
My name's Michele, and I'm 14. I'm a girl (duh) and I live in Southern New Jersey. I'm 5' 2" and I have short red hair (natural color's brown) and brown eyes. I'm not a normal person, and I love it. You might like me, but I don't quite know. I'm a good listener and somewhat easy to talk to. My favorite colors are black, red, and silver, and my favorite sport is lacrosse. My favorite animals are foxes, tigers, and wolves, and you'll always see me with my Ipod. (if you see me at all, since this is a website) **P.S. I'm straight, so if you're a girl and you hit on me, I'll be nice to you, but don't expect for me to be flirting back.**

†20 Positive Things About Me†
†I'm flexible.†
†I'm random.†
†I'm in Stage Krew (I know it's spelled wrong) for my school.†
†I like long relationships with guys; not ones that last a week.†
†I'm a Goth and proud.†
†I have many nicknames, including Shelly, Cake, Shella Monsta, Baby, Micheley, Mikey, Freak, Kiwi, Shell, & Micki.†
†I love to laugh.†
†My boyfriend Mike is the best thing that has ever happened to me.♥†
†I like rain.†
†Music = life.†
†Autumn is my favorite season.†
†I have a fetish with skulls and crossbones.†
†I enjoy the thought of Death.†
†Blood tastes good.†
†I enjoy playing video games.†
†I think Dane Cook is a genius.†
†My Chemical Romance is my favorite band.†
†I love DDR and can reach the Standard level on almost all of the songs.†
†I'm not afraid of Death.†
†I love my friends. (the few I have)†

†20 Negative Things About Me†
†I don't like preppy girls. (there's a difference between girly girls and preppy girls)†
†I'm a Pessimist.†
†I have a VERY low self esteem.†
†I don't like doing things slowly.†
†I HATE liars.†
†I'm afraid of water, clowns, bugs, and heights.†
†I get depressed very easily.†
†I have a "short fuse". (quick temper)†
†I hate basketball.†
†I don't like labels. (although I used one in my positive things)†
†I'm considered a freak by people who don't understand me or know me personally.†
†I can't sing.†
†I don't know how to dance.†
†I can't play an instrument to save my life.†
†I don't like cold weather.†
†I've been made fun of for 3/4 of my life.†
†I always have something sarcastic to say.†
†I don't like having things thrown at me.†
†I'm very violent.†
†I can sometimes be loud and obnoxious.†

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Viewing 12 of 56 friends


So Yeah... There's This Journal...

Yep. Just random or meaningless stuff goes here. Maybe something important once in a while. ....Cheesecake.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/04/2007 5:37 pm



Report | 08/13/2007 8:32 am


I have a sneaking suspicion that we went to school together for eighth grade...?

Report | 07/07/2007 5:02 pm


Is the pic with the colored strip of hair recent?
the pantsless

Report | 07/04/2007 7:13 pm

the pantsless

Hey Foxy Lady!

Report | 07/02/2007 5:12 pm


Daaymn, yo' avi sho b lukin' prty badass grl.

I hope that wasn't too hard on the eyes. I couldn't resist.

Report | 06/22/2007 2:04 pm


*slaps you* Don't ever mention that stupid cat again!!!!!!!
Lithium Snow

Report | 06/10/2007 12:55 pm

Lithium Snow

very prettyfuls

Report | 06/07/2007 7:38 am


penguin chronicles

Report | 06/03/2007 6:55 pm

penguin chronicles

ello mate wink

Report | 06/03/2007 12:11 pm


Oh hoho you have just been O rlyed! XD Hello Moto