Declare Independence

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1. What was the highlight of your week? Dippin' Dots.
2. Whose car were you in last? Morgan
3. When is the next time you will kiss someone? When are you coming over?
4. What color shirt are you wearing? Shrits are for people who don't want to get laid.
5. How long is your hair? Bald in most spots.
6. Are you good looking? If you wear a bag over your head.
7. Last movie you watched? Scream
8. Who were you with? Toy-Box and Skittles
9. Last thing you ate? Toy-Box.
10. Last thing you drank? Vodka
11. When was the last time you had your heart broken? Yesterday. /wrists /pain /cry
12. Who came over last? Toy-Box and Skittles
13. Are you happy right now? No. /throat /gurgle
14. What did you say last? Larfunargle.
15. Where is your phone? On vibrate down my pants, call me.
16. What color are your eyes? Contacts in or out?
17. Are you left-handed? Is that like, 'Are you retarded'?
18. Spell your name without vowels: Gll or Jrm
19. Do you have any pets? I kill animals for fun.
20. Favorite Vacation? Virgina I mean Virginia
21. What do you dislike currently? My life /toes /squeal /panic
22. What are you listening to? What I always do.
23. If you could have one thing right now what would it be? Your mouth.
24. What is your favorite scent? Ban deoderant.
25. Who makes you happiest? My hand.
26. What were you doing at midnight last night? My hand.
27. When is your birthday? I don't have them.
28. Who has the same phone as you? 300,000,000 people.
29. Last time you went swimming in a pool? In my dreams.
30. Do you read your horoscope? I'm not paranoid.
31. Where was the last place you bought something? Spencers
32. How do you feel about your hair right now? Can't touch it without orgasming.
33. Do you bite your nails? When they bug me.
34. Do you have any expensive jewelery? I'm not a whore damnit.
35. Do you have any expensive jewelery? Same question twice?
36. Myspace or facebook? Can't get sex from either.
37. How fast have you driven a car? 85MPH
38. Have you ever smoked? I love cancer.
39. What was or is your favorite subject in school? The subject of leaving.
40. Do you have Verizon? No, they stopped working for me.
41. What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for? I have an issue with dating psychos.
42. Do you have any hidden talents? I can do this funny thing with my tongue, wanna see?
43. Favorite Song? All Is Full Of Love
44. Do you like to sing at all? Not well.
45. Dream Job? Movie producer.
46. Where does most of your family live? New York
47. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? Only child.
48. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? Yeap.
49. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up? ******** you sunlight.
50. Do you drink? I'm an alcoholic.
51. Know any other languages? ... ALCOHOLIC...
52. Ever write a coded message? Yes, did it remain coded? No, apparently I'm ******** stupid.
53. Have you ever been IN a wedding? Yeah. Danced with my cousin and felt like a hick.
54. Do you have any children? 50.
55. Did you take a nap today? Yes. 4pm, everday.
56. Who has the same birthday as you? Jesus.
57. Ever met anyone famous before? Yes.
58. Do you want to be famous one day? No.
59. Any Pet Peeves? OCD?
60. Are you multitasking right now? Yes.
61. Do you like Britany Spears? I don't know her.
62. What is your least favorite chore? Dusting. Sneezing sucks.
63. Last place you drove your car? Motorcycle, cars don't have enough crashes.
64. Ever been out of the country? Yes.
65. Where were you born? New York, Brooklyn.
66. Could you handle being in the military? Bootcamp isn't bad.
67. What is your average cell phone bill? $75
68. Who are you thinking about right now? Munchkin.
69. When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard? All I saw was "Really hard".
70. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 4?
71. Are your toes always painted? Oh yes sweety, they're fabulous.
72. How many piercings do you have? 5
73. What are you doing today? Playing FFXI
74. Have you ever been gambling? We don't talk about that.
75. When is the last time you updated your page? What page?
76. Do you like rollercoasters? Love them.
77. Have you ever been to disneyland or world? 78. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Betty Boop, hot broad.
79. Last thing you cooked? Sirloin, spinach, mozerella wrap/potatos.
80. How's the weather? IT'S A STORM OUTSDIFEL OLOLOLOL
81. Do you e-mail? Occasionally. No.
82. What's the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? I recorded myself masturbating and saved it as my ring back tone.
83. Last time you were sick? November.
84. What states have you lived in? New York, Maine, Massachusetts.
85. Do you wish you could move? Yes.
86. Do you take all the quizzes? Hell no.
87. What is your dream car? Lamborghini Reventon
88. Have you ever wanted someone you cant have? Always.
89. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be? Peeing, thank god there is one question left.
90. Are you happy with your life? OH GOD MY LIFE! /suicide


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Favorite appetizer? Brochette
Favorite poultry, beef, pork or fish dish? Prime Rib
Favorite vegetable or fruit? Greenbeans
Favorite soup or salad? Soup
Favorite bread? Italian
Favorite cake or pie? Lemon Meringue
Favorite pasta or casserole? Pasta
Favorite frosting? Cream Cheese
Favorite dessert, cookie or candy? Choco-Stick
Mexican or Chinese? Chinese
Italian or Southern? Italian
Vegetarian or Meat lover? Meat Lover
Health food or Junk food? Junk Food
Organic or not? Why not?
Favorite kind of pizza? Extra Cheese no Sauce
Favorite ice cream? Cotton Candy
Favorite candy bar? Milky Way

HOLIDAYS/OCCASIONS (what food do you think of):
New Year's? Chips & Dip
Super Bowl? Cheetos
Valentine's Day? Cake
St. Patrick's Day? Deep Fried Leprechauns... Mmm.
Easter? Spanish Rice
Spring break? Vodka. Alcohol is a food group! smile
Cinco de Mayo? Mayonaisse...
Mother's Day? Milf
Father's Day? Filf
Graduation? Pizza
4th of July? Cookies
Halloween? Punch!
Thanksgiving? Mashed Potatos
Christmas? Log Cake
Winter? Candy
Spring? Sandwhich
Summer? Brochette
Fall? Hot Chocolate
Birthday? Cinnamin Crisps
Comfort food? Chocolate Cake & Ice Cream

What do you absolutely refuse to eat? Hotdogs
What food are you craving? Lasagna
Do you watch cooking or food shows? Never miss the "How the Make Things" Show.
Do you know how to cook? Uhm, I can cook ramen?
Favorite recipe? Ramen... With hot sauce...
Would you rather eat alone, with strangers, or with friends and family? Family.

McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's.? ******** that, Sonic.
Mountain Dew, Sierra Mist, Sprite? Mountain Dew
Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper
Dasani, Aquafina, Evian? Tap
Trident, Dentyne, Orbit? Big Red
Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate? Milk Chocolate
Sobe, Gatorade, Powerade? Sobe
Lays, Ruffles, Pringles? Pringles <3
Toast, English Muffin, Croissant? Croissant English Muffin

If you have pets, do they ever get table scraps?
I hate animals.
Ever eaten dog, cat, other animal food? Cow, Chicken, 'Squid'?
Ever eaten spam? Fried Spam sandwhich, ******** yeah.
Ever eaten green eggs and ham? In 3rd grade.

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Splooge Fest

Who did you last shoot a dirty look at? Rob
What kind of car do you drive? Explorer
Have you ever had a garage sale? No.
What color is your iPod? Black
What kind of dog do you have? No animals.
Do you drink beer? Alcoholic.
What is your favorite key chain on your keys? Little beaded lizzard.
What is in your pocket? Nothing.
Who introduced you to your boyfriend or girlfriend? Makayla.
Who is the last person you had a phone conversation with? Jennifer.
What DVD is in your DVD player? VG Spoofs
What's something fun you did today? I took a piss?
What do you think of when you hear the word "meow"? Kittens.
What have you had to drink so far today? Mountain Dew, Rum, Coke
What's the area code for your cell phone? Five zero eight.
Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now? I stole it.
Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror? Fuzzy handcuffs.
How many states in the U.S. have you been to? Eight.
What is something you need to go shopping for? Food.
Do you like pickles? I love pickles... Now I want some.
How about olives? Like those too.
What is your favorite kind of gum? Chicklets!
Do you have any tan lines? On my arms.
Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher? Mrs. Cruel b***h?
Who was the last person to call you baby? Toy-Box
When you're at the grocery store do you used the self checkout? CC Kids REPRESENT!
Has anyone ever sang to you? Yes.
Has anyone ever sang to you? Yes.
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive? ******** no.
What is your favorite color? Yellow
What is a compliment you receive way too often? I do not get them.
Do you like your parents? Yes.
Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone? Toy-Box
Where is the furthest place you've traveled? Germany.
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep? Eat
Do you look more like your mom or your dad? My uncle.
How long does it take you to shower? 35 minutes.
Can you do splits? No.
Can you use the grill? Yes.
Are you flexible? Nope.
What movie do you want to see? Doomsday
What did you on New Years Eve 2007? I got shitfaced and probably ******** something.
Was your mom a cheerleader? Yes...
What is the last letter of your middle name? A
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? About 8.
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Sometimes.
Are you scared of flying? Yes.
What do you sleep in? A man suit.
Do you have any tatoos? Yes.
Have you ever been to Los Angeles? Yes.
What song do you HATE? C'est La Vie (B*Witched)
Do you like chocolate? Love it.
Are you easy to get along with? No.
Any up coming events you're excited about? CIGSYA Dance






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