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Just call me Bunny
I'm easy to get along
Live, Laugh and love!!

All about the fun and the thrill! I enjoy chilling with my friends, going out to parties. Like any girls i love to shop. I played college volleyball. I love my job. Nurse! Work hard play hard! Love meeting new people,(& this is where u come along) and having new adventures. get to know me more, and I'll be fun

I love good vibes =D

I am mean and nice; silly and serious; fun and boring;
outgoing and shy; sweet and bitchy; sporty and girly; single and taken;
loud and quiet; mysterious and obvious; Philippino and Chinese;
funny and serious; tall and short; smart and stupid; afraid and brave;
;locked up and free; total loser and cool; social and non social;
sad and happy; tough and easy; confused and understood;
creative and plain; random and random;
all of the above and none of the above;