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To Drake♥-Me without you is like a nerd without braces, A shoe without laces, aSentenceWithoutSpaces
Well Ello There xD....U have Reached Ginas pro right now but she isnt here lol she is enjoying her summer vacation xP....LOL jkeeding ill still be on this wonderful website(sorta sarcastic)..Anywho lets talk bout ME lmaoo..My name would be from this wonderful place called fourteen years of age..My birthday is August 22nd buy me prezies ♥ lol joking..mabye...lets get one thing straight im not looking for any online relationships got it? good lol im IN LOVE with this amazing guy named Drake ♥♥ and i hope to god he knows that cause if he didnt thatd majorly suck a** lol anywho..i have many amazing friends but also people who annoy the crap outa me so make sure ur one of those people i love or atleast like..MY Best ******** we dont ******** thatd be so lesbian..any who her name is MELODY and we've ben through hella s**t and not looking into any more..Drama is stupid on the internet so keep it in yo ******** pants okay? no seriously im done with stupid online drama ive lost to many friends..dont add me if thts all ur gunna cause..cause im really tierd of losing friends and crying myself to big sis is Alex without her i would prob not be here cause i wouldve doen some pretty stupid s**t...but i dominate her mwhahaha lol...anywho im kinda tierd of typing and i think yall prob wont even read all this..I like waffles wtf random i know lol i can be random but dont judge i have my stupid moments but who doesnt just cause i have them more often than you dont hate or do i dont care cause i appreciate u puttign extra time of thinking bout me ♥ cause i love ya lol..well im done any questions ask....
PS:Karmas a b***h...Treat others the way u want to be treated
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