!
Nick ♥
The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 01/23/2009 7:39 am

The Midnight Phantom

Dam right you should be jealous lol. Yeah it is kinda weird, but your speaking MY language since its called English razz
There are plenty of purposes in life. What about Loving? Living? and Succeeding? All of those are more important than any Religion (in my eyes) since they're controlled by us. Also you should never feel little or of no worth, all of that is inside your head. And you must be of some worth if i'm willing to fly to america on a 8 or 9 hour flight
Awww that sucks. Would she allow me to come to you then? Or would she still not allow that? I don't see why your so shy though, i reckon you should take after your mum more. Does it help any if i say i care for you? biggrin
Naa i have no rhythm what so ever so i avoid dancing at all costs biggrin O yeah the ice doesn't help me either. Nope it's still absolutely freezing here, i didn't take my coat to college today and i was froze by the time i got back home sad
My average? We don't have that really. It's just each individual grade biggrin what does "gate" mean? Your lessons seem alot harder than ours though. Because where you just do algebra we did maths with everything in it like Algebra, Volumes, Simultanious Equations etc.
I duno, most of cyrpus does the same thing so i don't think it really matters to her.
What is it you infer? Isn't writing love the same as putting a heart?
Pffft i don't like contributing more than i have too biggrin
Although i will say this, i watched a sweet film last night and this morning ( i recorded it) with Heath Ledger in called "10 things i hate about you" and now i wanna buy his book haha. He's just such a good actor.
O gawd that sucks. I get to keep all my teeth even though the bottom ones are a little crooked. and $4000? OMFG! It's free whilst your in education over here.
Nick ♥
The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 01/21/2009 7:39 am

The Midnight Phantom

haha! Your just quiting because i'm better xd
Why do i have to be a drug whore because i don't believe in God? i was still brought up properly and want to live my own life and live as long as possible
Then you should totally get the train down one of the days and spend the day with me in San Diego biggrin
Yes actually ice. Well its in a studio of course but they dance on ice, go on youtube and look it up. Look up "Chris Fountain On Dancing On Ice" he was from Hollyoaks (an english soap) and he was simply amazing.
Why no E? We have A,B,C,D,E,F,G and U. Naaa ten weren't so bad, i'm only taking one now though so its alot better. Am sure six isn't too bad though. Which six is it your taking?
Yeah that kind of holiday. She wants to go to Cyprus on a 21's holiday where they just get pissed every night
Lol! Well if i right love then you know what i mean?
I knooww sad It sucks doesnt it? I blame you for the short responses.
Nick ♥
Surgery? Why you having them pulverised? (as you put) I have all mine and they're fine wink haha

witty phrase's avatar

Report | 01/20/2009 2:31 pm

witty phrase

Lol, I know I'm lucky n__n
I've bought items that later dropped sooo much, though.
Like I bought this one donation item that cost me 34k and the VERY NEXT DAY it dropped to around 19k.
I was sad gonk

My mom actually told me that the ice cream man put drugs in the ice cream lol
And I'm sick of snow, there's ALWAYS snow on the ground here.
The Midnight Phantom's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 3:15 pm

The Midnight Phantom

Désolé, il a pris un temps de réponse. Je pense que son meilleur, je parle de ce week-end. Je n'ai fait que travailler et aller à la gym. Ennuyeux
Am sure those things are better than being super hot. But i still want muscle's and i'm also not religious in the slightest biggrin
I remember Fresno now biggrin Me and ma dad were looking up prices there and its like £700 per person surprised So we looked up San Diego and its £430 per person. So i think were gonna go there instead sorry sad I don't even know how far it is to Fresno from San Diego confused
You've never heard of Dancing on Ice? Its where they take celebrities and team them up with professional ice dancers then they dance and it goes down to the public vote and one by one they get voted off biggrin This year they've split the girls and boys up to different shows, but next week they go head to head.
Thats not bad at all. i expected D's and E's haha. I got 7 B's and 3 C's in my final exams in High School biggrin
She wants a holiday for her 21st so i think Me, Mum an Dad are gonna pay for it.
(shesh i nearly wrote love you then haha) Nick ♥
witty phrase's avatar

Report | 01/17/2009 5:41 pm

witty phrase

Nah, I couldn't everrrrr buy cash cards for an online site that I'm not ever going to use when I'm older. I just make smart choices in the marketplace

xDDDD consider yourself lucky! No, i've never gotten frostbite, thank god, but it was superrr cold ;__;
Summers are ok. Like, 95 is usually the hottest it gets around here.
ZXPLOSION's avatar

Report | 01/17/2009 5:34 pm


my name is tom i am glad you accepted my invite.
witty phrase's avatar

Report | 01/17/2009 5:32 pm

witty phrase

lol thanks. I'm proud of myself, only a year on here and I'm actually worth almost a million gold.
yay for inflation~

the past few days have been around 3 degrees.
Today FINALLY went up to 30 and I was like " crying THANK YOU LORDDDDDD"
witty phrase's avatar

Report | 01/17/2009 5:20 pm

witty phrase

Four years? =o
I just joined last year emo
I'm doing pretty good, though, for being here so short. xD

I live in Cincinnati. Don't come over, it's too cold. xD
ZXPLOSION's avatar

Report | 01/17/2009 2:51 pm


Thanx so much for the compliment.
Sends a a friend invite.
Nowhere99's avatar

Report | 01/17/2009 2:37 pm


No, I'm just a Marxist.
witty phrase's avatar

Report | 01/17/2009 1:06 pm

witty phrase

lol yeah, I was shy on here until I got my first MC too.
Then I'm like "WOW I MAKE GOLD SO MUCH FASTER WHEN I POST IN THE FORUMS" and my e-shyness ended. xD

I love starbucks emo
I would have to make them if I wanted some. We have macadamia nuts, i think...
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