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GabrielleLetDown's avatar

Birthday: 11/27


Hey everyone my name is Gabrielle! I am unique and love all around me. At times things are hard and I know I can get through them. My friends are really important to me. I love to skateboard. I love music. I really enjoy drawing. I HATE the drama, so don't start any stuff with me...thanks (:
I don't put up wit dumb people who think they got everything. I enjoy everything in my life. I like to be crazy with my friends.I love being around my friends because they always make my day worth living for. If there's anything you would like to know about me just ask (: 'I'm not ashamed to be who I am...I don't label myself as anything razz I am a very nice, loving, and cool person to be round once you get to know me biggrin I am a quiet person at first but once you know me I can't stop talking. There are many obstacles that are in my life but those obstacles help you experience the things in life. I may not know many things that others know..but I sure as hell know a lot. (: I am who I am if you don't like me for who I am then just go away ;D..and find someone else to judge. TOODLES!! (;

Sister :p

Best Friend c:

Single! c;

Smile you're BEAUTIFUL!

I am 18 years old and I really enjoy making new friends anywhere I go..whether it be online or in public :3
I tend to be shy at first buuut, then once you talk to me and not just awkwardly I will talk back because I just absolutely love talking to people.
I love to dye my hair, I do have piercings if you can NOT tell lol ;p I do have stretched ears also and I like tattoos x.x
I can be very random at times haha okay MOST of the time cx If you talk to me though, you'll love me lol jk I don't know :*
If you want to talk then talk to me! Don't be shy! ;D

Hi! c;