

Hello People Who Stalked my Profile. This is me. Ok, first things, the name is Delena, you got it right? Call me, Delena, DeeDee, Dolono, or Dodo. lol. I love to Laugh, and i love to Live my Live to the Fullest. Doesn't anyone? I'm your average Asian, smart and awesome like that. Digg? I'm a teen (yah) , obviously. Knocked 14cards down in my life, and still aiming to be over 110 years old!Ok, basic information, I love the color orange. I love my family and friends. I love company . I love to Live. Laugh. and Love. Basically. I hate Spiders. I hate drooled on pillows. I hate people who use me. That's right. So yupp, that's it. I wish you a very stalked life . I can SEE YOU! hehe.