
.Ghost.Me.'s avatar

Last Login: 10/05/2014 8:04 am

Registered: 06/15/2004

Gender: Male


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Queen Vampirate Report | 11/03/2013 5:08 pm
Queen Vampirate
Great avatar mrgreen
Thunder ll Report | 08/18/2010 8:10 am
Thunder ll
cool avi
Sk3lly-T0nks Report | 05/10/2010 9:23 am
2 years and contacting you back now.
How are you doing luv? Hows the spring weather for you where you are?
Sk3lly-T0nks Report | 09/25/2008 9:22 am
Yea... lots of extra! haha

wow you are on longer then thought... am I just that good or are you bored? haha and long tim eno speak convo friend for sure. ^^
Sk3lly-T0nks Report | 09/25/2008 8:44 am
Yea ... well aparently now we have 6 shovles.. dont ask my parents had 4 the first winter out here, and then they bought either 2 or 3 more i dont know so i am saying 2 to make is 6 haha... Where do you live exactly that you dont get much snow???
Sk3lly-T0nks Report | 09/25/2008 8:19 am
How i got him to stop.... -thinks- hmm well it got down to the point where i put my pants out of reach and if i was wearing them i just pushed him away and hit his nose and told him 'back off!" haha

Ahh I bring books, and games.. like my DS or gameboy.. I dont have a laptop yet but I am getting one ^^

And, we had lots of snow... In one day, we had over 5 ft of snow due to constant flow of the stupid stuff and I basically shovled the driveway about 4 times in one day, not to mention 6 times that day when the 5ft of snow came... and i stillhad to go to work.haha go figure... Boss says "If you can get out of your driveway then you have to come to work" i hate him and his stupid logic, plus he doesnt really have a reliable enough staff to cover shifts..
Sk3lly-T0nks Report | 09/25/2008 7:58 am
Yea, I am just thankful my cat doesnt chew my pants no more. He used to lick them and then bite them and me...xD Haha so yea, be thankful doggies would be all love for those clothing.

Ahh well my night shifts are kinda boring, Its slow at night where I work and its painful, though I am Full/Part time and my shifts are either 5 or 6 hours, i am still left with nothing to do if its dead in the first like 3 hours cus it takes 2 hours to clean up the shop. -sighs- Yea I am not looking forward to winter either, last year we had the worst winter in 15 years here in Ontario... and out Summer, was allllll RAIN!!! like... out of 2 months, maby a week at most was not raining.. it sucked so i am hoping that the winter is kinder.
Sk3lly-T0nks Report | 09/25/2008 7:36 am
lol. xD

I uhh.. well I work at a Mr. Sub, Pay is alright, hours suck and not many friends. The people are nice and tips are welcome.

But i wouldnt call it... better or more exciting then what you are doing. 5 days a week I work with food, and after a while i am sick of it and my work clothes smell like the food i work with T___T
Sk3lly-T0nks Report | 09/25/2008 7:15 am
Yeahs... I know what you mean. But its great to know your alive xD once every month thats very little.. What do you do for a living?
Sk3lly-T0nks Report | 09/23/2008 8:34 am
-pokes- we lost contact... i miss you T__T


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