I'm a TwiHard. Read it!!!

while all the other girls wanted to be princesses, i kinda wanted to be a vampire.

I never got my letter to Hogwarts, so im moving to Forks to live with the Cullens

Jasper Hale - the walking chill pill

I'm having trouble coming to terms with the fact that Jasper Hale is a fictional character

The blond one...who looks like he's in pain.

are you a fangbanger?

Cullen Boys - cause they dont make them like that anymore

"Hi Jasper kill anyone today yet?" Jasper: "Day ain't over yet. "

Jasper making you feel all warm and fuzzy about spilling your guts.

Future Member of the Cullen Family

I ♥ Jasper (don't tell alice)

Cullen Baseball League

I keep trying to kidnap jasper but alice is always at his window with a bat, waiting for me, how does she kn- Ohh...right.....

Oh My Jasper

OJHD - Obsessive Jasper Hale Disorder

Vegetarian Vampire in training (hey we all slip up sometimes!)

Jasper Says Chill......and you listen

I Kissed Jasper and I liked it, I hope Alice dont mind it!


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GeLzMaRiE's avatar

Birthday: 01/16

About This b***h

* The name's Abigail
* Born January 16th
* I'm a colorguard at a school
* 7th grade but its almost over!!!
* Love Me, Hate Me. Personally, I couldn't care less
* My family && friends are amazing. dont know how i'd survive without them.
* I'm pretty insane and LOVE to have fun and be loud
* Meeting new people is great. but dont expect me to open up to anyone
* I LOVE to laugh.
* My sister Kassie is my best friend for life. we're never apart. maybe in distance but not in heart. i love dat b***h. 8-0 / 8-d
* I LOVE my friends. #1 of my bffle's is the amazing Sara Lorraine. But i have a lot of bffles. To name a few:
- Sara
- Kyra
- Cheyanne
- Nikki
- Bobbi
- Katy
- Rachel
- Jaclyn
- Carolyn
- Zoe S.
- Ari
- Jessica
- Sarah C.
- Bella
- Brielle
- Sooooooooo many more
* I don't mind being single, even though i am currently crushing on someone.
* I am obsessed with Jackson Rathbone (aka Jasper Hale)
* I LOVE music
* I HATE certain people......not naming anyone
* I can be pretty clumsy.......hehe
* You'll never see the real me unless i know u for a while
* Currently waiting for summer to shine its light for the first time
* ......GeLzMaRiE

Read it!!

I don't talk s**t. I state facts.

95% percent of teens would have a nervous breakdown if Miley Cyrus was on the edge of a tower ready to jump.
Copy and paste this on your profile if you would be part of the 5% saying, JUMP b***h JUMP!

I'm the type of girl who is always smiling, but when you piss me off I will FLIP THE ******** OUT!!

If I had skittles in my mouth would you come taste the rainbow?

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learing to dance in the rain.

Best Friends we're the kind of girls who laugh at a joke 4 times.
once when its told.
2nd when someone explains it to us.
3rd 5 minutes later when we actually get it.
&& tomorrow because we cant help but laugh together.

Mess with me,
Psh start running.
Mess with my family,
I'll beat you down b***h.

One night I was laying in bed looking at the stars and thought:

Psh. I haven't lost my mind. It's sitting at home right next to my common sense.

True Strength is being able to hold it all together when everyone else is expecting you to fall apart.

Behind every beautiful girl, theres a dumbass guy that did her wrong and made her strong

People too weak or lazy to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage yours

Theres no such thing as love at first sight, because you always have to take a second look.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain

You make me laugh....even when i don't want to smile

Love is only a chapter in a guy's life, but to girls its the whole book

Real love stories, never have happy endings, becuase, real love stories. never end.

You're the fruit to my loop, the star to my burst, the peanut to my butter, the pop to my tart, and most importantly, the BEST to my FRIEND!!!!

Make-up && pretty smiles hide so much these days...

don't fall for someone unless they're willing to catch u.

live for today, because yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never come.
_S3X1 CH1CA_14

She's my sista!! Were always there for each other! So if u got sumthn to say..say it to both of us..but im warning u...we can be pretty hard on ppl sumtimes so try not to cry..^_^were both pretty good at bein smartasses.

Bitches talk s**t cuz they think they know me. b***h if I had a d**k you'd be the first to blow me!!