My Shxt

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Ight Fawk Wut Ya Heard Bout me
I'm Alexis aka Alex <33
I honestly know I'm the coolest kid out there no questions asked!
I'm more than pixels on your screen, trust me.
I'm not what you think what i am, I'm something better.
I tend to be successful in life.
I tend to have boners when i talk to my Haily; its natural smile
I have a big attitude and sometimes can't control it,
I learned that there ain't no one out there that i can trust but me
I don't have a hero, cause I'm just not that weak haha
I jerk a lot it's a habit smile
I plan on achieving all my goals in school; and so far i gotta say i am achieving that; i don't want to be a loser,
I have high standards, if you don't meet em; you never will,
I learned that no matter how much i care; some people don't care back and i just gotta get over them.
Stay positive; I hate yer negative s**t.
I believe that things happen fer a reason, and what comes around goes around♥
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