
Hi! And welcome to my profile. 4laugh
My real name is Gaja, but people call me Gaia or Gaiichi-chan so choose what you like.
A few facts about me:

1. I love my friends. 3nodding
Friends online and offline are the same to me. I love them all and I would do pretty much anything within my power for the.

2. I adore anime and manga heart
My favorite is Ghost Hunt (the anime), but that is a hard decision to make.
I like a lot of other anime, too.
Yaoi and yuri...well that just rules!
Sadly in my small country of Slovenia (Europe, next to Italy if you don't know) anime is not very know and I have only one friend that watches it too.

3. Music. whee
It's very simple: Without it I would die.
I mostly listen to rock, punk, metal...and stuff along those lines.
My chemical romance, 30 seconds to Mars, Korn, Marilyn Manson, the offspring, Skillet, Nirvana, Metallica,...
I can't sing but I listen to it 24/7.

Some really awesome Gaia people:
x V a l:
She's my Gaia bff and she's really great, funny, beautiful and guilty for me listening to rock. She's also from Slovenia but I have never met her (you know because Slovenia is sooo big! rofl just kidding).

He's a very kind and Val's guy. I'm always happy to talk to him. biggrin

She's the only RL friend who made a Gaia account and used it for a longer period of time. rolleyes

Extremly Impossible Girl:
A really nice girl from Sweden. We talk a lot and it's always a lot of fun cool

I guy a talk to a lot (I think). He's also from Slovenia and we're in the same (quite small) city 5/7 days a week, but we haven't met yet. confused

she's great to talk to...but mostly on FB. xp

I wish this people would talk to me more again crying :




Pandora the Wonderful



I'm a writer by soul and it's my goal. heart I want to study English and become a world famous writer. Not from a selfishness or greed for money. talk2hand I just want to see people read and enjoy my books and what I write. English is not my first language so I still make mistakes but next year I'll take privet lessons, like tutoring to achieve a higher level. 3nodding

Piture of my dream avi
And the list of things for it.

Please donate I will love you for all eternity if you do so whee



Whatever comes to your mind!

I write it. You read it. You comment it!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

x V a l

Report | 06/15/2013 1:43 pm

x V a l


...just another comment passing by to see if you still use Gaia.

Report | 01/23/2013 3:46 am


Yeah......I know.......Thanks
x V a l

Report | 12/29/2012 2:11 pm

x V a l

Joj,hvala za pismo z božično/novoletno čestitko. Ne moreš si predstavljati kako prijetno si me presenetila.
Midve se še reeeeeeeeeeeees nisva dolgo slišali. Upam,da še kdaj pogledaš na gaio in boš videla komentar,ki ga ravnokar pišem.

Tudi tebi vse najlepše v prihodnjem letu. heart

Report | 07/25/2012 12:19 pm


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x V a l

Report | 06/12/2012 10:36 am

x V a l

Ej,jatz tudi.Čisto pozabila na gaio in na tebe. Vsakega toliko časa se zazrem v tvojo kartico iz Londona in pomislim,da ga morem tudi sam videti.
Slej kot prej mi bo uspelo. Zagotovo po gimnaziji,če že ne prej.
Naši hot navijači. Mislim,da sta obadva zasedena,tako da nimaš šans =D
Leto se končuje,zaenkrat mi ne kaže slabo.Jutri še odpišem matematiko,upam na pozitivno,drugače pade popravec. Joj,kar groza me je.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Čeeeeeeeeeeestitke! Kaj si je že rodila pred rokom in si postala velika sesta? ^^
Hehe,moj okus za glasbo ostaja enak. Čeprav zdaj poslušam veeeeeeeliko manj 30STM,obsedenost z Jaredom je še vedno prisotna <3 Prijatelj (ummmm,uh....um....v bistvu moj fant) mi je predstavil eno drugo grupo in zadnjega slabega pol leta živim z slušalkami od mp3-ja v ušesih in poslušam glasbo.
Veš kaj je največje sranje? Stara sem 18 in še vedno izgledam,kot da si osnovošolka. At least that's what I was told. Cashiers always ask for my ID -.-
Ti bi kar snakebite imela? V primeru,da jih več nočeš nositi,se ti poznajo luknjice? question
Samo čakam še,da dobim vozniškega in ti pridem na obisk xd
Yesssshhhhh,yesssssh. Minuto po polnoči na 15.april mi je čestital. redface Luštni sošolec (the one I had a crush on last year),ki je zdaj malo več kot sošolec. We're dating. *biiiiiiiiiiiiiig smile*
Jutri pa v prestolnico Slovenije in Gajino mesto. Razstava trupel,here I come! Funfun!!!
Moje življenje? Nikoli še ni bilo bolje,uživam tudi tisti del,ki ga morem preživeti v šoli. Počitnice se bližajo,jaz polna pričakovanj in komaj čakam na september-maturantski izlet;ŠPAAAAAAAANIJA! OLE,OOOOOLE!
Veš,da ne. Držim roke stran od alkohola. Vsaj zaenkrat =P Pa še nekaj so mi na zdravniškem odkrili v zvezi z krvjo in jetri,tako da ne bi bilo najbolje pretiravati.
Vanilla Armadillos

Report | 05/30/2012 8:05 pm

Vanilla Armadillos

No problem :]
Vanilla Armadillos

Report | 05/04/2012 4:06 pm

Vanilla Armadillos

Merry Birthday 3nodding
x V a l

Report | 05/04/2012 2:10 pm

x V a l

Vem,da več ne govoriva,ampak vseeno moram napisati VSEEEEE ******** ZA ROJSTNI DAN!
Morda se še kdaj vrneš na gaio in vidiš čestitko,heh. wink
x V a l

Report | 04/25/2012 10:23 am

x V a l

SMS me je spomnil,da je pravi čas za odpisanje komentarja. Še dobro,da si me spomnila. Skoraj me je kap,ko sem videla,da telefon vibrira in piše Gaja!
Zdaj se prvič oglašam na Gaio kot polnoletna. Ni velike razlike,hehehehehe,sploh nihče ne verjame da jih imam osemnajst. D:
Si se nagledala naših "lepotcev/navijačic"? Nista mi lušna,niti pod razno xd Kaj si pa delala v Kopru,kaj si med navijačicami? eek
Kako kaj življenje moje najljubše Ljubljančanke? Predolgo je od zadnjega komentiranja. <___<
Awwwwh,vseeno hvala ^^ Daj ugotovi kdo mi je prvi zažel VSE NAJBOLJŠE ZA OSEMNAJSTKO whee
x V a l

Report | 04/10/2012 6:30 am

x V a l

A si še kaj tu?
Heeeh,glej ko se rima ^---^


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I don't own this picture but I love House of Night heart