General Mustang's blurbs

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Soliders relaxing. Myself with my beloved.

Roy Mustang
General in the State Military
2 Children, one on the way.

:Sitting behind desk, smirk: You can call me General Mustang..or heck you can even call me the Flame Alchemist. Whatever you do, just remember the pain.

:snaps fingers:

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Brig.General Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist and War hero.

The military's pride and joy, he works hard and is determined to improve the way things work around him.

Outwardly arrogant and playfully manipulative, Mustang is a very smart character who is always one step ahead.He also only wants whats best for everyone he cares about, even if he comes off as a selfish jerk.

We see Mustang's scheming ways at work when he devises a situation to allow Edward to take the State Alchemist examination, which would have otherwise been impossible as Edward is only a child.

While perceived as a glory hog who doggedly pursues promotions and praise, his true goal is to become Fuhrer and to reform the government, in order to absolve his sins in the Ishbal War. His goals are admirable enough that he earns the fierce loyalty of his subordinates, among whom are Dent (now Mrs.Mustang) , Havoc, McGillis, Breda , Whan, Fuery, Falman, and his buddy Maes Hughes. While Mustang is an unapologetic womanizer who is known to steal women from Havoc, he is now married to Colonel Franny, who is bearing thier 3rd child. He is very protective of her and would go to great lentghs to protect his new family, even though he knows she objects to all of his safty percautions.

A powerful alchemist in his own right, Mustang wears gloves with Transmutation Circles on them that are made of a material called "pyrotex/ignition cloth" that sparks when he snaps his fingers. By adjusting the oxygen content in the surrounding atmosphere through alchemy, he can create flames anywhere in the surrounding area at will and manipulate them as he desires. Amusingly, because of this, he is considered "useless" on rainy days. During the Ishbal war, Mustang wore an incomplete Philosopher's Stone on a ring, which increased his flame power and allowed him to destroy entire city blocks in a single blast.

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Item List:
Black Long Coat
Blue HIPster Shirt
Gung Xi Pants
Jolly Boots
Pirate Patch
Soldat Midnight Officers Cap
White Medical Gloves

Estimated Total: 24,465 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 06 February 2007)