
HEY GUYS! My name is Zena! (Oh you know your jelous!) I'm 13 years old, and EXTREAMLY hyper! ...most of the time that is...lol
I'm in the 8th grade and I have straight A's! WOOHOO! oh yeah! If you didn't know better you would think I like to brag eh? lol...well anyway moving on...my birthday is in April, April 28th to be exact. I live in Florida in the middle of stinken knowwhere! (I shall NEVER give out my ACTUAL name of the town! hehehehe!) And lets see what else...oh yeah! I LOOOOOOVE to sing, I also love Johny Depp, not as much as singing but almost as much. I don't like to be random...yeah right! I actually love ot be random and if you havent already figured that out by reading this you have issues. I also lOVE the little icon thingys....I am NEVER sarcasti! Me sarastic? Nope! never! ...ROFL!... that is sooooo not true...well since I have ru out of random things to babble on about...

Later loSer!

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