
Hi my name is Vivian, most of my friends call me Vampire Kitty. I am 19 year old, i have lived in ohio most of my life XD, i have moved to florida to live wit my dad && start new. i have baby sister thti love so much, she is 6 years old, i have 2 brother tht i live wit now, they are 11 && 13. my sister is my everything i can never live without her in my life same as my little brothers..i have helped raised my sister since she was born && i was 15, she is a very smart girly tht will start school soon XD. i have a mom tht i love so much, even though we may fight && not agree on things but thts life lol. i have really good friends tht i love..Aryn, Kristi, && Simone...theses friends have always been there for me when i needed them..i wnt to become a vet, writer, && a hairstylest. i will be going to school to become a vet && a writer, i have went to school for cosmeteolgy i jus have to get my license for them..i work at mcdonalds..yes wht a drag but its money in my pocket so i dont really care XD..i have had a bad relationship, i has changed me to who i am today. im the kind of girl tht wont take crap from ppl but i am...
-easy to get along with
-lovable, and a whole bunch of other s**t...if you hurt any of my friends or family i will b***h you out bc im a nice person like tht lol...so if ur interested hit me up XD

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Gir_Lover3000's avatar

Last Login: 01/25/2018 4:52 pm

Registered: 04/06/2008

Gender: Female

Location: Apopka, Florida

Birthday: 04/04/1992



View All Comments

WhatsInTheStitches Report | 10/03/2009 8:56 am
Wow.... Oh hi, Viv.
Nice pinkness, babe.
WhatsInTheStitches Report | 10/03/2009 8:40 am
I know...
XD Its me, Jay.
WhatsInTheStitches Report | 10/03/2009 8:34 am
You loves Hemlinger!
AliasInfinitas Report | 10/03/2009 8:20 am
Nuhh uhhhh.
AliasInfinitas Report | 10/03/2009 7:27 am
I loves you morreeee! heart
AliasInfinitas Report | 09/29/2009 6:32 pm
Haha, I can see that. 4laugh
AliasInfinitas Report | 09/29/2009 6:25 pm
>.> I'm already on your friend's list babe. User Image


[i:e357e5b46d][b:e357e5b46d]~Vampire Kitty~[/b:e357e5b46d][/i:e357e5b46d][/size:e357e5b46d][/color:e357e5b46d]

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