
This is a picture of me taken just last week on my cell phone.

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Report | 06/13/2009 6:53 pm


You are a boy.
Ryu Watanabe

Report | 06/08/2009 12:07 pm

Ryu Watanabe

:] enjoy your plastic girlfriend
Ryu Watanabe

Report | 06/07/2009 9:26 pm

Ryu Watanabe

apparently youve never heard someone intelligent speak before.. im dissapointed in your failure to appear any less stupid than you already did.. like i said.. im blocking you now.. (maybe you should re-read my last comment).. it may help you later in life if you ever decide to quit being such an idiot..
Ryu Watanabe

Report | 06/07/2009 9:15 pm

Ryu Watanabe

haha.. your false impressions of intelligence made me laugh.. you trying to sound smart now? and no it doesnt phase me in the slightest.. in fact.. if it did phase me i wouldve blocked your sorry a** about 10 minutes ago instead of replying.. im only doing this because im bored.. once im bored with you i will block you and never again will i have to deal with you inferior intellect.. you are just my play thing for now.. just a tool.. not only are you a tool, you are also a pathetic internet troll who likes to get clever and post stupid things on random profiles.. i dont know what drives you to do this.. do you think it is fun to insult random people.. is that the cool thing to do.. or is it a desperate cry for attention because you are such a loser in real life that the only way people will pay attention to you is if you piss them off.. im sure its the last one.. and ill give you what you want.. ill give you the attention you desire so much.. i bet that every night when you log off you pretend like your so amazing because people payed attaention to you.. deep down you know that you are just another loser who got skipped when the brains were being handed out.. you are a pathetic excuse for a human and you will never amount to anything useful.. you will forever be a useless waste of oxygen... im done playing with you now.. you will be blocked as soon as i hit send and nothing you say or think will ever waste my time again.. i wont give it a second thought.. your life is meaningless to me and i pity that you were even born in the first place... good luck living your pathetic and useless life, while i move on and do useful things with my time... you can sit there and spend your days on your computer desperatly clinging to any attention you can get.. good or bad.. and you will do that until your body has rotted so much that life cannot be sustained.. then you will be dead, and your body will decompose into the dirt that everyone sees you as

on second thought.. i wont block you just yet.. im not bored with you.. i hope you can round up as much as possible from that hollow head of yours to form some pathetic attempts at a comeback.. ill give you one chance to defend yourself, and then after that i will prove you wrong yet again and block you... choose your words wisely as they will be that last that i will ever hear from you..
Ryu Watanabe

Report | 06/07/2009 8:59 pm

Ryu Watanabe

again with the clever comments.. do you feel cool when you make jokes? do you feel superior when you insult other people?....

most importantly....... do you think that your idiotic comments phase me?
Ryu Watanabe

Report | 06/07/2009 8:52 pm

Ryu Watanabe

i aspire to be as clever as you are... tell me.. what book did you pull that one out of?

Report | 06/13/2008 5:41 pm


oh ahaha.

and nope. mine was swearing composers.User Image

Report | 06/13/2008 5:38 pm


nope, tell me why?

Report | 06/12/2008 7:31 pm


Haha I ******** love you!

*ties you up*
Sex Drugs R0ck And Roll

Report | 05/31/2008 7:20 pm

Sex Drugs R0ck And Roll

Lol. I ******** see the resemblance.


Send me a PM if you wanna talk. No guarantee that I will make sense.
Also, hand bra's. Hands optional. Unless you're underage. Then they arent. Unless you're to young to need a bra. Then WTF are you doing?