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Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 9:14 pm


AHHH How could I have forgotten who got me started on anime?!?!
HAYAO MIYAZAKI! Tonari no Totoro is what started it all! <3
I guess I should thank my mom too, haha!

Who knew anime would turn me into such a lowlife?! LOL.
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 9:00 pm


It's been a while since I watched anything new, but I guess my newest favourite character would be... Oh what ******** up irony is this?!
Soul... From Soul Eater.
Great! now Angel needs a new name, so he doesn't ruin Soul for me. e__e

Anyways! My list of art idols consists of Akamatsu and Arakawa of course. Also Nanae Chrono! Peacemaker Kurogane and my current crack-addiction: Vassalord~
I always kind of idolized Kouga Yun, just for her wonderful art transition between Earthian and Loveless.
I just love everything from Fujishima Kosuke! He's responsible for Ah! Megamisama (Ah! My Goddess), and the Tales series of games (minus Tales of the World which is unrelated).
Of course I love Nheira because he's my friend! He did the art for the oneshot "In The End" which was published by Tokyopop, but was under the pen name Pink Psycho. He's such a talented artist!
I don't usually like Manwha, but Hajin Yoo has a really great art style in Totally Captivated!, so Yoo is quickly climbing my list of idols too. :3

Then there's always the artists that I follow online too! So much love for each of them! <3
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 8:46 pm


My favourite is FMA, for no special reason at all. Just everything! The sciences, the characters, the art... Everything! I just love everything about it.
But I think part of it is that I just really love Arakawa Hiromu's work, she's just so awesome! Akamatsu Ken is on my list of art idols too, he did Love Hina. :3
As far as cutesy kawaii desu goes, you might like Happy Lesson. It has a lot of... Fan service. Boobs and stuff everywhere. But it's actually really kind of adorable and funny, and not usually my style at all!

I don't think I've had a method to choosing which characters I like. I tend to lust after blondes... I dunno why. I mean, they're anime characters so it's whatever anyways, haha!
Beyond that, I guess I tend to like the darker brooding kind of characters like Ryuhou of s-CRY-ed, or general badasses like Spike Spiegel of Cowboy Bebop.
Or characters I can slash, because I always make everything as gay as possible because i'm weird like that. :3
I guess it's usually just an 'at first sight' kind of thing for me~
The Queen of Sins's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 6:20 pm

The Queen of Sins

-Hugs Marc tight and nuzzles.-

The Queen of Sins's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 5:44 pm

The Queen of Sins

Miss you guys to!!

Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 11:00 am


Hmm... That's quite a list! I've seen a lot of anime and such... But honestly there are very few that i've seen from start to finish.
Even though FMA is my favourite, I've never seen Brotherhood, or any of the movies (even though I own one), and only saw half of the original series. I guess that was all I needed!
Not that I wouldn't want to see it or anything, i'm just very particular about how I watch my anime!

Let's see... I own Cowboy Bebop, Gakuen Heaven, Kyo Kara Maoh!, Loveless, Mirage of Blaze (I ******** love MoB), s-CRY-ed,
Sukisho!, a few volumes of FMA, Hellsing, Happy Lesson, Vampire Hunter D, lots of Miyazaki movies, and a bunch more that I can't think of right now...
And I've seen all of the above plus everything that's aired on Adult Swim and Toonami, like DBZ and Yu Yu Hakusho. As well as Pretear,
Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl, Fruits Basket, Boys Over Flowers, and another long list that I can't think of. xD
And the manga/manwha I own is mostly yaoi... Corrector Yui, Not So Bad, Boy Princess, Totally Captivated!, Yami no Matsuei, Gravitation, Loveless,
Hero Tales, Legal Drug, Silver Diamond, Tramps Like Us, Vassalord, Saihoshi: The Guardian, Tale of the Wanning Moon, From Up Above, and Stolen Heart. :3
I also have some FMA art books, the entire Monster Book of Manga series, pretty much every Anime Insider/NewTypeUSA/OtakuUSA publication there ever was,
and a ton of anime-cover sketchbooks like Bleach and such. I could go on all day about the things in this room... --in his bedroom--
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 10:39 am


I don't think I've ever sang in front of an audience of strangers before...
I was going to at MatsuriCon a few years back, but Soul was there, and I was really nervous.
And then my douchebag friends left and he was the only one I knew here,
and he'd made fun of my singing before, and it was just enough to make me say ******** it and leave. >_>;
I was gonna sing Ready Steady Go... It was an anime con, after all. <3
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 10:27 am


I wanted to make a zOMG Adventures type of comic, even though there's already quite a few out there...
But then Gaia shelved zOMG since "it doesn't make enough money", so I kinda shelved the idea.
It's just such a waste because it has so much potential! ;__; And I can include ALL the avatars!
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I guess i'm a generally chill kinda person... Karaoke around friends is cool...
Strangers, I don't think you could get be drunk enough to do it. xD
But I sure do love singing along to my music when i'm home alone too!
I might or might not be doing that right now... :3
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 10:08 am


Pshh. My friends at work didn't get why I liked Gaia until they saw some of my other things! Once they see how I have anime everywhere, they're like, "Oh... This makes sense now."
I draw it and watch it and read it, it's just kind of a way of life for me. :3 The majority of the people that I've told about it didn't even know what it was, so it's not so bad for me...
But Gaia has served as the source of a lot of inspiration for me, over the years. I mean, the character Deo was born completely of Gaia. I use gaia items as inspiration for some of my character's costumes...
It served as the inspiration for me to start a webcomic, and now I have tons of ideas floating around in my head! If only I could settle on one, haha. xD

I'm a generally quiet and reserved person, so i'm not particularly good with parties either... But in the instance with firefighting... I put my life in these people's hands, so a party is nothing!
I'm pretty good friends with most all of them, especially my partner of course, and after the initial "what are we doing here" awkwardness wares off and the karaoke starts... It turns into a good time. :3
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 9:47 am


Ohh yeah, we do all sorts of hilarious things at my work. It's a lot better than the previous office I worked at, honestly.
Everyone there was nice and stuff... But we just never really had fun, and they were all so much older than me that they didn't get my humor.
I talk about my online friends and stuff at work, and I can just see me saying something like that and they'd just look at me like, "Okay... I think it's time for you to put the Mountain Dew down..."

I sold my Jeep to give my mom downpayment money for her house, and I plan on helping her fix it up this summer too!
So I know if I kicked the bucket today that my mom would use the money for good things like taking care of her finances.
My sister would probably blow some of it on booze too... But she and I both know that she needs a new car.
The one she has now was a gift from me! Gawsh, i'm just so giving. LoL.

I would've totally done that if i'd have thought about it. Damn! I shoulda done that! It's okay though, he never messed with me or anyone on my department again. :3
We all have each other's backs! Even though I moved away and can't be on the department anymore, they still invite me to functions and stuff. And I still talk to my partner all the time~
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 9:26 am


That would be one hell of an amazing connection! I can tell Rachel at work, "This box smells like FUJIWARA."
And then give her a weird stare. She'll be like, "Okay, you have officially lost it..." Bahahahaha!

Yup! I have 125K insurance money on my head, and I want my mom to have the hundred and my sister to have the twenty five.
That way my mom can pay off her new house and have enough to buy herself a Jeep, because she loves them as much as I do,
and my sister will have enough to get herself a new car and put the rest in savings. I know that's what they'd do with it!

Brush fires were always fun here too. Haha, cops were even more so. I had this one fire that was a simple one, but for some reason
this stupid cop decides to roll on our scene and try to claim he was first responder, after we'd been there for 20 minutes and already had it contained.
This douche happened to also have a kid that went to my work, and he'd always come in late and curse up a storm when we wouldn't see his kid.
He acted like he was entitled because he was a cop. (This same cop also arrested me when I was twelve, let's call it a vendetta!)
But anyway, he rolls up and parks his car on our hose. Like, just parked his car straight on the line. Then refused to move it.
So I pulled up in one of our other trucks, right next to his car, and busted out the windows and ran the line through his car.
You don't ********' mess with an angry firefighter! Especially when they hate you as-is! He tried to sue, but firefighters have the right to destroy your car if it's in their way.
So we won. I'm such an awesome douche bag. :3
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 9:03 am


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Awww yeah blackmail!
I know that half of my situation has been my own doing, because when I first found out I was even sick, I went out and blew through all my savings.
Then when I didn't die immediately I realized I was an idiot so now i'm in a bit of my own debt. That Corvette was worth it, I swear! :'3
But it's okay, I'm just biding my time now. I know that when I do finally kick it, everything goes to my mom and my sister, and they're the only ones who really matter. :3

It's a shame that places don't take volunteers anymore too. Because police and fire are always complaining that they don't have enough people,
when there are plenty of people out there who are more than willing to put forth the time and effort and do it with no pay! They're putting their lives on the line and doing it for free!
But I guess they probably have their reasons. I know some people on my department were pretty stupid and were definitely a liability. I really loved it honestly. It was great work, and I learned so much!
It really humbles you in the end, I think. The people that thank you for saving their lives, and the people you couldn't manage to save. Really makes you think!

Wouldn't it be crazy... If I handled one of the same boxes you've loaded? Like... Holyshit our lives have connected because WE TOUCHED THE SAME BOX.
Amazing. <3
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 8:36 am


Maybe it's just an old people thing to suck with money... I just can't bring myself to view her as family when she basically ******** me over every chance she gets.
The forgery thing is so terrible too. She's not only done it to me personally, but when I was a teenager... She did it to the Government.
I was receiving social security because my father was, and I didn't even know about it because she was forging my signature on those checks too.
The only reason she'd added me to her account was so that she could deposit my money into it.
Fun blackmail for me though, because there's no statute of limitations on federal fraud. I can turn her in whenever I want!

I was Lieutenant Chief! It was a volunteer department, so I never actually got paid to do any of it... I worked at a pediatrician's office for the money part, and I do the same now but it's at
Nationwide Children's Hospital. The city doesn't take volunteers, so I can't firefight anymore; It's one of a lot of things I had to give up to live here. But I still have a valid fire card, and some of my gear!
So I have a little bit to remember it by at least. :3

But yeah, life has really known how to ******** me over lately! It isn't any wonder that I view cancer as a blessing, it's about the only way I have out! -__-
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/20/2012 8:10 am


Vent away? Oh boy, that's opening the flood gate! I'm so sorry for what i'm subjecting you to. D':

You feel my pain! This one's done the exact same thing to me. I feel like it's perhaps a bit worse because this is family that's done it to me, and it's not the first time it's happened either.
The person I've been... Bitching about... Is actually my grandmother. She used to have a house that both my mom and I grew up in, but she was an idiot and kept taking out mortgages on it.
She'd originally owned it completely, as it was inheritance from her parents, but she kept racking up credit card debt... Like, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of credit card debt.
So she took out a mortgage on the house to pay off the credit cards. Then turned around and used those same credit cards to pay the mortgage. Then racked up debt again, then refinanced,
and the cycle continued about seven times until she lost the house to foreclosure two years ago. I was too young to know about all of it at the time, but if I had... e__e

Before, it was just me and my house; I was a homeowner at the time. I had an internet connection, and that was it. I didn't need to even watch the news because I was a firefighter, and everything I needed to know came over my radio.
So, two years ago, she ends up moving in with me since she had nowhere else to go. She said that she'd help pay the bills, since they were gonna go up with her being there.Yeah, that didn't happen. She basically came in and
took my house over, brought three cats that i'm allergic to in and let them trash the place while i'm at work, stole my car, and started getting cable and s**t and putting it in my name. She got this like... HD package thing from DirecTV
that had a two year contract, so she forged my name onto it because she just can't live without her precious ******** TV. So then I get an offer to move in to this awesome house and stay there for free as long as I fix it up and i'm like, "******** Yeah!"
We move, because a bunch of legal crap meant I couldn't just give her my house and get out of dodge. Then I start getting calls about a thousand dollar cable bill in my name that I didn't pay, and i'm like, "Okay what?"
DirecTV thinks i'm playing stupid to get out of the bill, when I legitimately didn't know what the hell was going on. So I find out through them that she put this bill in my name and never paid it once, and then there's this 500-some
dollar fee to break the contract, and blah blah blah. After a huge back-and-forth I finally got out of the bill, once I'd proved my name had been forged, which was easy because the forgery didn't look anything like my actual signature.

Agreeing to move into this house was probably the biggest mistake I've ever made besides meeting Soul. Now I don't have a home of my own, I'm in a bunch of debt that she and I both created, and I just sold the love of my life... My Jeep.
(It was for a good cause but i'm still not happy about it.) I can't firefight anymore, keeping 2,500 square feet of house clean is basically impossible for one guy alone. Then add ten acres of land to take care of and a full time job...
Yeah, i'm pretty much under the water and drowning slowly. I'm not really sure what to do. I wanna run, but I honestly just don't have the money to run off and get an apartment somewhere. Sometimes life really knows how to kick me in the balls. e__e
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/19/2012 9:54 am


Still, I feel like I can't keep my e-mouth shut. >_>; In my defense, haha, this house was vacant for three years before we moved into it.
In that time, the only thing that anyone took care of was keeping the grass mowed. Apparently it's illegal to let it grow wild within city limits...
One third of the property is in the city, one third is in a township, and one third is in a village... So we have to follow the rules of all three. Joy!

I'm sure our landlord people hate us. They'd kick us out if any of them ever walked in here. But they probably hate us for all the stuff we've asked for.
But when nothing is used for three years, you can't really expect it to work right. That's why the heat and A/C broke, the garage opener thing died, the plumbing frikin' blew up...
It's not our fault! Okay, the plumbing was totally her fault... But everything else that's happened has been totally unforeseeable!

I think what I really need to do is pick up a second job and try to buy a house in my mom's new neighborhood. As much as I love this house, I just cannot stand that damn woman.
So I think it would probably be better if I just left. It just sucks that i'm not in a position to be able to do that, and I probably won't be for a long time. e__e
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/19/2012 9:39 am


Pretty much! Whoever lived in this place before me really didn't know a single thing about gardening! And, as-per my contract, gardening is my "rent".
Because i'm awesome and live in a giant house basically for free. But whoever was in here before... It's just a horrid mess.
So last weekend I basically threw my back out trying to get rid of these half-rotted wooden posts that they were using as flower bed liners... That made no sense at all, so I decided they needed to go.
Over the last few weekends... I've re-laid brick, took a tree down, planted flowers that i'm probably allergic to, moved a s**t ton of gravel... And it looks like I haven't done anything at all. -__-" There's still so much to do!

But yeah. That's more or less how my room mate talks to me. She's one of those people that compulsively spends money, and for some reason she seems to think that i'm her little chihuahua that she can just put a collar on and drag around everywhere.
So, since I was busy sleeping and being not-high for the first time in a week, she decided to wait until I got up so that she could try to drag me along with her. Turns out, i'm busy.
Since today is the first day that I can actually move my arms more than to just type, I plan on using them to draw. And i'll be damned if the white woman's gonna be holding the asian man down!
Holyshit. Sorry, I keep putting these text walls all over your comments. I fail! D:
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/19/2012 9:11 am


Hnng, I had a bit of a plan for the artz I was doing but I guess i'll have to scrap that!
This is more important! :3 Originally I was going to introduce it as drawings that RPC Shiro made, which I still could now kinda... But not the way I had planned!
Truthfully I hadn't even started yet, because I got hurt doing yardwork and couldn't function quite right. D: Today's been a good day though. I can start now. >:3
Until I get interrupted by my damn room mate again. I swear she thinks i'm a dog. e__e;
Shiro-Jin's avatar

Report | 05/19/2012 8:51 am


Holy mother of sweet tap dancin' Jesus! I'm gonna get right on that!
I must do artz for this, it is required!
Evil Spagetti's avatar

Report | 05/18/2012 11:30 am

Evil Spagetti

uhhmm ehm... i dont know xD
SnowWhite91's avatar

Report | 05/16/2012 11:36 am


Eh I get it from Shiro..he is stuck with my crazy a** since he molded me~!
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